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Everything posted by Slim

  1. If it's of value Grid Knocker, the Police have all but moved out of the BT building and with the advent, some years ago now, of digital telephonic equipment, not much of the building is used now. It was originally that size because of the analogue switch gear. Could easily be turned into a nice Office Block :- plenty of parking, CCTV and good access. About the price. Maybe somebody slipped up. Any way, if I'd the money I might consider it. Now where have the kids hidden their piggy banks?
  2. Fascinating stuff gdj. Boots? New Look? thanks. Interesting stuff.
  3. Slim


    What a wonderful topic. A breath of fresh air to the usual moaning. Ubique, and the fragrant Mrs Ubique, is there any thing you need that us mere keyboard warriors can get you to aid, feed or shelter the hogs?
  4. Maybe a Councillor has a grandmother who owns a traffic light company!
  5. Wye Inn?
  6. What is the big deal about Sunday's. Plenty of people work it, most not coerced, me included on a shift rota. If the shop can earn a profit, then open. If you don't want to work Sunday's, go back on the dole. I really do not see a problem. And don't start about the church losing custom. You can say all tou want to without going to church.
  7. Slim

    RouteMaster Bus

    Ah, thank you Victor. I'll pop in for one next time.
  8. Wandering through the Old Market yesterday and I espied an old London Bus, (can't really miss it). What is it doing in Hereford? Advertising somewhere or the latest addition to Yeoman's plans to run all the bus routes in Hereford!
  9. Filled it out. Was quite scathing on salaries of top council jobs i.e. why do they bother with all this when they know, or should know, what has to be done. I agree with John that if money wasn't frittered away then there would be no need for raises. As an aside, if the council propose a 5% rise, and a consultation takes place across the county and is rejected, what happens then. Automatic reversal to 1.9%?
  10. That reminds me:- At the funeral of a Parking Attendant, the coffin was just being lowered into the ground, when a voice yelled -"Let me out, I'm not dead!" The vicar leant down and said-" Sorry son, I've already done the paperwork."
  11. Ah, the fruits of a crap education. Or not being able to Google Maps and Spellcheck. Either way, funny and pathetic.
  12. Roger, Lets put this to bed. The Daily Mail used foreign born reporters to lie about their relationship to claim medical fees. The totally biased left wing BBC reports a government failing. This has been going on for years and will do so whilst we are in the EEC. The amount claimed is small compared to non-bought Road Tax, false housing benefits, false invalid benefits etc. I do not have a problem with "newspapers" outing scams, how ever, don't sensationalise it, and don't, please don't infer that it is the governments fault as these cards were thrust upon us by Brussels. Not having a go at you, or Colin but maybe put it in perspective. Colin, interesting point on putting more tax on the fuel to charge the higher mileage drivers more. How do we charge the non tax cars, they use the roads as well, but a good idea if an equal tax is made across the board.
  13. Maybe he buys it, or gets it delivered early so that nobody suspects that he is a closet reader.
  14. So, some people thought that ignorance of the law is a defence. Get your wallet out, pay the £800 fine, pay the road tax, (or buy a car that does not need any), and be a good citizen like the rest of us. As a codicil, why, Roger, are you reading the Daily Fail? You will be subscribing to the Gruinad next!
  15. Can't remember if someone said that the FC were looking at the old cinema and nightclub in Commercial street as a new premise. Any way, as I went past at 1930 last night there were 3 vehicles being loaded with all manner of stuff from the nightclub.
  16. Absolute rubbish. Possess the property, Repair it, sell it and put the profit into the coffers to help the rest of the rate payers. Either that , or make the owner put it right. Too much softness here. If I let my house get into that state I would be bombarded by ultimatums to correct it pronto, and quite rightly. If, as suggested, she has had a memory lapse then someone should tell her. Hard hearted? Yes I might be. But I am fed up of paying all sorts and getting bugger all for it. If the lady concerned does not want the house, or does not know it belongs to her then inform her or sell it. If she is in care, then the house will pay for some of it exactly like a care home.
  17. Thank you Mr. Chappell for your prompt reply. I will wait for you to find out, as you say, what equipment and why it has been removed. I sympathise with the problem that you mention concerning the life belts. It is pathetic and juvenile to remove life saving equipment. However. This will probably not be stopped as there is not enough Police Officers available, and it maybe not a crime? Until things are sorted, my daughter and I will continue to enjoy the equipment provided.
  18. Thank you all. In order :- Glenda, I will contact Mr Chappell to ascertain why the standard has dropped, although I can probably guess his reply, if I get one. Denise, I take your point and thank you for replying, it seems to be an endemic problem. Dippy, I don't get drunk in front of my daughter either at a pub or in the house. If my wife and I take our daughter to a pub for lunch then we consider it family time, as we both work full-time and it is a nice break from home cooking. Ragwert, If only mate. If only.
  19. Would anybody know who maintains the equipment there. I ask, because I took my daughter there last weekend and the little trampoline had gone and had been replaced by Tarmac! There were also some loose wire strands poking out from one of the climbing frames and nettles around one of the slides. Many thanks in advance.
  20. Slim


  21. I really don't know an awful lot about football, ( prefer rugby), but do they really play at that time in the morning?
  22. Oh yes please Colin. I could certainly provide humour. My sense of humour of course, but maybe some would like it.
  23. Humm, I have a couple of irons in this fire. First of all, may I comment on a recent thread of people not posting. I read a lot of comments and sometimes do not feel that I am qualified to comment. It does not mean that I am not interested! However, to point in hand. My wife and I are both active and dedicated members of The Grandstand and Bobblestock Community, and have "fought" alongside Charles Nicholls, our illustrious Mayor, with numerous others, including Jesse Norman, to save the tennis courts. The Association, as I understand, is on the brink of acquiring Westfields Ground from the Council to run it as a charity concern. I would hate it after all the effort put in by the committee and members was undone by skulduggery on behalf of the Council.
  24. You get rid of that ride and you will have a 5 year old girl to answer to!
  25. Slim

    Grass cutting

    After slating the Council and Balfour Beatty last year, I would like to say that within the last week I have nothing but admiration for the immaculate looking grass verges, play spaces and community parks between Bobblestock and Widemarsh Common. A job well done gentlemen. Thank you.
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