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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. Still here lol
  2. This is a really nice photograph, thanks for sharing it with us. We all live in a beautiful part of the World.
  3. Cannot find the application? Please point me to the link or pdf
  4. There is nothing lazy bout treating yourself to a nice meal or takeaway, personally I think it will be a lot better than the eyesore we have now.
  5. I like tree's and I was sorry to see those trees in Edgar St cut down, but following the save the tree's campaign, imo it is now even worse, looks like a dogs hind leg, they have left one odd tree at the bottom. The new lane is always empty anyway, other then the odd clever dick who jumps the queue then tries to sneak back left into the traffic just before the turning right by Steels. Hereford's whole traffic management system is a nightmare especially at the Asda junction, I am in favour of turning that junction back into a roundabout and getting rid of the traffic light altogether.
  6. Oh for Christ Sake get over the bloody trees in Edgar St, I am bored of hearing about them now.
  7. Can you grab a photo? Why have they not put up CCTV in Sherborn Close in order to catch the culprits?
  8. Probably ragwert, just my thoughts. At least they would have several alternative routes to choose from - Whitecross Rd or go up Wordsworth Rd and come out in Barton Rd or go out through Madley, I could well be wrong here but I think if they chose to be sited on the outskirts they have choices where is if they are stuck in the centre it is more limited.
  9. Well depending on the traffic I have driven around though Madley from the cattle market a lot quicker than going through the city centre and that was my point, They could also use Whitecross Rd but if you believe that emergency vehicles will not have to battle through the city centre traffic, which is getting worse not better then support their new proposals and leave the new station idea's in Edgar St/Relief Rd.
  10. Hi dippy, yes I was aware of the other topic but that was about saving the working boys home, so rather than jump onto that topic I decided to create a new one just about he two stations new proposals.
  11. I have just been reading the article on the HT website about this second proposal for these stations. Its great news that they have withdrawn the working boys home application but the new application site prop0sed is smack bang in the city centre, would it not make more sense to have these stations just outside town for all around quicker access. If there is a fire at Newton Farm for example these emergency vehicles will have to negotiate the terrible congestion that we all face daily, I appreciate that there will always be traffic but if they built these stations near Rotherwas or even the other side near the cattle market at least they can decide to take alternative routes in order to save time and lives potentially, surely being in the city centre the are almost cocooned to a degree.
  12. Ooo, I am not sure about that one Glenda. I know a few IOC members and their intentions are good and somewhat similar to the independents in some area's, so I am surprised you have said that to be honest.
  13. I am very surprised indeed that other independents did not complain about Phil Edwards standing against another established councillor/candidate, this was obviously to boost his overzealous ego, I think its actually very damaging for the independents. Glenda I would suggest that you consider standing for IOC next time perhaps..
  14. Do you mean this one?
  15. Some kind of sect? I hear all sorts of weird stories about this so called church.
  16. This makes for disturbing reading. Good luck Julian, lets hope that justice prevails, but if found not guilty, what then? Can you sue the Police for wrongful arrest? Or is this a one way street?
  17. Remember the Mayor Vs Widow Twankey photo's bobby? ha ha
  18. I support Glenda, she has done a tremendous amount of work for Newton Farm. She also supported the open space in Argyle Rise.
  19. I just can't stop thinking and talking with my family and friends about this idea, I think its brilliant. We should call the line Colin's Great Western Way he hee
  20. Nottingham are into trams too http://greenallianceblog.org.uk/2013/03/13/trams-solar-panels-and-enlightened-self-interest-in-nottingham/, this is a very positive stuff I must say, this debate has filled me with renewed hope.
  21. I dont think they do black and white trams lol you need to get with it and into the 21st century, I actually like the tram in the first picture, very modern and sleek looking. I am a little fed up with Hereford looking like a farm yard, the design at the new shopping centre is terrible, resembles cow sheds from the old market, I understand that was the idea but I really think it looks rubbish. There is nothing wrong with modernisation as long as it it done tastefully. A new modern electric tram system is exactly what this city needs and this is the most refreshing idea I have heard in years.
  22. Trams are part of the future for sure and eco friendly at the same time, no braniner this one Colin and you have my full support with your campaign.
  23. I think this was the best thing to do Colin.
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