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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. I was reading this article in the Hereford Times informing us that a defibrillator has been installed at Asda Hereford and that 14 members of staff have been trained to use it. Excellent news, I think all supermarkets and large stores should have them as standard.
  2. I have just read the tragic story in the HT Taken from this story
  3. Not a lot of good if it is closed during the day? Are they opened all day long? What about over near the lifts close to Waitrose.
  4. The new shopping centre does not belong to the council! It is privately owned but yes I did notice that the Newmarket St roundabout had been mowed was this done by BB or someone else?
  5. Oh behave, anyone could type that, have a look, I have just added my name to the email too. I am not being funny here but smartieno1 you seem hell bent on trying to provoke and I notice you have thing about trying to trip up CVP? You do not need to flex your muscles on here, you could of simply just sent her a polite pm. I once had a lot of respect for you, I can see you are keen to help others which is a good quality, but you just appear to enjoy trying to prove how clever and wonderful you are and how terrible and useless anyone in authority is and how you could do it so much better. We all have a moan but there was no need to reply directly in the manner that you have for all to see, what's that all about?
  6. Why is the parking not FREE? Great incentive to shop in Hereford's new shopping centre. Most other place offer free parking or at least a few hours parking for free. This is not cheap either. :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching: :Cha ching:
  7. I thought it was was tongue in cheek but I can see how it can confuse people.
  8. Its good to see some positive replies from some of the councillors but a lot of them as usual have sat on the fence. For Christ sakes just give it a try!! You are ONLY asking for a micro simulation at this stage so nothing to loose. The traffic is getting worse and I notice even more traffic lights are being installed in Edgar St.
  9. The HA have said that Herefordshire Council are on their own with regard to a western bypass according to this article in the HT
  10. Me too, I never knew about this meeting otherwise I would have gone along.
  11. That's nice to see and well done to Hereford United.
  12. Yes makes complete sense to me, off to sign it now.
  13. The man is a genius, I too would of also loved to have seen him
  14. I was not attempting to put you down and I have the utmost respect for anyone who gives up their own time to help others, it would just make sense to work together or agree to disagree and move on. All this trying to gain brownie points over each other does neither of you any good...
  15. This has to better than what is there now.
  16. Well I will start it off then. CVP does a lot of good work to be fair to her and has done for many years! Then smartieno1 appears overnight with his plan to fix all. Aylestone Voice, you have always had an agenda with cvp which is very clear.
  17. Only sacked? If that had of been you or me we would be facing prosecution for perverting the course of justice
  18. I have had this leaflet put through my door this evening and thought I would share it with you, I wonder how many people will attend?
  19. What difference will that make? There were talks a couple of years back about a new ground near Grafton but nothing came of it. I'm afraid that a lot of folk have lost confidence in HUFC, bad management and lack of wins this combined with poor directors has led to the clubs inevitable demise.
  20. Hereford has gone mad with all these traffic lights its becoming a complete joke, I have looked at all the video's that have ben put up and it's clear that traffic moves if traffic lights are out of action, I have a horrible feeling that the traffic is going to be worse than ever once the new shopping centre eventually opens.
  21. Have to agree Jane, I could never work that one out. A few times we got caught out and had to walk back into town, then the desire to go back had gone.
  22. There are other forums and websites around if you are finding this one too boring, I agree with the other members that your comments are unfair, bobby47 is a valued member and his contributions are excellent and often very amusing too but so are contributions from all of the member here.
  23. Well done smartie1, it was good of them to meet you and discuss these matters fair play to both of you.
  24. This seems a huge amount of money smartieno1? Keep up the good work fella and lets hope that you get to the bottom of this, I am intrigued now
  25. Over 10,000 views that's mental
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