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Glenda Powell

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Everything posted by Glenda Powell

  1. To clear up any misunderstanding regarding the pools I was sent this statement from Herefordshire Council parks and countryside officer and Environment Agency. QUOTE: Herefordshire council and the Environment Agency is not currently aware of any contaminates at Belmont Pools Hereford. Any incidents or concerns relating to possible contaminates such as blue-green algae at council sites including Belmont Pools and Bodenham Lake should be reported to Herefordshire council customer services team using the online contact form:www.herefordshire.gov.uk/government-citizens-andrights/customer-services-enquiries/contact-details/contact-us-form. The council and its contractor Belfour beatty Living Places does not routinely test the water at belmont Pool or Bodenham Lake and would liaise with the enviroment agency to carry out testing as appropriate. The environment agency has confirmed that it will shortly carry out testing at belmont Pool. If you are concerned about water contaminates the environment agency offers public advise on its website: www.gov.uk/government/publication/blue-green-algae-advice-for-the-public END
  2. yes I meant the puppy not the elderly lady, she was very sad thinking she had lost her pet. When the officer said where are we going to get the money from to my telling him the grass needs cutting NOW! I told him thats not my problem but his, just get the work done!
  3. yes Colin I mentioned the petition and how many signatures were on it, I also stated that I had signed it! I was very angry at the meeting and the chairman just reiterated what we already knew again I stated the grass was so long in Newton Farm the tree branches were coming down to meet the grass the whole area is looking derelict together with the hoarding for the regeneration it looks like a bomb site. Everything we said fell on deaf ears in my opinion. Bank Holiday Monday an elderly lady yorkshire terrier puppy ran off it took five of us two hours to find it because it had fallen asleep in the long grass and we couldn't see it!
  4. Cllr Bob Preece and I attended the grass cutting meeting although all councillors were invited only a small percentage actually came, following budget cuts. There was a round table discussion with senior council officers and a senior manager from Belfour Beatty. They told us that there was £750,000 for grass cutting in their budget which included grass verges across Herefordshire. We were ask to prioritised our areas of grass that needs more attention, we told them that all areas that had been kept tidy in the past and were now a disgrace and needed sorting out NOW! at one point I said that the lack of grass cutting was one step to far! When we asked why only three cuts per year it was stated that this was not necessarily the case, open spaces would have more cuts, we asked for a program of works. BB stated they now needed more mowers that could tackle long grass unlike what they have now , we were told that grass verges would only be cut once a year unless there was a safety issue. The council is eager to encourage community groups to get involved in their communities but we asked the question of health and safety and liability insurance, also that in some areas a lot of elderly people live there and could not be expected to attempt to do the work that our council should be doing.We also mentioned the fact was why are we paying our council tax for to both Herefordshire / city council and now being asked to do it ourselves. Was this meeting worth while? you tell us!!! Cllr Glenda vaughan-Powell and Cllr Bob Preece.
  5. I have signed!!! can someone tell me how many signatures are on the petition I have a meeting this afternoon about the grass cutting. and would like to tell them how many signatures there are up to today.
  6. As a matter of interest I went back through the minutes of the BRPC meetings for 2012 and found at the meeting of 17. 5. 12. minute 066/12 the clerk was asked to place an order for the work for footpath between Belmont road to Sydwall road with Amey at a cost of £6,788.
  7. ALL the city council councillors live in the city wards, someone is mistaking them with the councillors on Herefordshire council all the administration with exception of three, live in the country! In regards to the subject of this post which along the way has strayed into other things, I will check what is being said here on Tuesday and report back
  8. It wasn't me because I would of stopped them, and who were the people putting it down!!!!
  9. Belmont pools are owned by Herefordshire council, and has been for some time.
  10. having spoken with an officer from Parks and Countryside yesterday I ask that they looked around the pools which they did today there is no evidence of rat poison, also an officer from Environmental health is visiting the Belmont Country Park area as well. If anyone sees a blue algae on the surface of the pools will you please let me know as this is dangerous to animals, please DO NOT allow your dogs either go into the water or drink it if the algae is there.
  11. Bank Holiday Monday 26th May Garage sale Holmfirth Close Belmont numbers 7,9,31,and 33. 10am-4pm. A Donation will be made to St Michaels Hospice.
  12. I am attending a meeting next Wednesday in regard to grass cutting in the city, will post here the outcome
  13. Cllr Edwards does not post on here, and he is not in charge of the country park, the country park is still in the hands of Perssimon Homes until it is given over to Herefordshire Council see my other post about this on the heading Country park open day, what I said there was from the officer in the council
  14. Chrisbull, Yes there was a problem 4 years ago with sewage I look into it and it was found to be coming from one of the houses on Haywood Lane it was all dealt with successfully. I have had no complaints since and I am in contact with some residents living by the pools on a weekly basis and they would tell me if there is a problem. It is very sad about the dogs I am a animal lover. Can I also draw parents attention of the danger of children swimming in the pools in this hot weather they are deeper than people realise and they could and have in the past got into difficulties, one child last year was fortunate that an off duty police officer came around the pools on that occasion and had to jump in to save the child who was in difficulties.
  15. Bill, I have been told by council that the fault would be fixed tomorrow, so anyone can then email me if they wish. I time manage myself and answer all email whoever they are from on a daily basis, because there is nothing more frustrating as to not knowing what is going on or unanswer emails. I send an initial email or make a phone call to the resident advising them I have received their message if I have been able to deal with the matter on that day I advise the resident what the outcome was or that I need to look into the matter further either way they know whats going on and I am on the case. Smartieo I have noted Mr Norman reply to you, (as you have put it on this website) and that he asks you for the people details I hope you will do as he asks so that he can passed the matter onto the benefits team to deal with or he may contact me as the elected councillor for the ward to advise me of the outcome!
  16. Just to confirm why I did not receive the email is simply because my council email system has not been working for 5 days therefore I cannot access any emails from council or constituents. Most constituents pick up the phone, stop me in the street, on the bus etc they prefer the personal contact, although I do contact anyone who sends an email by the same evening I received it. I receive between 100 to 150 emails a week so I have to keep on top of things.
  17. you haven't told me about any couple
  18. Colin, I would urge everyone living in Belmont to attend this meeting, BRPC has a NDP steering group for more information see minutes of the meeting for 3rd April 2014 minute 37/14 item D. Remember as of 7th May 2015 next general election the ward boundaries change and BRPC will become a ward in its own right with just one Herefordshire councillor to represent you as well as the parish council.who will make all decisions for that ward.Therefore if you want a voice on what happens you should attend the meeting.
  19. I have heard today that some elderly residents have got confused as to who has to pay and who does not in regard to bedroom tax, if you are over 65 like myself you do not pay. Or If you live in a property that now doesn't meet your needs and you wish to move into something smaller. Please contact me and I will help you!!!
  20. Having got in touch with Herefordshire Housing about this I have been assured the tenant has temporarily been rehoused and officers from HHL are meeting with the tenant again tomorrow. I have asked to be kept informed.
  21. While I mourne the loss of two colleagues which I work with on council committees,and who also worked hard for their residents in their wards right to the end, there will be two bye elections because the Conservative party will not want to lose both seats, and I was appauled to be told that one party (not Independents) that were canvassing within 24 hours of Peter passing. There is always a period of time before an election is called so I very much doubt the elections for both seats will be before middle of June if not longer to show respect for their families and allow time after their funerals for mourning.
  22. megilleland, just for clarification the event on 5th May at Belmont Haywood Country Park was not the official opening but an event for the mayor Cllr Edward charities. Please see quote below that I received on Friday 2nd May from James Bisset. Quote. 2nd May 2014. Cllr Vaughan-Powell I have had no dealings with Cllr Edwards over his event - except advising him the council has no legal ownership of the fields, and to seek permission from Persimmon Homes, who I am aware has approved his event. There have been no recent Belmont Haywood Country Park steering group meetings, and has always been proposed the South Wye community, through the new Development Trust, will take on responsibility for managing and maintaining BHCP via a community asset transfer following legal adoption of the Perssimon land to Herefordshire Council. The Friends of Belmont Haywood Country Park group of which you were voted in as chairman is the local communities group and their responsibility to take it forward if they think it worthwhile and has a role to play. I have at the past two meetings supplied suggestions and information on how the Friends group could be constituted, get insurance and possible roles to help manage the site once in public ownership , either in partnership with the South Wye Trust or the council Public Realm contractor depending upon timing of adoption and subsequent Community Asset Transfer. I hope this makes clear the current position. The adoption from Perssimon is now progressing well and will hopefully be completed by September 2014 depending upon legal processes. James James Bisset Parks and Countryside Leisure Manager Herefordshire Council END
  23. Bobby I totally agree with your comments about Sian, she is truly an inspiration to us all.
  24. No the problem is there are road works at the Callow that will take 6 weeks and there is congestion, so both the A49 Ross road and the A465 Belmont road are now congested every day.
  25. This letter was sent to all Herefordshire Councillors by John, I have responded stating my support.
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