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Everything posted by Slim

  1. Roger, same place as my bank manager i guess!
  2. So am I Rebecca. Your round?
  3. GreenKnight, I too am a late resident, (1998), but absolutely love the county. I grew up in the wilds of Shropshire, ( leave the house after breakfast and come home when you were hungry). Herefordshire still could be better! In my mind all it would take is a few like minded people to grasp/get elected/or make a nuisance of themselves to alter the seemingly downward spiral that this county council seem to be taking us down. That said, I talked to someone the other day at work, who asked if I'd heard of Hereford Voice, recommended I join it, as, as he put it, a hell of a lot of common sense prevails there, pity the Councillors didn't take note. Ah, if only!
  4. Is it me, or is it a bit unreasonable to put the Hereford Mobility scooters downstairs and then have the lift not working with no way to get out of the car park. Duck under the barriers maybe?
  5. Ah, another ale emporium to make me linger in town. Thank goodness for Yeoman's buses.
  6. As a committed foodie, epicurean, gastronome and plain glutton, I welcome the idea of a seafood/shellfish restaurant. Okay, Miss Waring says that she will also be selling other things like breakfast, beef and pastries. Fine. I love Kippers for breakfast with a good Earl Grey tea. Lobster and Prawns in a velloutte sauce with a Puff Pastry top is a nice lunch,(with a cold Graves), and nothing could be nicer than Hereford rare sliced beef with mussels and clams in a warm white sauce with white truffle served in a decent sized Yorkshire Pudding for dinner. BTW, I am available for recipe ideas and tastings.
  7. I posted a "complaint" on the council website back in May concerning the state of the pavement outside my house and the neighbouring houses. I did this as there are three elderly ladies living here and one, at 92, finds it so difficult to walk on the pavement that she walks in the road! Nothing has been done and no-one has been in touch, even to say we are not interested. Does anyone know who the locality steward is for Bobblestock Ward or do I have to contact the local councillor - Mayor Charles Nicholls.
  8. What Roger said.
  9. I can appreciate that revenue is needed. However, can the new owners not sell fire wood, (as in the past). charge schools for interaction days etc. Myself, wife and daughter love to go to Queenswood and follow trails, see woodland plants, jump in leaves and find the bears, mushrooms and buzzard. £3.00 is not a lot to pay for car parking, (over 2 hours),but , how do you "police" this on times? Do you go for a quick Sunday morning walk and pay for an hour, and get held up talking and get a parking charge? Again, as in an earlier thread, is this legal and payable? If not, everybody will still park for free and no investment will be forthcoming. Will there be wardens to ensure, as you have to by law, that dog walkers take enough bags with them for their pooches excrement. If so, how do you pay them? Parking charges?
  10. About bl****y time in my humble opinion. (Don't do text speak, LOL)
  11. I,m sure that I my sincere congratulations will be honored, especially as I have this morning been listening to a certain Australian singer who explains the initials DILLIGAF.
  12. Any thing that helps to deter, reduce or solve crimes has to be a good thing.
  13. Fair enough.
  14. Hmm, again not sure. I don't dislike the idea per se, but I use a Nome DE plume, albeit a very loose one, as my job involves security and the Home Office. To that end, Ifeel apprehensive about continuing, which, for me, would be a shame.
  15. Interesting about Bewell St. Went there Saturday and counted 3 taxi's picking up and 1 dropping off,this at 1230. The official rank near the bus station had 1 taxi waiting. Taxi drivers, in my opinion, disregard ranks and traffic laws!
  16. Get a grip and a bank account! Why all the fuss.
  17. Use a debit card. Get cash back. Simples.
  18. I will sign it as I think it is a very good idea. However, can we have a big sign put up displaying the "Highway Code" on giving way to vehicles approaching from the right, as most Hereford drivers fail to grasp this and fill yellow boxes.
  19. C'est la vie
  20. hereforman75. you say, in your post,that it's cheaper to use a car at £6.90 return. So stop moaning and use your car! I choose to live where I do, and you choose to live where you do. Stop moaning. BTW, we get a bus every 15 minutes past my front door. One advantage of being a "townie" eh!
  21. Moan Moan Moan. All it seems to me is that a firm stands up and delivers a service and decides to charge a bit more for doing it. Wake up people!! If they are the only ones delivering the bus service, they can charge what the hell they want. If you don't want to relieve the Hereford traffic problem then take your car, pay 2-3 pound for parking, plus your petrol costs and suffer. Yeoman's have given 30+ people jobs. Their families are, I suspect, extremely grateful. Herefordman75 and Adrian Symonds wind your necks in. Be grateful.
  22. Ragwert, I have just watched 6 or 7 video's by Phat Bollard. Blo**y superb!!! Wonderful stuff. Thank you for posting them.
  23. Guy in High Town this lunchtime playing the trumpet. Very good he was as well, so much so that my daughter conned a pound out of my pocket for him.
  24. That will be our illustrious Mayor then. OK will do.
  25. Colin, how would I get the reports for North of the river. I.e. Three Elms, Bobblestock, Aylestone.
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