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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Following on from Charles Nicholls, may you at least equal or , hopefully, out do him. Good luck Sir.
  2. The new European country of Australia will win. Followed next year by North Korea.
  3. Adrian, I would love to meet you for a pint or two. Just to hear all your gripes against humanity, royalty, restaurants and traffic calming. It would be like the anti-thesis of being at home. You Sir, could market your negativity to politicians. With good humour, Slim.
  4. Out now. We can sort everything out later.
  5. I don't know much about the bible, but wasn't there a line about easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven?
  6. At school today, my daughter and the rest of her class sang the National Anthem. Her teacher asked if anyone knew of other times when the anthem would be sung. My daughter came out with :" When the England rugby team play!" Bless her. happy birthday mam. She took on the throne in the year I was born, and has reigned supreme ever since.
  7. On this point Adrian, I wholeheartedly agree with you.
  8. Adrian, a lot of people who do nothing for this country, eg:- non working folk, have had had a good lifestyle paid for by the taxpayers. Don't mock something that is respected by a lot of people in this country, regarded enviously by a lot of countries and is vitally important to a lot of incoming trade.
  9. Cambo, thanks for the diagram. Is this a traffic island letting vehicles turn right or a triangle only letting left turns only. How does traffic carry on along Edgar Street? Seems madness if latter as trucks would have to go to Tesco/Debenhams island and all the way round to go back down Edgar Street, with the lights outside the Theater. Seems ludicrous to me.
  10. Ubique, I seem to remember talk of a traffic island being placed there. I may be wrong. Often am according to my wife and daughters!
  11. From skate park to flats. Mindless.
  12. Everybody on this topic say's that this would happen. So much money is poured into "South Hereford" with these responses by feral youths. Stop giving them facilities and make them earn them. Signed: - peed off Northern resident who get Knack all!!
  13. 2nd.
  14. Interesting points. I talked to a neighboring Polish family only two days ago as I noticed a "For Let" sign had gone up. A nice family. I asked where they were moving to, and the answer was that they were leaving Britain to go to Germany as the guy's job at Sun Valley was under threat, the job in Germany paid more and he was expecting Britain to leave the EU and was afraid they would be "kicked out" and be homeless so better to leave now. He told me that there is a rumour being spread around Sun Valley about redundancies and deportation. I did say that I doubted the deportation bit, but his reply was that he did not want to risk it with his young family so had accepted the job offer and leaves at the end of the month. So sad really, nice polite people who have settled here, children go to local school and speak fairly good English (better than my Polish!) and both working The parents, not the kids. I did not ask if he knew who was doing the scaremongering but then, that's his business.
  15. Ok thanks for providing the names. However, don't you think that applying for a position at the head of Police for three counties, you would tell/inform the people that you are there to protect and help, what exactly you stand for and how you are intending to protect and help them. I would. Then again, I don't have my nose in the trough of Public Money.
  16. We bailed out the banks, so why not the steel industry. Oh, I forgot, we are not allowed to interfere unless the unelected government of Europe says we can. Complete and utter bo**ocks.
  17. Put a few infra-red activated skeletons around. Soon frighten the buggers off.
  18. I too received my polling card. Who are the candidates? Nobody has bothered to tell me so I shall not bother to vote.
  19. Question. If the public vote to leave the EEC, will David Cameron be a fit leader for the country, having nailed his colours so firmly onto the "stay in" mast?
  20. I cannot envisage any situation when I would leave my daughter (5) on her own.
  21. True. Anyhow, with due deference to your moniker, I got "his" new cd yesterday. Made I laugh!!
  22. I haven't heard anything about my offer of quality control so I assume I'll dig in the wallet and try it!
  23. Dippy and Greenknight this may be of interest. Healthwatch has organised a Mental Health Question Time Event to be held at the 6th Form College, but which is open to the public and pupils alike. We would be delighted if you would like to attend. Details for the event as follows: “This is your chance to have your say and ask questions of expert panellists about mental health and emotional wellbeing services: what is available for you, how to access them, and how might they be improved for the future. With the recommissioning of mental health services just around the corner, now is the ideal time to have your say and for a fresh look at how best to provide mental health services in the county.†This event is for adults, young people and families - Your voice counts. Panellists: CCG - Jade Brooks - Programme Manager for children's services & mental health services - Dr Simon Lennane - Mental Health GP Lead 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust - The NHS Trust responsible for delivering acute mental health hospital services, community mental health services, and child and adolescent mental health services in Herefordshire - Dr Chris Fear - Medical Director - Dr Jane Melton - Director of Engagement & Integration Addaction - The organisation that provides drug and alcohol support services in Herefordshire - Emma Paver - Addiction worker Herefordshire Mind - Mental Health Charity providing information, advice and support - Richard Kelly - Executive Director When Tuesday 22nd March, 12.45-2.00pm Where Performing Arts Centre, Hereford 6th Form College Attendees are required to sign up via the EventBrite page link here:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/healthwatch-question-time-focus-on-mental-health-emotional-wellbeing-tickets-21450089796?ref=ecount
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