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Roger Edwards

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Everything posted by Roger Edwards

  1. Collin What is being said by persons in the know Roderick Robinson was threatened with legal action by Cllr. Powell, because I belive that truth hurt.
  2. Cllr Powell. With regards to 4 & 5, did you or did you not threaten the editor of Belmont Rural with legal action, that action of yours closed down the site, this is a very well know, so do not tell porkies. With regards to 1, 2 & 3, you are living in cuckoo land, to my knowledge Cllr Edwards & Schoffer do not belong to this website, and you were in a position to put the facts right. But no, you sat on your laurels and wanted to destroy those two Councillors, so you did not put the facts right, As I said previously you have taken over this site and made it your own, and this can be seen by the number of entries you have made, you are very biased and anti other fellow councillors in fact you are for yourself and very selfish.
  3. Colin, I now believe you that this site is yours, and I withdraw my allegation of saying you were a liar, and its Glenda's website. The site is a good, a little complicated, but it has been taken over by Glenda Powell, she allowed Cllr Schoffer and Cllr Edwards to be slagged especially as Mavis Edwards was dieing. Most of the entries are by Glenda Powell, and you could say she has taken over with her friends. We do need a community website but one without Glenda, so that other Councillors and residents could participate without fear of being slandered and slagged. I feel although it is your website, she has taken it over as her own, and while she is on this site I doubt if you would get any councillors or decent residents to participate. Also most people know she closed down Belmont Rural email, which was a great loss to the community, and this site could have taken over if it was not for Glenda Powell. She forced a parish council election with the help of this site, only to discover that she was not wanted. I ask, has she attended Belmont Parish meetings and if so how many? I doubt if any, or possibly one, the good people are saying she has lost the plot. You have my commiserations.
  4. I would think that the only reason other Councillors do not join this website, when Mavis Edwards was dying she and Cllr Edwards were being slagged off, Cllr Schoffer was slagged off, so I would think it be a good reason for Councillors not to joining this website. The other reason is that Glenda Powell is on hear.
  5. To BELMONT re megilland it was I who wrote the reply and not megilland just to put the facts right, the reply does not show up that clearly and one gets the impression that megilland replied to megilland. I certainly agree with you’re your comments, and with ref to “I wonder if people really know what is going on with Glenda Powell you will all shortly find out†I am excited and I cannot wait.
  6. To Belmont re megilleland it was I Roger who wrote the reply and not megilleland, just to put the facts right
  7. To Mr MEGILLELAND I only hope that our 3 local district councillors do not say anything, as I fear if you do win, the Regulatory Committee may be classed as favouring there fellow councellors. Therefor it could be an apeal. I suspect that the 3 local district councillors will not read this message as this website is gradually dieing because of lack of support as we all know who close down the Belmont Rural Website. The only person to read this will be Cllr Powell, as this is her website and is biased in favour of her. In reality this website is not a true representative voice of the people of Belmont, Hunderton, or Newton Farm. This website is Glenda Powell, you can tell by all the entries.
  8. Glenda, Could I leave it in your hands, so that Persimmons do not brush it under the carpet.
  9. Glenda, Has the sewage saga died a natural death, as I went round the pond yesterday evening and I can still see liquid coming out of that pipe. Admittingly a lot cleaner, but should it or should it go to a soak away.
  10. Victor, We call it a truce, I may have jumped in with both feel with you. Pax Dominus Verbiscum.
  11. On Page 2 Leila Dawney quotes "Central and Eastern European migrants." I also think that her report may have racialist tendencies quote “attracting white Christian Migrants from the new A8 European member statesâ€Â. Food for thought. The news paper uses these words “Eastern European thieves†which is politically correct, But by specifying Rumanian and Eastern European Gypsies, he is racialist by specifying the race and branding a type of person. The law states you cannot specify Race, Religion Colour. The term Eastern European thieves as used by the news paper, or as used by Mark Schoffer “friendsâ€Â, was not offensive and was correct, also they are our friends, but they do like to eat fish like carp, were I like salmon and trout plus cod, please note carp is not sold in our shops. I can only suggest you read your publications you quoted. I am very sorry I may not have had the education you have had, and I know I make the odd spelling mistake, I am not perfect like you.
  12. I can only suggest you read the acts 2000,2001, and 2006s I quoted as they are as written by Parliament, and I will agree to disagree with your interpretation of the law.
  13. Victor Wright and admin I am afraid you are talking a load of old ribbush. I, I blaim admin for not reading what they published, if now they consider that the comment of Mark Schoffer was anti recialist then he should have not published it. The comment our Eastern European Friends is politically correct, had he named a race then it could be construded as raicialist. You only have to listen to BBC news and they use western Europeans Eastern Europeans, Americans and Aisians. Because no country is selected the above statement was politically correct. I do understand that the comment made about those people eating the fish they catch is the truth, if you don’t believe me ask any fisherman. 2, Victor I am afraid you have not read:- a. RACE RELATIONS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2000 b. The Race Relations Act 1976 (Statutory Duties) order 2001 c. Equality Act 2006© All found on the government site, http://www.opsi.gov.uk So please read, digest, engage brain before you speak.
  14. Your local Councillor Edwards does a regular rubbish clear up of his own accord, I have seen him. If you are not happy to walk amongst litter and dog poo give him a ring. I got his phone number for you from the notice board in Westhome Road, give him a ring 01432350688 and let him know how you feel.
  15. Glenda Joining the tiers we now have furniture, and a bit of home gym I saw this for sale at car boot on Sunday afternoon. Obviously it did not sell so it is now dumped at the ponds, on way home from car boot. I expect but don’t remember the seller had a van, but to dump at council site if you have a van you have to pay hence they dumped it at the ponds. The ponds are being destroyed by the fishermen lighting fires under trees causing damage by fire to the trees, leaving human excrement, and litter which awaits to be collected by Cllr Edwards, who is nursing the fishermen to destroy the ponds. It is no longer a pleasure to walk round the ponds on the weekends with drunken fishermen lying across the foot path, dog poo's, and other rubbish. Would you like to take your children pond dipping there? I have complained to my local parish councillor, and he said he complained to Mr R. Hemblade and Cllr Edwards, but nothing is being done. My Parish Councillor said his words have fallen on deaf ears, they just don’t want to know, he said there will be a meeting on 15 July 2010 at 5.30 pm at the end of Westholme Road, where the public and fishermen can voice their thoughts.
  16. The garden rubbish has been removed from Belmont Pool, but the tiers are still there but now joined by toilet systern. I was wondering who will remove the tiers and the toilet systern, it look as if Amey have removed the garden rubbish, but are the tiers are too difficult? Cllr Edwards says how wonderful he is, but has done nothing yet to clear up the rubbish.
  17. Very nice picture, very professional
  18. Colin I had a walk round with our young'un, they were still there, I also saw youths swimming in the lower pond, I just wonder what will happen to the ponds if one of them drowns.
  19. Colin Many thanks for showing the truth, I am sorry that Cllr Edwards could not see the tiers; there is also a white TV in the bank. Also Colin there is a very large sack in the smaller pool filled with something light as it is half floating, if you get a chance can you get a picture for the website, so that if Cllr Powell be kind she could ask Amey to remove if it is feasible. It is a shame that people keep dumping rubbish into the ponds, also litter, but I feel it is the society we live in, where the children are not educated about dumping rubbish at a young age. So can we blame the schools and the parents.
  20. Colin, I can now see the heron thanks.
  21. Glenda I thought I gave you a compliment, that when you put your mind to things no one can beat you. I am sorry you misunderstood me.
  22. Frank you do not realise the politics of residents, some people come to Cllr Powell for certain reasons just think:- 1, Some people do not like Cllr Edwards and look towards Cllr Powell for help. 2, Some residents realise that Cllr Powell when she puts her mind to it, she gets things done. Here are just two reasons why, there are others.
  23. Nice picture Collin, I can see the swan but where is the heron, you will have to find is the Kingfisher, the rubber tiers and the TV next.
  24. Glenysp see below The PUBLIC WILL DECIDE Yes Glenda they did. I made the effort to attend Eastholme Community Centre for the count, it appears way out in front was a battle between Dawn Killeen, and Adrian Bridges, only five votes between them but way down bottom was Cllr Powell with only 30 votes. Yes the public thought before they voted two things: - 1. Who closed Belmont Rural website? 2. Who's website instigated the election? Writely or wrongly they made their decision.
  25. “The PUBLIC WILL DESIDE†Yes Glenda they did. I made the effort to attend Eastholme Community Centre for the count, it appears way out in front was a battle between Dawn Killeen, and Adrian Bridges, only five votes between them but way down bottom was Cllr Powell with only 30 votes. Yes the public thought before they voted two things: - 1. Who closed Belmont Rural website? 2. Who’s website instigated the election? Writely or wrongly they made their decision.
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