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fandang0 last won the day on March 15 2021

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  1. Very sad news indeed; it's only been there about 3 years; I do hope the employees are able to find alternative employment, although it's going to be a very tough market out there, once all the government assistance for employees comes to an end. What likely candidates are there still out there for taking over such a large retail unit as this?
  2. Do we know where it is going to be displayed? We'd certainly like to come and see it once it arrives.
  3. I inspected the work last week, mid way through the project... congratulations gents, you've done a wonderful job which should last a good few years.
  4. I'm sorry, I'm not into horror at all so won't be watching, but I wish them every success. It's good to see Herefordshire getting some exposure on film though. Are there any other Indie films which have received a cinema release in recent years, which have been shot in the county?
  5. This has always been the paradox in the Council Tax system; smaller, more densely populated areas are naturally much cheaper to administer and when those areas are exceptionally affluent, they become cheaper still. I agree, it's very unfair.
  6. Absolutely, and well done to all involved! I think this is a lovely idea and one which should be adopted annually. Back in Aug 2018, Mrs Fandango and I spent a couple of days in Thornbury, on the other side of the Severn. I know it's a much smaller town, but they pride themselves on their planters and baskets which look verdant all summer. I'm sure they draw people in and they spend more time (and no doubt, money), in the centre, because it's such a nice environment.
  7. That's a lovely, heart warming piece; very well done Simon! I have often enjoyed passing by and seeing you work, but have alas never stopped to chat. It was also an excellent idea allowing you to work adjoining the cathedral as it adds to the ambience.
  8. We can't keep procrastinating with projects 'until we get our road network sorted' or quite frankly, nothing will ever get done. The entire fabric of our society has received a serious jolt from this pandemic, and Hereford will come out the other end a different place from the one which entered it, where we will increasingly question 'what's really important' and 'what sort of place do we really want Hereford to evolve into, in years to come. For me, celebrating the history, the people, arts & culture that have made Herefordshire what it is today, through a project of this magnitude is bold and visionary. Utilising and enhancing our architectural assets to promote community cohesion and improve quality of life for local people, such as the Castle Green Pavillion scheme is also to be applauded. If projects such as these get the green light, they will leave a wonderful legacy for the next generation.
  9. Oh fabulous!! This has to be one of the most exciting developments I've seen in a very long time! Seriously, that's made my day!
  10. I expect most of us remember clearly what we did on our last weekend, when the world still appeared to be 'normal'; ie Sat 14th March. I was lucky enough to attend the Choral Society's performance of Haydn's Creation at the Cathedral that evening; a strange cocktail of beauty and foreboding as only half the audience who had purchased tickets, chose to attend. Sadly, I haven't ventured inside the Cathedral since....
  11. "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies" Groucho Marx

  12. Just read this on the HT... very good news; we wish her a speedy and full recovery from her ordeal.
  13. I am not saying this is the case here, but it is true that some employers use incidents like this to build up cases against an employee to dismiss them. They will highlight the distress caused the family and resulting poor publicity/ loss of reputation, which they believe is reason enough to let one employee go, where they might play the incident down and keep another, as it's unlikely you're going to get a comparable incident. The truth of the matter is, the employee should have been asked to knock on the 3 year old's door the following week and say sorry for the unintended upset caused.
  14. Thanks for this Colin. Nearly 20 years ago, I made the journey to Bergen-Belsen which was an equally sobering experience and a chapter in history we should never forget.
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