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Everything posted by atm63

  1. atm63

    care homes

    Sorry , my mistake .
  2. atm63

    care homes

    Coldwells is residential , not care . There is a difference
  3. Lets hope some visitors return .
  4. Lakeland trying to negotiate a rent reduction just shows their Hereford store isn't doing as well as they hoped , the town is struggling
  5. So Herefordshire Council sell a property to Hfds Housing and the business/ commission etc goes to a Gloucester based firm . You could not make it up . I run a small business and try hard to keep work I farm out elsewhere in Herefordshire , if these free loaders were running their own show they wouldn't last five minutes ffs.
  6. They can't help themselves . Think they above the law . Never a British owned shop is it .
  7. The pot hole crew were doing their thing down the road recently and I really hope they try a bit harder to sort the mess we have to put up with as it was half a job at most , trying to make it look professional but I can see through the slap dash bodges . Could try harder .
  8. Why ? Do they actually think this is a generous move or a make up for the slow and sorry slaughter of the town with their parking charges . They really are so out of touch with what is going on in this sorry place ( their making b t w ) When the weeping window display has gone things will return to the festering mess they are creating . Seriously clueless
  9. There was a young bloke who travelled around the country to different locations he was from Hereford but was exposed by a daily newspaper and it was on TV , a few years ago now.
  10. Someone from the Independant quarter was saying how when the meters were installed their trade went downhill , but it has now picked up on Church St , I wonder how these folk are in business at times , as soon as the window display goes and the reality that parking charges have increased then maybe it will sink in what has happened .
  11. We drove in to town earlier , and the traffic was very slow and busy but interesting there were a lot of parking spaces at the end of town closer to the weeping window display , so what is going on besides the mess this council has created folk from out of the area must think we are a laughing stock . Really is pitiful what is going on here .
  12. And so the knife is twisted just months after installation of the meters. Whoever made this decision is so out of touch it is pitiful. We will see a couple of businesses leave soon I fear .
  13. Is the passage way going to be reinstated ??
  14. Inc the Hereford Times story recently which was his doing . I have known Bob for years but he should not have done it.
  15. It was / is for sale but what use is it on its own , limited access etc . As others said the cottages should have been purchased as well as the land and do a proper job instead of half baked affair .
  16. I don't need to mention what is happening in the NHS .
  17. I am not blaming the Tories solely , I am blaming what is happening and has been for the last few years. In the trade I am in it is the same , people are not spending like they were . It only accounts for a part but austerity kicked in after the banks failed , the banks have paid back 90% but austerity gets harder with no let up. People panic and the weak businesses or whatever will suffer . As an aside since the tories have been in office homelessness/ street sleepers have risen 35 % , that in itself isn't a good advert . We are in really bad times but there is always someone to point a finger at but who is manning the boat ?????
  18. Tory austerity , clueless politicians handling Brexit = a worried and confused nation . A nation that has zero confidence in it's government so therefore hangs on to their hard earned cash. These businesses are the tip of the ice berg .
  19. You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs . Personally I don't see this is where the bulk of problem traffic is either coming from or going to but it is Herefordshire Council and in their wisdom they will do as they think . NB . The Rotherwas relief road is rarely busy nor it seems is the road to nowhere .
  20. Have spoken in various threads re the KFC traffic lights debacle. It doesn't seem to make sense , the arrows change priorities and have been "tweeked" since the road to nowhere opened . It seems a free for all now after passing the fuel station towards Aylestone Hill.
  21. Has anyone else noticed how the traffic is in turmoil at the lights by KFC heading towards Aylestone Hill , when the road opened it was arrowed in a way that the l/h lane led traffic left to Morrisons or the new road . People were in a pickle due to signage confusing , now it has changed and it seems to be a free for all , it doesn't make sense . I did speak about it before but since it has changed it just doesn't make sense ??
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