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Glenda Powell

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Everything posted by Glenda Powell

  1. Colin, thank you for your message about the signs. I raised the concerns again with Amey this morning this was their reply: The advice from the professional and technical consulting team, wish to make it clear the keep clear signs cannot be made larger.
  2. I have contacted HHL again this morning, they said the job is in hand for removal.
  3. Colin, having seen your post about the missing duck sign I have contacted highways within the past few minutes to replace the sign, also asking to see if they can find the original sign, and when replacing it to make sure it is more secure this time.
  4. I have received the following update from West Mercia Police Superintendent Ivan Powell, They have given me permission to put it onto both mine and South Wye Voice to reassure members of the public. Community update - Operation Dante - from Superintendent Ivan Powell.
  5. I have had a lot of problems over the past 3 months with the 74 Newton farm bus being either missed out all together or being late, have spoken to bus drivers and company without success. Some of the drivers are rude!
  6. Bobby47,thank you for your kind comments about my letter, I have sent another one for this week HT. Also for the information about the plane.
  7. I was thinking the same thing, headroom under the bridge is quite low. Anyone know where was it going? Colin appreciate you sending me the photo of the plane at the Oval, Glenda
  8. I have checked this morning with member of the Welsh Club, I explained what happened and he said the Welsh Club employ a private firm to look after the car park. He also advised to pay the parking ticket.
  9. Well he/she got a good view of everyhing from up there!
  10. I received today the permission from the planning dept to put the following on this site also my own website. As you should be aware there was a planning condition attached to the Waterfield Road car park approval requiring that the car park be locked every evening/night.Rob Hemblade, our service manager at the time of the application had been advised that local residents would be willing to take on the role of "community custodians" - but this has subsequently not proven to be the case. As a formal planning condition that has now been passed to the council's Planning Enforcement Team the parks and countryside service as the original applicant, now has two options. 1. Pay an external contractor to undertake the required locking/unlocking ( which will also require. the purchase and installation of additional signage on site.) 2. Apply for a formal change to the planning condition getting the nightly locking condition removed as a requirment and making it only optional at the Council's discretion ( should a future need arise for locking to be needed.) With no budget ever identified for the revenue funding of this car park or Belmont Haywood Country Park as a whole, and given that the cost of meeting the current condition is likely to be high with no "community custodians" being available. ( based on other sites up to £6-8K per year for 7 days a week lock/unlock) it would seem much more practical to pursue option 2 above and apply for a change of condition. The formal application for change of condition has been submitted. you can see this on the following http;//www.herefordshire.gov.uk/housing/planning/searchplanningapplications.aspx adding application number 123545. also comments can be made on line through the following link or by emailing planningenquiries@herefordshire.gov.uk by 13th february 2013. END
  11. I spoke to Marc Willmott yesterday asking for a meeting with Environmental Health officers, Mark Lane, residents affected,and myself together with manager of Tesco and someone from their HO. I am waiting for him to arrange this and come back to me when the meeting will take place. I invited him to come on this site to read the comments from the residents affected.
  12. The police already know about these boys, apparently it is happening all over the city.
  13. When I contacted Amey to clear the 'welcome to Hereford ' sign they advised me they had been told it was 6 boys between 14-17 years old, but they did not say who told them. It is quite hard to get rid of this writing because its done with black & white spray paint. Problem being the houses in Belmont are all private, where the sign was put in by the city council therefore Amey cleaned it off.
  14. The reason why I suggested to the police to ask Three Counties or McDonalds is that I am sure they would complain quick enough if these lads did it to their property. I am thinking that the hotel may already have a camera as security round their car park and accomodation.
  15. I have just come off the phone to Amey, nothing will be done until tomorrow morning. I have also rang the police and suggested either ajusting their own camera pointing towards the sign or contact Three Counties Hotel and McDonalds to see if they will pay for a camera between them. I wait for a reply.
  16. Phil, sorry not come back to you before my system has been down since 1st Jan until half hour ago. I will contact Mark Lane asking for a meeting, when I receive a reply will come back to you. Glenda
  17. No way would I tell you to mind your own business, I support my constituents 100%, my advise was a precautionary messure in regard to Tesco, whether you take my advise is up to you! I have been dealing with problems at Tesco for the last 9 years, it may take some time but I have always got the result I was looking for my constituents.
  18. I am aware of the equipment they need and they have advised me that is what they will do. The officer I spoke to advised they would come out to witness the noise for themselves. The enforcement officer is aware of the situation in regard to Tesco need planning permission I advised him of this the week before Christmas.
  19. Phil, I have been dealing with this on behalf of CV5 the environmental health are putting monitoring equipment into their home this week, if it is proven that the noise is excessive they will take action. In the mean time I would suggest you get a petition drawn up with as many signatures as possible and hand it into the manager at Tesco. If all this fails there is no reason why you cannot picket peacefully with plackards and invite the local Journal / HT to come and take photo's and interview you . Tesco will not like an adverse story going into the press, DO NOT obstruct deliveries as Tesco would call the police, they could not stop you all picketing either side of the gates.
  20. I have a reputation of speaking my mind, as you can imagine not everyone appreciate my doing that but I have a code I live by which is whether my opinion pleases or offend you know where you stand with me! I tell it as I see it, pity others don't do the same as we would not be in the mess we are in!
  21. CV5, I have had a phone call this morning (Xmas Eve) from Mike Pigram in Environmental health he needs to know your address so they can put in noise monitoring equipment into yours and neighbours homes, please make contact or ring me on 01432 360456. Thank you. Glenda
  22. I have read the many coments made here which I agree with, let me make my position clear in my 10 years of being a councillor I HAVE NOT,subscribe to the pension of the council I was only made aware of it 2 years ago but chose not to join. The allowance that councillors are allowed pays for our equipment (computers/printers) broadband, line rental, phones and phone bills etc, when I travel to Westminster I choose to pay my own train travel to London and come back to Hereford the same day. As a back bencher I am tired of being classed the same as the ruling party, and while they have the one seat majority can do nothing about it, but I am sure you have read my many coments about the administration in the press, and if you attend council also hear my questions to the leader and cabinet members there.I sincerely hope that all those people who put the Conservatives in power in 2011 will seriously think twice when casting their votes in 2015! No offence intended to the members who have written their views on this subject here, I just wanted to make my position clear!
  23. CV5, I have been making enquiries with the Environmental Health officer Marc Willimont who has said he would look into this himself, the enforcement officer seem to think the chimneys are something to do with the baking dept of the store. I AM STILL ON THE CASE!!! Glenda
  24. OK, I will get back in touch with Mark Lane.. Glenda
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