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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Ubique, thanks for the explanation of my nickname - you are way off. As for being vetted, I'm afraid I'm not a member of the great club "Faceache" or "twatter". I,ll just turn up with my RNA membership card. OK?
  2. Thanks for that, I would have looked a complete idiot on my own at the Richmond Club. I presume the Management will allow ex- submariners in? I scrub up fairly well!
  3. Ubique, I thought I saw this advertised at being held at the Richmond Club.
  4. We used to drive on the left, now we drive on what's left!
  5. Try Ledbury from the Train Station to the town centre. Unbelieveable! Also, for cyclists, big flooding problem on left hand bend by Widemarsh Common.
  6. Trump has said what a lot of people agree with. Maybe not in a Diplomatic way, but from his heart. He is no fool. Someone has to take a stand against Terrorism and he has set the ball rolling. Horrific incidents in Belgium, Germany and France recently - all due to the Schengen agreement allowing free passage. Trump is only tightening his borders similar to what we want here in the UK.
  7. Well said sir!
  8. Excellent idea.
  9. Mr. Chappell, you say in your missive " that if Herefordshire City Council can find the income, without increasing the council tax >>:-". When, in the last 5 years has the Council Tax not increased! And yet still no money spent on essentials but on fanciful dream ideas of road networks leading nowhere. I don't expect, as you say, that you will read this. Seems to me that you can conveniently ignore what you don't want to hear. In the meantime, I shall lobby the councillor for my own area and see what can be done. BTW, I don't care if a spring costs £250.00. And, may I say, your reply borders on the most childish, sarcastic and petty statements I have ever read from a supposedly forthright citizen of this county. Regards.
  10. Brilliant fry up for breakfast. Perfect hangover cure. Don't know what to put it down to? Lack of passing trade? People frequenting posher coffee shops? Whatever, great shame. I shall have to go to my number two café now, at the County Bus Station. Yum!!
  11. I found a lump on one of my testicles last October. On phoning my local surgery, I got an appointment 1 hour later. After a brief examination I was given an appointment with a consultant for an examination and scan the next day. I was told that in his opinion it was a cyst and an operation was scheduled for 4 days time. Brilliant experience, if rather painful! Further-: my wife and I went through the IVF route to have our wonderful daughter. Due to the drugs given to my wife, she suffered Hyper-Ovarian Syndrome. This affects 1 in 10,000 people. After feeling ill for two days, we went to see our GP, who diagnosed the illness immediately and my wife was admitted to hospital within 3 hours. The care given was exemplary. Our daughter had an asthma attack one evening, and, on phoning the NHS Care Line, we were advised to go to A & E. On arrival, we were seen by a consultant paediatrician within 10 minutes. Our daughter was admitted to the children's ward immediately, and had the consultant check on her every half hour throughout the night. The nurses were so attentive, compassionate and professional. I have been a volunteer for Herefordshire Health watch for a number of years now, and have seen quite a bit of the Healthcare in the County. Whilst, admittedly, I have no other experience of other Counties Health Care, I believe that Herefordshire, whilst maybe not the best, is certainly not the worst. These are 3 experiences of our families health care with Hereford Hospital and our GP. I have nothing but praise for the care we have been given. Dilligaf, I don't know if you are on a "Witch Hunt", or have an axe to grind with the hospital, but may I assure you that you will find nothing but praise from myself and my family for the care we have received from the hospital and our local GP's (King Street & Bobblestock).
  12. Is this site for things in Herefordshire or a political advertising site?
  13. Oh dear, all this anymosity regarding swearing. Around about 9 times a year I go to six ways to watch rugby. Around 4 times a year I go to other grounds. I stand with families, opposing supporters, drink beer from a glass and never hear a swear word. NEVER. It is not the game, and I'll say this, but the mentality of the supporters. If you feel the need to express profenities with children around, carry on. Me, I love to help the kids enjoy the game, unsullied in embarressment. Football/ Soccer may be the best paid game in this country, But Rugby is definately the best social game. Villify me if you will, but swearing in front of children can never be right. NEVER.
  14. Thank you Colin for making the effort to find my original post, Mr. Chappells reply and for contacting him. I am not a betting man, however, if I were, I would bet a pound to a piece of Chinese excrement that there will not be a favorable reply to the repair of the play equipment. Absolutely bl**dy disgraceful.
  15. I posted a comment on this, namely the trampoline, around 2 years ago. I was advised, on this site, to contact the appropriate Councillor. I did. No reply. No repair. If you can't repair a child's playground, then there is no hope for roads, buildings,bridges etc.
  16. £3.5 Million eh! And how much more to bring it near to being the prestige hotel it should be, and has been, in the City?
  17. Denise, who cares if it is related to the Masons. Our history is being ravaged!
  18. Went into town tonight at 1900. Dead. Shops closed and others closing early. Shame as choir singing and Old House doing childrens entertainment. Where was the advertising, or, is it too early!
  19. At risk of sounding like Adrian, the fairly new mini island at the junction of Yazor and Grandstand is subsidising, throwing cyclists into the middle of the road. But don't expect anything to be done anywhere in the city, I heard last week that BBLP are looking at, and warning employees, of redundancies as there is no money left.
  20. As I was "marching", I was glad of the weather. I managed to get a look around as we left the square and proceeded back down St Owens street. There were a lot of people, made me proud.
  21. Return on the No 77 from Bobblestock to Holmer School and back used to be £3.00. Today it was £4.00. Apparently 12 months have passed since the takeover from First, so old contracts do not apply. A child's single was £1.00, today - £1.75. So, last week to get me to school to collect granddaughter and bring her back was £4.00. Today - £5.75. Bl**dy disgraceful. Another 25p and it would be a 50% increase. Sod 'em.
  22. Must be old age. Put the clocks back! Can't remember where I bought them.
  23. Dilligaf, Although I don't, if I lived in the houses in the photographs, I would be incensed that a photographic record of my property was available to prospective burglars/thieves. Is this the law that you are saying has been broken or something else? Yes it is unbelieveable how clear they are, hence my reticence. BTW, how was the concert? We haven't spoken since. I am considering buying the latest from Miss J. Talia. Any good?
  24. I may be completely wrong, but are not these power facilities held in reserve to the National Grid to supply power "on tap" as it were, with quick startup. This is to alleviate having coal fired stations, still burning coal, on a standby basis. Also Wind Turbines that supply b*gger all when the wind doesn't blow. Sorry Denise, I should have read your link first.
  25. Takes about 4 hours to charge a car when parking is limited to 2 hours.
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