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Everything posted by lpusseycat

  1. Very funny made me giggle
  2. Why didn't Cllr Phil Edwards listen to you Glenda and the residents.All the residents i've spoke to agree it is in the wrong place it should be up Haywood Lane.Also is it being locked at night to stop trouble as asked for by the planning officer.He won't be getting my vote and none of the residents around here will not vote for him either as he went against what we all wanted.
  3. A complete waste of money,they were told by the residents that a carpark was needed up by the lakes but did they listen no. Some of the councilliors do not listen to what the residents want they are the people who have to live in the area and they know what goes on.There has already been trouble in there last week with lads in cars doing wheel spins around it,its just a magnet for trouble we have enough of that in the Ball court. They think its going to be like Queenswood Country park ,but who wants to park there and look at the weeds and thistles growing in the fields.The only people who go over the fields are local people who walk there dogs and don't use there cars to get there. The carpark up by the football pitches would have been okay to use as no one uses it only at weekends and then there are only a few cars which use it.Or a carpark up by the lakes this would then stop the parking on the streets around the lake and it would be better for the fishermen and women as then they would not have to carry there fishing gear so far.
  4. Good idea would save alot of money,as this carpark is already there.And is hardly used.
  5. Great pictures,its great to see the Turtles back on the log
  6. There seems to be only 1 person for this application it will be interesting to see what he has to say about it.And he wouldn't be for it if he had the Anti-social behaviour on his door step. I was reading the Belmont and Haywood country park newsletter and there is no mention of having a car park at Waterfield road, only about having a small car park or lay-by at Haywood Lane,which is where it should be put.
  7. The police report says it all.I picked up February's local policing newsletter and in it says Current Patrol Priorities, Belmont Haywood Country Park youths riding off road in the park and woods and Northholme Community Centre recent reports of litter and anti-social behavior no wonder the police are not keen on it.
  8. Does it realy matter who took credit for the notice boards nobodys interested. At least they have been done.
  9. How dare you suggest this petition was done in a underhand manner and which names are duplicated .The petition was done properly and the people living at the addresses signed it so I don't know why you have said that.Get your facts straight before before writing them. Nobody wants it at waterfield road it needs to be up by Belmont Ponds, we will let the Planning Committee decide the application.
  10. After talking to the residents around the area were they want the car park only 2 had letters off the planners all the rest including the residents in the Bird Sanctary knew nothing about it so did they consult the local residents NO. And not 1 of those people want it at waterfield road and said why not up by Belmont pond were it is needed.
  11. We have not had the journal delivered for months,when I inquired about it they said they had stopped deliverys to certain areas.They must be sort of money to stop it all together.
  12. We all know this but certain people are determined to agnore the wishes of the residents who have not been consulted.They are determined to have this carpark and waste some of the 200,000 pounds for a carpark that no body wants.There is a layby in Waterfield road for about 5 cars which is never fully used. Where as a layby in Haywood lane would be more usefull to visiters to the wild flower meadow and the picnic area and the observation platform next to the pond and this layby can also be used by the visiters to Newton coppice wood as at the moment you have to park in the bus stop.
  13. Thankyou Colin, hopefully by Monday we will find out what is happening.
  14. When i spoke to the Environment Agency last week they said they have put a dye into where they think it is coming from and they have to wait a week to see if it comes into the lake.I will ring them again this week to find out what the results were.
  15. Thats funny in an email dated 20th August see below you stated you have a website for your constituents to use.So why are having a second one done for you.As stated in the above email ,people will pick up on things like this if you are not carefull.You have to get facts correct before printing them.Especially being a councillor. It may seem I am answering every topic but in fact I am not. I have a very heavy work schedual as a councillor who was elected by the residents of Belmont ward to serve on three councils, and I also have my own website for my constituents to contact me with any matters they wish to bring to my attention, which I endevour to help them with, including keeping everyone up to date with my newsletters, as well as supporting you all here.
  16. Someones wrong again.
  17. Rob Hemblade is the person I emailed and he got Jim Key to reply so he knows about what is happening at the lake. You will only get the same answer as I did.I also spoke to the Evirioment agency and they are dealing with the sewage problem and the condition of the water.I emailed them on Wed 28th and they all replyed by the Friday.It is easier sorting problems out yourself than getting other people to do it for you.Also Adrian Bridges has raised concerns about the lake with the Council. You are a few days late Glenda, things are being sorted out
  18. I already contacted Rob Hemblade
  19. The lakes are for the community not just for the fishermen.The new commitee should think about what they are doing.
  20. Good on you Colin for getting it sorted.
  21. Well done Colin
  22. I took my dogs for a walk up to Belmont lake and was shocked to see they have removed the logs out of the water.Where are the ducks and the turtles suppose to sit now.They have removed all of them.Even the one the turtles used to sit on.Who ever did it do not know the lakes very well,as many children used to go up there to look at the turtles on the log. Also there are not as many ducks and the ones which were there have no where to sit. And what is happening with the sewage it still smells and this has been a problem for a few years now is nothing being done.A couple of weeks ago one of my dogs paddled in the water.The next day she came out in a rash,so there must be something in the water.Did anyone see Country File last night, there could be the same thing in the lakes.So anyone with dogs or children BEWARE. And wash your hands after touching the water.I am going to contact the environment agency about the sewage as it should have been sorted out by now.
  23. We had this problem at Argyll Rise this was Hereford Housing they left all the cut trees for a few days,and there were young children climbing over them.When they start a job they should finish it.And not leave them so people could get hurt.
  24. Where will all the people be housed when they pull them down? That is what all the people are asking as well.
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