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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. Nothing surprises me, this planning application is ridiculous and will only add to the mayhem we witness most days on the Belmont Rd.
  2. This is a shame, this pub used to be the place to be back in the day but more recently it has struggled.
  3. These are very popular around the world and if it saves on traffic and fuel then I am all for them.
  4. Oh please don't jump onto this negative council bashing reteric like some other crap local websites. Before you start with your £££'s headlines how much do you think these items cost? Let's have a full detailed breakdown before you come up with criticism. I am all for saving money but these items you cannot just pick up in Argos! It is easy to sit back and have a pop, maybe you should offer your expert procurement services to see how much you can save. I am sorry but just fed up reading all this negative tripe, if people can do better get off your backsides do something about it. Rant over.
  5. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone.
  6. This is just the worse news, I really hope that all the staff can find themselves alternative employment.
  7. I feel sorry for the family and the shame she has brought on them too. I hope her mother can get over this terrible upset in her golden years.
  8. Lovely story. Unbelievable amount of people that this has reached, still it is nice to have a happy story with a happy ending, thanks for making my day.
  9. Completed the survey, I am surprised were not already doing this in Hereford.
  10. This is good news for Hereford, nice to see these company expanding during these difficult times for retail.
  11. Contact Cllr Kath Hey (Mayor) she will know who to put you in touch with.
  12. Nice to see these, surprised it has not offended some snowflakes yet, personally I think they are ace
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