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jbfc last won the day on August 10 2018

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  1. Almost certainly the Station Approach medical centre. Some hospital appointments for scans are already being directed there. So perhaps not that new....
  2. Worth looking at the detail, particularly on page 15 of the report in the link Martin has provided. On two counts: "The company was dormant at the time the contract was awarded in 2013". And "In January 2021 .... senior officers became aware that the council was contracting with a dormant company, BBLP. However the findings of this report were not reported to members until July 2021 and omitted to report that BBLP was a dormant company." Who knew what, exactly?
  3. Background seems to be http://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=50037054 .But which community organisation?
  4. The figures are interesting. At the Council elections in 2019, Newton Farm had by far the lowest turnout - 18.6%. Just 554 people voted, out of nearly 3 000 on the electoral register (and 17 people had their votes ruled as spoilt). The winning candidate received votes from just under 6% of the electorate. If the level of turnout was repeated at this by-election, the arithmetic is such that a candidate could still win even if they got no more than 100 votes - 3% of the electorate. So make sure you vote, and encourage everyone around you to do so.
  5. "The bikes will enable officers to police harder to reach areas, such as town centres, alleyways and river and canal paths". Whatever happened to feet?
  6. Housing would be good - though it might cost a lot to make the buildings suitable, For example, not much thought was given to energy efficiency in the design., If they had been proper northlight roofs - as on the original buildings - it would have been easy to fit solar panels.
  7. Years ago, before European countries adopted common dates for putting clocks forward and back, I was in France on a relevant weekend. I heard a tv newsreader say "across Europe, people will be putting their clocks back one hour tonight. There are only two exceptions: Great Britain and Albania."
  8. It's good that HC has people paid to watch the grass grow....
  9. From the BBC News web site this morning: "Public inquiry to be held into £27m link road Nicola Goodwin Reporter, BBC Hereford & Worcester A public inquiry is going to be held into plans to build a £27m link road to south Hereford. The planned Southern Link Road will join the A49 with the A465, south west of the city, through Grafton and Grafton Wood. Herefordshire Council approved the plans in 2016. But a number of concerns were raised about the route going through ancient woodland, the loss of valuable farmland and the impact on wildlife. It's been revealed the Department for Transport is going to hold a seven-day inquiry into the plans in October."
  10. .... which might put at risk the sub-post office in Putson
  11. From: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/feb/28/prezzo-restaurant-chain-to-close-a-third-of-its-uk-branches yesterday: "The Italian restaurant chain Prezzo is to close a third of its 300 UK branches, putting about 1,000 jobs at risk, the latest victim of the casual dining crunch. The chain, owned by the US private equity group TPG Capital, hopes to engineer a turnaround plan echoing steps taken by the burger chain Byron and Jamie’s Italian to keep themselves afloat. Prezzo’s creditors will be asked to approve proposals under which its restaurants’ landlords accept rent reductions. About 100 unprofitable outlets are likely to close altogether, including all branches of its Tex-Mex offshoot, Chimichanga, in an attempt to put the business on a sound long-term financial footing. While landlords have yet to agree to the plan – known as a company voluntary arrangement (CVA) – it is expected to result in about 1,000 of the 4,500-strong UK workforce losing their jobs. Sources close to the company said staff would be transferred to the surviving restaurants where possible."
  12. The site is the other side, from HFC, of the access road from Blackfriars Street into Merton Meadow. I don't think you would get a very good view....
  13. "However some of these rating are a year and a half old, some of these places could have deteriorated or improved since" And in one case more than five years....
  14. I understand that part of the thinking of the CCG is to expand the role of the community hospitals at Ross, Kington and Bromyard (close to what their role used to be?). And one of the selling points for this was that the community hospitals offered free parking. Clearly the Primary Care Trust, which, at least in principle is accountable for funding to the CCG, now sees an opportunity: http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/15361326.Parking_charges_to_be_introduced_at_hospitals/
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