Hi both if the people elect me as councillor again I will definatly get onto BBLP about the state of the roads and pavements immediately they are in a terrible state of disrepair, when I was your councillor between 2004-15 I had a monthly walk around the estate with Belfore Beattie to point out what repairs needed to be done. looking to get 30mph limit on Brampton Rd, Waterfield rd and Charlton Ave. clean up the Oval and the bus shelter. and Conexus (HHL) To look at the outside paintwork of the Wyes Buys centre and shop they look derelict. The piece of ground was supposed to be a new build community centre, it was never built. 3 weeks ago in the Hereford Times there was a new Hereford Plan Newton Farm was mentioned to have new purpose built building money allocated from central government, I will go after this funding for the residents of Newton Farm, also Conexus for the piece of land opposite the Fish Shop for the community centre with mixed facilities in the building. Together with what I'm standing for a Referendum to reinstate the build of the bypass and its funding, with a Referendum the present coalition council will not be allowed to interfere, but I will need the residents to support me in this by electing me again.