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Everything posted by TheMole

  1. The thing that alarms me is the targeting of children. I know they send out sickofantic cards telling these kids what a valuable part of the group they are blah blah blah. It is disturbing.
  2. In the context of an airfield setting a 747 although looks it looks big, it's not until you put it in the setting of our quaint little town you realise the enormity of these things. Good luck taking the first A380 to the breakers!
  3. I read this thinking it would be about what to do with apples! I'm disappointed now.
  4. I'm guessing it saved them a fortune! Supposedly they traded off the value of the property against the work that needed carrying out?
  5. I initially joined back in the summer having read the page for a year or so previous to that. I had planned on becoming an active user. The one thing I found though is that the amount of new topics and stories being discussed are few and far between. Now I realise by just becoming a reader again I contribute to this problem. And therein lies the problem, those that are avid readers should become more vocal but how that is done i don't know. One other thing I would say is there are some very very intelligent people on here with firm views and it can be intimidating to offer your view at times. That said I'm going to give it a good go again. Tech Geniuses: How easy would it be to make a Hereford voice app? I think this would be a major step forward in gaining new contributors. probably unworkable tho!
  6. I am part of a Union and I am seriously considering cancelling my subscription! I really don't believe they represent my views in the slightest. I certainly have no doubt that they are 'in bed' with the employer. The branch rep just used it as a means to feather his own nest and ensure his job was as easy as it could be. The newsletter goes straight in the bin unopened. Think I'd be better off cancelling my subscription and saving it towards something nice :)
  7. We are "large" household we will recieve a bigger bin. This means that i can put out 6 bags a fortnight Wahoooo!" I currently put out 2 or 3 bags a week so that should work for us. Although im sure i could get one or two more bags in there! As pointed out earlier it will be impossible for the operatives to check the contents of the bags prior to vehicle loading so we can get away with put anything int here now surely? Presumbaly it will be a system identical to that in place for the recycling in that they will take the wheelie bin to the vehicle and the vehicle will tip it into the truck? This emliminates some risks too. Im not sure i would want to be handling loose black bags all day, with broken glass, sharp cans and what not all vying to rip a gash in your legs! It may also eliminate the operatives going through our rubbish and taking out what they want. I have watched bin men do this and reported them earlier this year when i watched them open a bin bag rifle through and remove things and put them in the cab. This was explained apparently by the fact that it was a rural wagon and they rip open the bags to get more in? Have you ever heard such bollocks! So when i asked how do they explain putting things in the cab the boss had no explaination and said he would talk to them. Big deal. The staff down the tip can be the same. You see some things being hooked back out, and hear talk of, nah, theres no money in that now. Correct me if im wrong put do i not commit an offence if i remove something from the waste, be that the tip of someones balck bags? Back to the subject in hand, did everyone not complain the same way when recycling went once a fortnight? I think it will work out in the end. Although mind you, im glad i dont live somewhere like Sherbourne Close!
  8. Has anyone been in High Town Hire / Amore lately. A couple of weeks ago there was a hand written sign saying that they has 20 Lambert & Butler (May have been Benson & Hedges i forget which it was). I enquired as to whether they had any, to which the reponse was yes. I then asked how they could sell them at that price and suddenly they had no idea! Hmmm. Not just an Eastern European problem!
  9. it's great that they have been grass cutting up on Newton Farm. I see today that they have cut the patch of grass in front of the houses at Eardisley Close. A single mattress had been dumped amongst the long grass, where is that mattress now I hear you ask? Well it's still there, they only bloody picked it up and moved it, cut the grass and put it back. Shocking. So that got me thinking who's job is it to pick it. Obviously not theirs?? So do they go back and report it to another department and waste yet more money sending someone else to do what they could have done?? I bet it just stays there. And no doubt more rubbish will be attracted soon enough. If only someone had pointed out what would happen if you let the grass grow that long........oh wait.....
  10. Wow, you're the one Stupidfrustration! The one person i would find one day that thinks i talk sense! Thanks Just a shame we will never get the sort of joined up thinking that will help this issue!
  11. Early intervention is key, but probably too late for those already in the group. It would prevent there people generations to follow this one but how do we deal with the issue of the current crop? I said earlier i dont think they all want that life, maybe one or two at most, but it is a case of catching them when they are most likely to want to change, and this will be at a different stage for each individual. This is true inlife in general, people will only be receptive to things when they are ready to take it on board. So, what about cutting out the source? Stop any benefits they recieve? This wouldnt work as they would resort to begging, again an anti social problem or worse still shoplifting, and we all know there is no real consequnce for a shoplifter, just a few hours in a cell really. Deal with the drug dealers? Proactive policing to prevent the supply of drugs by taking out the drug dealers. Again this wouldnt work, cause for every drug dealer removed, there is another one waiting in the wings to take over a patch. How about putting procedues in place to prevent the sale of alcohol to these people? Again this would fail as there would always be someone willing to buy it for them. Being moved along? This would be a classic game of cat and mouse with the police which they would always win and they would end up in exactly the same place as they started. The list would go on. This is what makes me think it is too late for the current group. So what if a two pronged attack were the best method. A safe zone for them so that they can be kept an eye on and police can monitor the group. At the same time a early intervention plan which would prevent necomers to the group and the formation of new groups. The big problem with that is, it would need a mutli agency approach and we all know that communication between these agencies is never upto scratch hence how we get to this situation!
  12. There in lies the problem. There is no magice solution to the issue. If we could come up with it i would suggest we would be in a very well paid job by now. I cant believe that anyone deep down would actually choose a life like that. Prehaps im wrong.
  13. I have corrected the above for you! :)
  14. I am delighted with this news. I for one am proud of the council for getting everything in order. I am excited and look forward to the change in the coming years! *Please take this with the large amount of sarcasm with which it is meant! Picking up on the point made by megilleland, how can a management company know how to run the council with the specific challenges that it faces? Although i suppose the council has only been around a year or so now so are still inexperienced so could do with some advice. *Again please insert sarcasm here. Theyve been at this game for ages now, surely they know what needs doing. 12-15 months???!!! Dont rush then, its not like its costing a fortune or anything. Why do these things take so long? In a previous life i was a Store Manager of a large shop, if my line manager came in and told me what he wanted done and i had turned round and said, yeah thats fine, i will put plans in place to ensure it is done in say 2 months? He would of laughed in my face. I think large timescales are attached to things like this to line peoples pockets, be that private companies such as consultantancies or individuals who "slide" into temporary posts created by such a plan. I have the pleasure of regularly going to the glass ivory tower that is Brockington HQ.. I usually visit around 4pm, there is rarely any cars parked in the "special" spaces reserved for the top brass, it is dead inside, and anyone that is there is on there way out. The only people about are the admin, "frontline" staff who deserve better. I dont find the amounts mentioned nauseiating and believe that those perfoming should be well renumerated, want does get me bile rising is that complete lack of value we get for the money at present. Only working til 4pm does not represent good value for money nor does the current state of the council. So someone hasnt been performing! Now go and cut our grass
  15. This would sound like an ideal location for me too! It has clear defined boundries, it would be easy to errect obvious signs to warn members of the public of its exsistence, it has minimal impact on residential dwellings, and like you say the diversion for those unwilling to go that way is not too far. The town centre police team could then incorporate the site into their patrol plans. Ok sorted. We'll start it tomorrow! If only it were that easy! Lol!
  16. I must admit ive always been a fan of so called, tollerence zones for the part of society that have addictions issues of this nature. I may get shot down for saying this but i do feel a little sad for them as once they get into this cycle its so hard for them to get out of it and quite often a vicious circle. No matter how much support offered society will never irradicate substance missuse and the associated addiction, so if thats the case, control has to be the next port of call. If they can be given a zone to congregate in that is away from main public thorough fairs and secluded as far is possible, and that the area is made safe for them then they can get on with whatever it is they do, within some strict boundries. This would be where the local policing team would come in, and the lisasion with these people. That way, the police build good intelligence about the group, they know where they are and whos doing what and in return the group get a place to go and be in private. Its far from ideal i agree, but it relieves the problem of how it looks to members of the public and more importantly the impact it may have on children.
  17. I see that some grass has been cut around The Oval, not sure who by! But even when cut it still looks so untidy, all the long grass cuttings left to rot. I also see that the residents claimed back the green outside their porperties and cut it themselves! #communityspirit I wonder if i can get the Council to pay for my hayfever products since the length of the grass must be adding to my misery!
  18. Cant see the wood for the trees!

  19. Hello! My first post so should make it memorable really but it wont be, lol! Been a long time reader but couldnt resist dippyhipp's polite request I think this board is much more informative the the Hereford Times and tends, on the large part, to focus on key issues. People need to remember that we will all have different views on life, some can be a bit bit more forceful than others but as long as respect is present a good ding dong can be fun Looking forward to posting!
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