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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. Does anyone know, if the Council are reducing refuse collections by 50%, then are the going to reduce the workforce by the same percentage?
  2. Out him Bobby, out this brigand, this non-purveyor of piscatorial consumables, blow the whistle, grass him up, name names. Then we, as one, can tell him,"NO. we no longer want to buy our Arbroath Smokies from you. Clear off. We will find another establishment, one whose proprietor is a man of honesty, has principles, has a sense of what is right and wrong, has Cornish clams" Also, when you get banged up in the pokey, tip us the wink, we'll send you a cake with a bag of scratchings and a big jar of Vaseline baked into it.
  3. Oh Bobby. The shame. Now you have 'outed', then no longer will you be able to partake of a glass of finest in the Commercial. Your weekly treat of a bag of scratchings will need to be quaffed elsewhere. You will have to find other, seedier surroundings for your imbuement. You should be hanging your head in shame, wearing a hair shirt and beating yourself vigorously with your quiver tip. Nothing to do with the dogging, good luck to you, but fishing the Wye out of season, it's a capital offence!
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