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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Had a letter a few days ago from Charles Nicholls re:- Westfield Park. A sort of survey form for all the residents around Westfields and Bobblestock. Fair play to him, he has worked hard at the site, saving the tennis courts etc. Now the proposal is to put a track around the park with benches and planting to provide access for joggers and walkers. My wife and I belong to the residents association and have been active in helping there. Maybe more like this could be done around the county:- Councillor leading and residents involvement.
  2. Never a truer word spoken Dippy.
  3. Roger, stop "carping" on. There is a time and "plaice" for fish stories, even if you are a "dab" hand at them and the "sole" of discretion.
  4. Fantastic. Remember always.
  5. Ragwert, my humble and sincere apologies. Bobby, I too smoke and have done for the last 44 years. I also drink ale, wine and scotch, probably more than the health box tickers advocate. Smoking should be a personal thing and not for the drones to vilify. My point too all this is nobody, scientists or research have proved that smoking kills you! It may trigger dormant cells, but so may salt or alcohol or sugar - anything that is the latest scaremongering journalistic trash. Live your life as you want to. I do.
  6. Thanks Dippy, just saw red for a moment. SF, appreciate your comment, but no, I meant tobacco. Death certificates have to record the cause of death not what contributed towards it. For instance:- carcinoma of the throat. A doctor or pathologist will not put anything else on the certificate, that is for the coroner to establish cause. As an aside:- don't think that tobacco is only used for smoking. Tobacco contains nicotine which is highly addictive. Breakfast cereals and certain other foods contain Vitamin B3 - which is Niacin - Nicotinic Acid or Nicotine. Good against the onset of Alzheimer's apparently. And also if tobacco plants take nutrients from the soil, they will also take up poisons- Arsenic, lead, cadmium etc. So will other plants- leeks, cabbage, potatoes. Smoking tobacco can cause death, but so can a hell of a lot of other things. The "puritans" who wanted, and got, their way with the banning of smoking in pubs have led to the death of so many pubs and the loss of 100's of jobs. Stop smoking they said and people will rush in to eat there. Not happened. Bit of a rant I'm afraid, but good for the soul.
  7. Why, site monitor, have I had a post voted down for the truth. Because "Ragwert" didn't understand it, or not like the truth. If you don't like what I post, ignore it- tell me you don't, and why- or accept that other people have genuine views.
  8. There has never been a Death Certificate issued with smoking recorded as the cause of death.
  9. Whilst I agree that some drugs should be made legal, if they were, how long do you think it would take the "Where's there blame there's a claim" parasites to find some idiot who would insist that smoking legalised cannabis got him/her hooked onto heroin/crack etc. It's never going to happen except maybe prescribed by doctors for certain ailments, but don't hold your breath.
  10. Is nobody allowed to question their decisions? What a bunch of egotistical self-important prats.
  11. Thank you Biomech for reminding me of the glass. All over the place. The "road" was surfaced from the Common to the new pedestrian crossing, but not from the junction of Grandstand Road to the flats and the Children's Centre, or apparently, the Jehovah's Witness Centre who know that a divine being will make the potholes disappear and we will all live happily ever after.
  12. This is my first foray into asking you good people, who do I complain to; and is it worth it. I work in Ledbury, and, on occasions, I bike ride from home(Bobblestock) to catch the train there and back instead of using the car. Kills me, but at least I can have a beer the night before and have no fear of our illustrious Police Service/Force pulling me over. My gripe is as I ride through Widemarsh Common and out onto Prior Street, who is responsible for cutting back the overhanging tree branches. Has this service gone the way of the grass cutting, or been forgotten entirely, as it is a slalom at 0600 to avoid trees, pedestrians and other riders going the opposite way. Your help, acerbic comments and general lampooning is appreciated, and expected.
  13. One Commissioner or 158 bobbies on the beat. No contest at all in my humble opinion. Going back to the original post, having been in town on the weekend, it seems the only time that officers were present was when there was a home game for Hereford United. Now, without risk of upsetting the followers of the round ball game,( instead of the proper oval shape), will the demise of the club enable Officers to be relocated to local disturbances or crime.
  14. My daughter and I were in High Town yesterday (Tuesday), and did not see any representation of our fine Police Force. However, whilst driving back home down Grandstand Road, we passed two Officers on push bikes wearing full kit, helmets etc. in this heat. Needless to say, they were not exactly speeding, but fair play, they were out there. As a codicil, there is very little crime or obnoxious behaviour around here. Down to bike patrols'?
  15. Oh dear. 39% for me on questions about 3 Elms Ward. Religion did it for me as well along with the other 6 questions. Ah well, best visit the actual 3 Elms and brush up on the clientele.
  16. Could we not get herds of Hereford cattle on parks and verges on a rota basis and actually save money on grass cutting. Instead of tourists seeing unsightly 3' high grass, they see a wonderful advert for the county.
  17. Having the choice to have a brandy with a coffee is nice. What's the matter with a pub? They serve coffee's. I frequently patronise a pub not far from the cathedral that serves me a coffee and brandy and has a beer garden.
  18. Dippy I have been an avid reader of this site for some months now and have had opinions on some of the topics. I have become a member to air my views. I am not a native Herefordian, but settled here after meeting my wife (Ross-on-Wye) and finishing in the Royal and Merchant Navy (some 22 years). I now work in Ledbury and despair at some of the appalling decisions made by the council. I hope that I can hold my head up here with you "seasoned" campaigners.
  19. You are probably right Ubique, sign of the times, but all anglers carry knives so better safe than sorry. I'm not really aux fait with the relevant law but would surmise as you have to have a licence to fish, not having one would be a criminal offence. Poaching maybe?
  20. As this is my first post, go gentle. I must admit that I have tried some coarse fish, mostly as a young lad, which I made my long suffering mother cook for me. Chub was like eating cotton wool with needles in it. I did enjoy a pike once, but didn't bother again because of all the little 'Y' shaped bones. Carp was like muddy cotton wool. I now restrict myself, and family, to fresh sea fish or frozen fish fingers. Different cultures mean different tastes and maybe it's up to us to "educate" the immigrants that we do not allow it here. That said, they will probably do what they want to do, screaming that it's their human rite and how dare we tell them how to live and please get out of this Delicatessen as it's for our own people only.
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