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Everything posted by Slim

  1. What the heck is that thing in the middle!
  2. There is still 3 months to go until we vote. Could we not consider during that time, another question. If David Cameron is so fixated on keeping us in the EU, would he be a fit and proper person to lead the country if we voted to leave. Could this be Boris' play?
  3. Fantastic news. A person, and "bobby", doing something to keep the community safer. Well done Sir.
  4. And we pay council tax for what? Put the people on community service on the job. Makes my blood boil, that these scrotes sit and do nothing whilst good community minded people go out in their leisure time to do this.
  5. Maybe he was looking for the Odeon with a new "trailer" to deliver.
  6. Excellent idea. A new business providing for other new businesses and housing. One thought though. Chicken muck is spread on fields for fertilizer. This pongs! So, will the new plant emit the manure smell and will farmers have to find a new way to fertilize their fields as all the available chicken muck is being used to provide heat. As Dippy says, another proliferation of broiler houses? Can't resist a chicken joke! What do you call a chicken looking at a lettuce? A chicken sees a salad.
  7. I must say that I am in two minds about this. Yes it is a brilliant idea to bring everything together and get all the services in one place. However, I agree with Roger, that there is little parking nearby. Could not the money,whatever that is, be spent on a totally new build for library, CAB etc. and keep the old library, after asbestos removal, for a museum and Tourist Office. Not being an accountant, ask my Bank Manager, I have no idea if this is financially viable, but, as mentioned, the new University, and it will happen, will need an extensive library just for themselves, so may be a new building, costs split between University and Council could be the answer. That said, I gather that a lot of the new University lodgings and study rooms will be fairly close to the city centre, so the new library would also need to be similarly located. That may be a problem.
  8. Greenknight. I am a volunteer with Hereford Health watch and subsequently answer to the board, chaired by Paul, ( as known to Mr Chappell). I cannot promulgate findings on a Public Website. There is much more information on the website, including our findings of premises attended. You ask why I have not commented on NHS issues on this august site. I am a volunteer and have a knowledge of what I am asked to inspect or gather information on, not an in depth medical financial or political knowledge on WVNHS Trust. I can, however, as stated before on this thread, pass comments to the right people. It does not matter if you want to state a personal grievance, or a complaint from another, I cannot deal with it, but, I do promise to pass on the information to the correct people. Then a decision may be made to organise a visit to said department, hospital ward or care-home to ascertain if the claims are valid.
  9. Got a wood burner?
  10. When in Iran, abide by their laws. When in France, abide by theirs. Simples. Well done Hollande!!. I suppose if he came here we could entertain him in the Houses of Parliament. Many pigs there with their noses in the trough.
  11. Petition signed. My wife and I have used Asda Clinic a few times as our daughter only seems to get sick at weekends! I was once told by a receptionist at my local surgery, to not use the facility as they get charged £5.00 each time. My answer was, that if you were open then I wouldn't need to use it. Her reply was that to open would cost more than £5.00. My brain hurts!
  12. OK Adrian, fair enough.
  13. Adrian. What part of your body did they "successfully" operate on. Eyes? Brain? Come on. you cannot not notice/smell a cafe. Oh, and I live North of the river but travel over both bridges several times a week. Your comment sounds awfully snobbish to me.
  14. Greenknight, external to Herefordshire is not my remit, however, I do have reports on various Trusts. I would suggest if you need explicit details on a certain premise, then we could talk, unofficially, or you could request details through official channels. A lot of what I do is public knowledge, if you know where to look, but some reports have to be "private", if internal disciplinary measures are taken/hidden! When you say "Wye Valley" what precisly do you mean? Any how, if there is a private way to meet or confer, I'm willing. I work shifts, but can sink a pint on my day off.
  15. Dippy, yes to your question. My role is to "Enter and View" nursing homes, wards at Hereford, Ledbury, Bromyard and Ross Hospitals, to ascertain the standards in these places and report back to the council. Greenknight, I did not attend this particular meeting as I was already involved in the new policy for Wye ward, it's a stroke unit and the unit was being revamped, for the better in my opinion. For the record, Hereford Health-watch is not a substitute for the Care and Quality Commission (CQC), but is a local inspectorate that can, if it is needed, pass on failings to the CQC.
  16. Ubigue, I am a member of Hereford Health Watch, if I can be of help in any way, contact me.
  17. What gets me, is how he can say he is representing the good people of Herefordshire North who voted for him, when he seems to do less work in Parliament, and more privately. Why does he need more money? His house in London is up for sale @ circa £3,000,000. No mortgage on his Herefordshire home, even though he "thought" there was, and claimed. I really do not understand the greed.
  18. It is said that the only man to enter Parliament in honesty and good faith was Guy Fawkes.
  19. Well said Sir!
  20. Saw this article this morning. Apparently he's working for a group based in the Caribbean for 1 day a week at about £96.00 an hour. A point was raised, in that if he's working for them, shouldn't he give up part of his MP's salary and shouldn't his constituents cry foul, as he is obviously not representing them.
  21. Roger, to quote you, "I do think tho that in 10/50/100 years time then Israel and it's enemies might end up blowing each other apart in a sort of WW !!! That's if we don't have one earlier than that somewhere else!" Earlier reports suggest that the "war" between Israel and Palestine is contrived to enable the World Police aka the USA, to keep the oil price where they want it to be.
  22. "They get paid to do a job" Denise, have you been in a time suspension capsule and have just woken up? Let me enlighten you. These people are poorly paid, sh*t on by the council, given abuse by the "customers", and could not give a monkey's uncle about noise pollution/annoyance, as long as they get their pay cheque and no black eyes. I would suspect that, with your background, that you know this. The council have cut back so much that all employees are disillusioned. Every one is looking for other jobs. Herefordshire Council is in dire financial straits. Impending court cases et al. Police wont act, as said, until a law is broken. Ragwert, I really have no suggestions what to do.
  23. Slim

    Bill Tanner

    I've just had a good look at the Herefordshire Live site, and found it very informative and up to date. Superb alternative to the Hereford Times, even surpassing it.
  24. 4 boys and a girl in their teens? Showing off? Whatever - they are scum and should be punished. But we all know they will not be, as the law (magistrates) are too soft and the CPS only worry about their personal targets. BTW, because there is a new recruitment session next year, I have applied for a place as a Magistrate as I am due to take early retirement and need to fill two criteria. Stop getting bored and put a few "miscreants" away. Oh, and a third, get my golf handicap down.
  25. Slim

    See santa

    Thanks for that DILLIGAF, my daughter will love it.
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