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Everything posted by WirralPC

  1. Great. But let's not take our eye off the ball. He's a tory apologist and tax dodger with an image to cultivate.
  2. As usual, Greenknight, you have me flummoxed. I'm not sure what your purpose was in posting and reducing these matters down to one simple, tragic anecdote, the horror of which originates purely from the behaviour of one nasty individual. Also, speaking in riddles with heavy innuendo and without explaining yourself properly is irrelevant and diversionary. So let's get back on message and broaden the issues out to where they belong. The tory party are wrecking / shortening the lives of vulnerable / disabled people in huge numbers as we speak. The impact tends to be more visible in the northern wastelands that Thatcher, the erstwhile paedophile protector, created. Some people who post to these Herefordshire Voice threads have just been out and actively given their blessing to this ongoing carnage. Although some tory MPs have been told about events on their patch, but aren't talking, a whole future nightmare scenario for many people is now being actively prepared in Downing Street, under the guise of "representing hard working people", beginning with the removal of the Human Rights Act and the imposition of a Bill of Rights that will serve only the rich and powerful - by estranging the population and conserving power at the top. How ironic that the Prime Minister himself branded survivors of child abuse 'conspiracy theorists', whilst at the same time failing repeatedly (the 1st anniversary arrives in July) to get a high level investigation started on what's emerging about the sordid pasts of several closely-connected to the establishment, judiciary, police, top of the tory and labour party VIP alleged child rapists, abusers and killers. Like lemmings leaping over the cliff, Herefordshire tories have just blindly and stupidly consented to ongoing concealment, which has the effect of sticking the knife into those of us who actually know and appreciate who the enemies of our children are.
  3. The hell-hole being Herefordshire, not this forum.
  4. In Rochdale, Anna Klonowski failed to record or minute her interviews with council staff when called upon to investigate. https://wirralinittogether.wordpress.com/2014/09/01/simon-danczuk-mp-is-good-on-getting-the-abuse-message-out-there-what-about-acting-on-info-received/ And this is the official culture we're up against. As happened on Wirral, if there's no verbatim record kept, escape hatches appear for both the interviewed AND the interviewer. Klonowski walked away with £370,000 as reward for her flawed investigation. I don't know what she got for Rochdale, but the subject was even more serious: "child sexual exploitation". I would suggest that if you don't apply rigour to what you're doing and nail down those involved in covering up or destroying evidence, you're protecting and enabling paedophilia to break out in the future. Similarly if you're in a position of trust and you're told about paedophilia and child sexual exploitation, but do nothing to act on it, you're complicit.
  5. No Dippy. Mark Ferguson, editor of Labour List can't bring himself to condemn clear breaches of Article 12 HRA which occurred over a 9 year period on Wirral. Which is a challenge to his credibility because he's publicly up in arms about the planned tory assault on the HRA. My question to him is... "How can you hold precious that which you breached repeatedly when abusing disabled people, even to the extent of elevating the abuser-in-chief to Mayor?" S i l e n c e.
  6. OK, two quotes out of context, but no, I typed 'tory swine' - which is comfortably in keeping with the bounds demarcated by "freedom of speech" (as indeed would be 'tory scum' if I'd typed that). The second statement is enough to convince me which side you're batting for, and it doesn't appear to be that of the poor survivors.
  7. There was a happy ending, but this was a near miss that could have turned out very differently, and ended up with hungry people being jailed for trying to feed their families. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/how-expected-live-judge-slams-5682582 It was very lucky that the judge appeared to possess a heart and a social conscience, unlike so many people out there who are too stupid to resist the wider aim of this Conservative government, which is to set people at each others throats, step back, wait, then step in and profit from the destruction and unrest that they have sown. Shame on them and everybody who ever endorsed them.
  8. First time you've spoken to me Clarkson. I don't recall seeing it on here so speak up and condemn your local council's bullying of disabled employees or be quiet. There's a definition of the word "unfair" here that should assist: www.dictionary.com
  9. Have you seen how these paedophile rings operate Greenknight? If they decide to get together and groom a number of teenagers whose lives have 'gone off the rails' for whatever reason, they don't knock at Greenknight's humble abode at 43 Acacia Gardens and give him the heads up.
  10. Apart from Bobby47, Flamboyant, Dippyhippy, Cambo, gdj, Amanda Martin, all battling away on the side of all that's good, there's a crushing, bullying vacuum, voting tory, crushing dissent and hoovering up all vestiges of normality, empathy and humanity. What the hell is this paedo protecting, bully enabling hell-hole you people occupy?
  11. I stood up for bullied disabled people. You stood on the sidelines.
  12. If you are going to post in response to me, please do me a favour and make it relevant and responsive to what went before. This message took me a long time to tease, shape and craft before I lovingly planted a kiss on its backside and fired it off into the ether. If the above reactionary bilge is all you as a knuckleheaded, country dwelling Tory swine can muster after lazily scanning through, missing all the points and apparently taking virtually none of it in, then please don't do this virtual talking shop a massive disservice by offering next to nothing. I'm now on the brink of resigning my visitor's virtual post down here in Hereford - that's if I don't get kicked off for upsetting the locals. Well done Roger. Job done. You're getting rid of me. Talk about casting pearls before harsh, unfeeling, ignorant, malevolent, grunting, snorting, ****-caked TORY swine. Some of you lot (I'm sure you know who you are) really need to put down those pruning shears and venture out blinking into the real world beyond your topiarised to death gardens. Why? Because you're in danger of not actually appearing to live and share the same sentient, perceptive, evaluating, caring, empathic planet as us working class people in the forgotten, frozen north. And before I go, can I just say 'thank you'? THANK YOU for forgetting the rest of humanity and inflicting the power abusing Bullingdon Boys onto us for another five years of hell. Just ..................THANK YOU.
  13. Well David Miliband is wrong isn't he? I never registered them moving left - not one bit. If they'd won the election they'd have been up the a.rs.es of the establishment before teatime. They can't even say the phrase 'working class' now without breaking out into a profuse guilty sweat. And Sugar's an unapologetic big-headed bully who needs bringing down off his perch and dumping into the small business wilderness where he belongs. The biggest mistake Gordon Brown ever made was to elevate and give this piece of dirt a peerage, thereby cra.pp.ing on everything of value that the Labour Party's founding forefathers had built up from nothing with their own hands decades ago. No wonder we all felt exploited, shafted to the hilt and left out in the cold. Working class people can never progress with an a.rseh.ole like that dissembling and destroying everything they hold precious from a cossetted and privileged position at the top table. Yes, move left. Waaaaaaaaaay left. Try it. They might be surprised that at long last people come flocking across to them in their desperate, baying millions (similar to the position in Scotland right now). But if they return to the days of Tory Blair, war criminal and peace envoy, because they regard that as somehow 'successful' they're suffering from a rash of self-inflicted and potentially highly-destructive delusions. Move to the left in twos........... left................ TURRRRRRN !
  14. Good question. BIG question. It can be done. Watch this space.
  15. Move left. Honestly represent the working class backbone of the country who've been out in the cold, blamed and scapegoated unfairly for decades. The election was obviously rigged and fiddled, just like the 50+ tried and tested cynical ways of manipulating the unemployment figures. Run it again fairly, openly, honestly and decently without hideous, twisted, selfish tory manipulation.
  16. https://wirralinittogether.wordpress.com/2015/05/10/uk-labours-tories-are-running-away-from-their-own-proven-human-rights-abuses-and-worse/ 9th May 2015 The dirty deed has been done and we’re reeling from the news that we’re about to be subjected to another 5 years of Conservative rule; but this time around, without the pretense of a ‘modifying influence’ from any coalition party. And just to add insult to injury to those who were told their vote mattered, turning up and putting our cross in the box perversely ensured that over 1 million votes cast for the Green Party translated nationally into just one Westminster seat – Brighton. In the run-up to the election, I’ve been busy on Twitter, advising those who need to know about it (i.e. everyone possible, but in particular, potential Labour voters) of the abuses and long term crookedness that’s been carried out in their name here on Wirral. Sample tweet here (click to follow): These are proven abuses, listed and highlighted within comprehensive, externally commissioned reports, undertaken by professional, largely ‘independent’ investigators. Here are links to two of them: Independent Review of Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council’s Response to Claims Made by Mr Martin Morton (and Others) – carried out by Anna Klonowski Associates Report of an Investigation Into the Treatment of Martin Morton in Relation to His Allegations of Abuse of Power / Bullying – carried out by Martin Smith of North West Employers Although questions persist about thoroughness and process, and despite the redactions and obliterations still in place years later, there’s no denying the factual nature of these findings. They were damning. This was disabled abuse / disability discrimination / bullying / abuse of power writ large – and all in defiance of not just the council’s duty of care towards its own whistleblowing employee, but the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 and its statutory obligation towards the care of vulnerable residents within its own jurisdiction – which went on for up to nine years. The one thing we can still criticise to this day is despite the awful nature of the findings, there’s been absolutely no accountability for those heavily-involved in the learning disabled abuse, the bullying, the mobbing and all the associated ugliness, criminal conduct, malpractice, malfeasance, obfuscation and the ongoing cover up of all the above. Because at the forefront, sweeping all before it, was the Labour-controlled council’s desire to protect and conceal. Elements of the cover up are still in place to this day e.g. redactions to documents and reports which serve to conceal the identities of gagged senior officer abusers who’ve either moved on under compromise (settlement) agreements with clean bills of health and associated pay offs... (See Bill Norman, now causing ructions at Herefordshire County Council) ...or who still remain working for the council following an LGA ‘improvement board’ – which has been watched closely, before being heavily and justifiably derided by the local public. Browse elsewhere within this blog for more on this. In fact instead of an anticipated moment of reckoning for the abusers, we’ve had the opposite. The chief perpetrator behind the learning disabled abuse, accreditation of gangster care companies, and subsequent cover up (including the theft of £736,756.97 from the bank accounts of at least 16, but an undeclared larger number of learning disabled service users, at least five of whom are now dead) and the portfolio holder for Social Services AND leader at the time, Councillor Steve Foulkes, has been elevated to Mayor of Wirral. His period of office ends around now, but a massive and hideous injustice has been perpetrated which forms a cynical rewriting of history, mainly through the endorsing actions of Councillor Phil Davies, the council leader who took over from Foulkes. I won’t go into precise detail again on the events as it’s all referred to in depth throughout this blog and others; but my Twitter campaign of late has thrown up a few surprises, both before and since the result of the general election emerged and took shape – a slender Conservative majority. Here’s a few twitter user names that need flushing out into the open for the purposes of this blog post. In one way or another, they’re all prominent Labour members or supporters who’ve been very public and very vocal at election time in their own inimitable ways… …however, not in keeping with their heavily-promoted public “election imageâ€, they’ve also been strangely reticent when it comes to registering, acknowledging, seeing, confirming and admitting that there’s been hideous disabled abuse carried out by their own party – the one that they claim to support, cherish, love, etc. etc. @SadiqKhan – Labour MP for Tooting since 2005; posted this tweet on May 6th 2015, the day before the general election. He has ignored my input ever since: @AdamWagner1 – Barrister at 1 Crown Office Row – mentioned in the above tweet. If he’s reading this post, he may instantly recognise certain human rights breaches by Wirral Council, proceeding unchecked. “Only one major party will protect #HumanRIghts after the election†– delighted @AdamWagner1 is voting @UKLabour http://t.co/IQanvnaSQ1 — Sadiq Khan MP (@SadiqKhan) May 6, 2015 @MarkFerguson – Editor of LabourList – posted this tweet after the election on May 8th 2015: A desperately ironic and unwitting response came in from somebody called Matthew Harrison… Seems the Tory government’s priorities are constituency boundaries, spying on your emails and binning the human rights act. So it begins… — Mark Ferguson (@Markfergusonuk) May 9, 2015 …to which I responded, but I kept most of my replies for @markfergusonuk, the person at the centre of it. My position on this issue, that of the abuse of Wirral’s learning disabled people and the repeated breaches of their human rights, is a simple and straightforward one. A person cannot occupy a platform claiming that the movement he is involved in is honest, fair, decent, civilised, protective of people, just and possessed of modern values if there are unaddressed ugly truths that have been minimised, diminished in some way or worst of all deliberately concealed from the public in order to present a controlled, managed, and dishonest face to the world. I allege that the above three persons have been engaged in reputation management by omission. They knew before the election about what happened on Wirral because I told them in some detail about it – by providing links to a number of court cases that arose as a result of proven disabled abuse or proven disability discrimination and the ensuing bullying, mobbing and removal of social worker whistleblower Martin Morton in response. Here are links to blog posts I have written about these legal cases: Disability Discrimination: DLA PIPER1 DLA PIPER2 DLA PIPER3 DLA PIPER4 DLA PIPER5 Learning disabled abuse: TRIBUNAL1 TRIBUNAL2 One of the persons mentioned above, @adamwagner1 is a highly-qualified barrister here in the UK, who operates at a high level in the area of human rights, no less. In fact, he’s also founder of the UK Human Rights Blog and a member of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the same body that found there was unaddressed disability discrimination occurring at Wirral Council – only to withdraw that finding later and remove the person who arrived at it subsequently. Precisely why is @adamwagner1 silent on these Wirral issues? In the absence of any response, we have to go digging and try to see whether his wider involvement is all it’s cracked up to be. Do Labour party fortunes trump all else, even cases of proven abuse? Why’s he mingling with people who need to recognise and acknowledge that turds are turds, and they need to be scooped up and thrown out? Do they need to muck out their own dirty stables before registering and condemning the abuse, then with at least a modicum of restored credibility, go after the Tories with a clear conscience? And what about the rewards for abuse? In the case of Wirral, with the chief perpetrator elevated to Mayor, this outrage has to be acknowledged as such and a full apology made. See the following tweet for a sense of the apparent determination and resolve (that @Adamwagner1 is prepared to go public on)… to fight for the retention of the Human Rights Act now that the Tories are planning to go ahead and dispense with it: https://twitter.com/AdamWagner1/status/596560927245348865 Editor of Labourlist @markfergusonuk appears to be afflicted by the same malaise; this failure to speak up and defend / condemn his party’s conduct. So we’re forced to question his credibility, and to raise similar queries about motives, intentions, loyalties, allegiances. What’s paramount in your own plans if you’re prepared to keep shtum, ride it out and say nothing when your own organisation has been found up to its neck in the most callous conduct imaginable? Here’s a tweet from Mark showing that he is indeed capable of recognising and responding to opinions that he disagrees with: I’m now asking @MarkFergusonuk, editor of LabourList, to condemn: Wirral Council’s disabled abuse over 9 years the theft of approaching three quarters of a million pounds from “sitting duck†vulnerable people’s bank accounts the thuggery, and the bullying, mobbing and disposal of whistleblower Martin Morton the creation of false bank accounts by organised crime groups the accreditation of gangsters who formed ‘care’ companies the ensuing Local Government Association cover up the worthlessness of Local Government Chronicle Awards such as “Most Improved Councilâ€, bestowed on Wirral. (With crushing hindsight, see the LGC Award for Rotherham Children’s Services in 2008 at the height of unchecked child abuse) …and I’d like him to use the same terms to describe this horror show that he so readily deployed here, when he loftily criticised an incoming tweet. “Hideously diabolically…etc.â€
  17. Nice chaps don't sit there for years doing absolutely nothing when told about local paedophile rings.
  18. When I checked, the Information Commissioner had changed the link to the Bullying of Disabled People Decision Notice - the one that refers to this case (this happens a lot but I don't know why). Here's the new working link: https://ico.org.uk/media/action-weve-taken/decision-notices/2014/1020920/fs_50531217.pdf
  19. Hi Roger and welcome. Here's a subject that needs a cool head and some concerted involvement from elected members, which we haven't yet seen. If anything, it appears that in "unison" with the trade union on site, senior council officers have become a law unto themselves, to the detriment of employees and fee paying union members. It would be gratifying to see a few heads 'banged together' and some scrutiny over a. their behaviour and b. the public money squandered hand over fist in both dishing it out and covering it all up. http://www.herefordvoice.co.uk/topic/1457-decision-notice-the-bullying-of-disabled-council-staff/ Thanks !
  20. Bloated Tory reptile replete with fulsome quivering jowls. What's not to like?
  21. This council has made great strides since Bill Norman left... http://captiongenerator.com/37460/Paul
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