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Glenda Powell

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Everything posted by Glenda Powell

  1. Weezerweiner, HHL should have sent you a letter telling you what work will be done on your properties, and when the work will commence. could you tell me how many residents have not received the letter and I will look into it for you. Please contact me anytime and I will look into anything for you regarding HHL or the council.If you click on my name on the links of this website you will see my name, address and phone number on my link page. I have told HHL many times they need to have better comunications with their tenants. All your ward councillors are on this website. Cllrs Chappell, Preece and Rone for the Putson and Hinton ward, but although I am one of the councillors for the Belmont ward we do work together.
  2. Steve, I have explained fully above it is not a case of not working with Mr Smart it is the case I AM NOT ALLOWED TO. As for wanting to take credit, I work on behalf of my residents not to gain any accolade for the work I do for my residents because that is not my way.It was what I became a councillor for, and what was elected to do. Take it from me there are times when I wish there was other help but I have to abide by the rules set out by Government. Even when people go to our local MP he often just brings it back to me to deal with. I work 10 hours a day 7 days a week for my residents and I would not have it any other way. I am on public record as saying: " if my residents can be bothered to get up off their rear ends to vote for me then I must give them 100% of my time ". which I do!
  3. Colin, can I explain so that everyone will know where I am coming from- 11 years ago the people of the Belmont (Belmont Newton Farm and Hunderton) ward elected me as their councillor, and I have been priviledged to of been re-elected by my constituents again in 2007 and 2011. As a councillor we have to sign forms of confidentiality for public office if we refuse to sign we cannot be a councillor,one of which is the tenants data protection act In that role when working for our constituents we have to:- 1. work with all trained council officers that can help with whatever the resident is asking help for. 2. If that is complaints with their landlords, we take the matter up with them. 3. If the matter is homelessness we work with the homeless team and benefit office. 4. There is also a team of officers to help residents who are homeowners. In other words we can only work with recognised social landlords or fully constituted residents associations who are registered with the charity commission, Parish councils or in the case of Newton Farm and Hunderton it is the Hereford city council, as you can see my workload can be and is heavy. I have tried to explain to Mr Smart that I am unable to get involved with his "tenants voice" because it is neither a legally registered residents association with the charity commission or constituted. In regard to tenant matters or complaints if the tenant has asked for my help which the tenant in question did (I have her email) I set the wheels in motion and she had a visit from HHL officers on 4th March 2014 and the matter is being rectified, materials have been ordered and when they arrive the work will be carried out. I can understand residents often get frustrated because it seems as though nothing is being done, this is where they can then come back to their councillor who is able to ask questions and put pressure on the landlords. As already been stated there is already a fully constituted "tenant Voice" which would be legally recognised to represent tenants, also again I agree the name tenant voice is to close to Hereford Voice and confusion could set in. While I can see what Mr Smart is trying to do for tenants, but as things stands the authorities may not be willing to work with him, simply because they would just see him as a "tenant" of a registered social landlord therefore should not be taking up complaints however well intensioned on behalf of other tenants. That is between the tenant who has a complaint and their social landlord or they can and do contact the councillor(s) in the area they live in for their help.
  4. representing them,and working with them the tenants are all excited about moving into new home, the only downside is it is not happening quick enough for some of the tenants, especially Kilvert Road they are the last to move. To be honest I can't wait to see the design photo's actually become homes, it will make a big difference to the Oval area, and with some for sale we will be having different people moving into the area.
  5. The green garden sacks will still be used at a cost to the public, I did say in my Letter to the HT that we could follow what they were doing in Wales which is to supply caddies for food waste and the reusable garden sacks that they have in wales if they did that the fortnightly collections might work
  6. wheezerweiner. I also told HHL at the time what a waste of our money, asking why if you knew you were going to render all cornish properties,the answer given was that they had gone after government funding a year before but they had not heared from the Government so decided to paint the outsides, then 12 months later the funding came through and that is why the work started on new roofs, windows and rendering. I have a lot of people from Hinton, Redhill and Putson come to me for help with their properties I listen to what they say and then contact their own councillors in the area to deal with their complaints if they don't I deal with it myself.
  7. what a pity your so sceptical, the people living in these flats can't wait to have a brand new home to live in some never having a garden until now of their own. Some have moved away their choice, but the majority of people are coming back, because they want to live in the Oval.
  8. Roger, it wasn't for free our rents went up considerably
  9. my ground floor cornish flat had this work done in 2012, exactly 2 years after picking a nice pale blue colour for the walls. When I asked the same question as to why they were doing the rendering I was told that they have to be brought up to a decent living standard, and there were many complaints they were cold, which living on ground floor I agree.The work on my home has improved it a lot, the property is a lot warmer and I was able to turn the thermostat down from 20 to 15. I know its a mess while its being done but well worth it after the work is finished. The new windows also makes the properties warmer.
  10. Dippy, unfortunately I cannot find patricia Morgan post, I am afraid she doesn't like me because I tell her straight, she doesn't like anyone questioning her. I asked her to clarify her actions at council when she was cabinet member for adult social care, she either couldn't or wouldn't answer me so I called for her resignation, a fortnight later they had moved her to another cabinet post. Bobby 47, don't be had Harry Bramer knows exactly what hes doing and you will wait for hell to freeze over before he would change his mind, he holds the purse strings in the cabinet and runs his cabinet post like his own personal businesses, he is a multi millionaire.
  11. Dippy, I have just read your post on HT, I could not agree with you more. WOW! 17 point that must be a record!
  12. This will be the last time I will be answering you, regardless of you thinking me wrong I have answer you with the true facts gathered with experience and training over many years. Have you stopped to think that maybe you have not got the true facts only half of it and choose to act upon it! which in actual fact fails the tenants you are attempting to help. May be you would like to read Mr Brown reply to your meeting with him last week, in part he is saying the same as I am. people have tried to help you and to explain matters to you, unfortunately you think you are right and everyone else is wrong because we are not saying what you want to hear, and being abusive will get you nowhere from the people you want to engage with, never mind you will learn the hard way. just to clarify a Tenants Federation is not the same as a tenants association simply because it has more powers and could and often did hold HHL to account. Maybe you should speak to Wendy Jones and she would put you straight on the matter, but be warned she would not take any abuse from you. JUST A THOUGHT AS YOU HAVE STATED I AM WRONG I AM WONDERING WHY YOU ASK ME TO JOIN YOU!!!
  13. then why don't you put a photo with your name? this administration brought in that only leaders of groups can speak for their group at cabinet, this was not the case until 2011, where we all went to cabinet and could speak! this administration has a lot to answer for, there actions in the past 4 years will be remembered at the ballot box next year!
  14. unfortunately you got it wrong again, Wendy Jones ran the Tenants Federation for all HHL tenants of which I was a member. She now runs her own Tenants Association for the people of Redhill, there is one in Putson and Hinton for the people of those areas, they were all started many years ago when the South Wye Regeneration Board (SRB) was formed we received £4.3m to all work together on the 5 South Wye estates, and the first thing we all did was to start Tenant Associations in each area, Newton Farm was the first and the others followed.
  15. cambo, it is obvious from your remarks to do not know me. I support my constituents and the people of Hereford, and if you took the trouble to read very early in this subject that I DO NOT agree with the selling off of the Bath Street offices. That said my constituents support me and has returned be to office every election, and I work very hard for them and they appreciate what I do. I would take more notice of your comments if you did not hide behind a advitar!!!
  16. yes I am alive and kicking! what I was advised is confidential therefore i cannot say at the moment. I repeat other than a leader of a group can only put questions to cabinet on behalf of his group, but going on the many posts about this subject I can hazzard a guess who that will be!
  17. Who is going to present this to the cabinet on Thursday? I ask simply because only members of cabinet and group leaders are allowed to speak at these meetings.
  18. I am not sure if I will be in Hereford to attend the opening, but if I attend I will not be wearing a hat!
  19. I have it on good authority that the Bath Street Offices have already been, or about to be sold.
  20. On a positive point if there is one, I read it somewhere that Heineken has given the club £10,000.
  21. Then you might as well say that about all councillors who you say sit on management committees in their wards. The other two Belmont Councillors sit on the steering group with HHL, the developers who are building the houses also people from NFCA and three tenants. The management sub group of which I am a part of is made up of one Belmont Councillor, HHL officers and tenants. There are at least 3 other councillors that post on here who are heavily involved and sit on or chair groups in their wards, and another who is on HHL board. I can assure you if any of us had a conflict of interest we would not be sitting on these groups. Councillors are looked upon as community champions in their wards. I thought you knew the tenant in question? it is all right by me if the tenant wishes you to deal with their complaint, Good luck you will need it! I have more than enough to deal with at the moment with two big cases in regard to tenants housing needs, together with all aspects of councillor work on my ward.
  22. Just to clarify my position on the management committee I sit on for the redevelopment of the Oval, I do not sit there as a tenant but an elected councillor, the other two elected councillors are on the steering group for the Oval redevelopment. therefore again you are wrong. I am still waiting for your PM in regard to the tenant you asked me to help! Also the funding HHL gives are for community projects such as the gardening club, help with employment of HHL tenants etc.
  23. P.S. to above post, to avoid confusion wher I state 4 residents associations on Newton Farm, it should of read 4 HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS!
  24. Mr Smart, you are wrong again in paras 1&2, para one - The NFCA as I said before is the legal tenants association in Newton Farm, but it also evolved to help the wider community of South Wye through the wider aims of the Advice/ Information centre and received the Queens Award for voluntary services to Newton Farm and wider South Wye area. para two - The Advice/Information Centre does give advice, that was what it was set up to do, any tenant issues are passed onto the elected coucillor(s) but in legal matters they work with a solicitor by passing any matters on to them. Any tenant or(Homeowner) matters are passed onto the local elected coucillor(s) to contact the residents associations of which there are 4 on Newton Farm or anything to do with council services. In regard to an Independent Association someone else wanted to do that but were stopped on legal grounds all the housing association will only work with the elected councillor(s) of the area. You seem to have not looked into setting up the tenants Voice enough, there are legal obligations to setting one up, you would need a lot of backing in which to do so and unless you have charitable status you would not be recognised as a legal tenants association. Again funding in the present financial situation is scarce and you would not be considered for funding without charitable status and there is a need, as there are already 4 in the immediate area, the charity commission probably would not support you as the other people found out. it is my understanding that you once used to be a councillor, therefore you should know all of this, and in fact you are standing again next year, as of next year the boundaries are changing and there is only going to be one councillor one ward, because the councillors in Hereford is being reduced you would be best advised to stand in the ward you live in, because as you will know from the past the residents like their councillors to live on the estate where they live, and take your chance against all other candidates which I have been advised is 4 for each of the Belmont, Newton Farm and Hunderton and Hinton wards. Just to reiterate you, and yout tenants Voice is no threat to me, and would not steal my thunder!
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