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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. It's a shame to see it go, even if it was not being used, still sad.
  2. A very close game. I enjoyed that very much, good luck in the final.
  3. This was handy yesterday when I was in town to be fair, but we still need public toilets available to us.
  4. Some really good shots there Colin and I love the HDR ones especially the one underneath the new bridge.
  5. CVP with reference to murders, I was making a point! Of course I value your opinion but your not consistent are you, one minute you are totally behind local business but in this instance your suggest that they should now ALL be made to close because and all because a few people that get drunk and rowdy, so what if they do! The majority have been working hard all week and the weekend is their time! Okay I am not saying you should go around causing trouble and peeing in the street, but there is another argument there too, THERE ARE NO OPEN PUBLIC TOILETS! Instead of having a go at the easy targets here try looking for a solution and forcing local business's who rely mainly on weekend trade to close is not the answer and it clearly is not working anyway because people just get their food elsewhere.
  6. I am not having a go at GVP either, merely the decisions made on evidence seen apparently.. I think she does a grand job in general but I am with Roger again on this, so we should all be on a curfew then and nobody allowed on the streets after 7pm because a few people have murdered. So how come you can still buy food in Tesco, Garages and the Lunch Box then? And what has temperature got to do with it? Anyone going to answer this please?
  7. I have kept out of this debate but I have to say something. What a load of codswallop! But it's okay for Tesco to stay open though and garages and the food establishments who sell cold food?? Utter utter rubbish, I have to agree with Roger, you are penalising SELECT innocent business's because of another individuals behaviour? So based on that then why are the other business be forced to close too? And what has the food temperature got to do with it? Surely if your hungry your hungry... This large masses that used to gather in commercial road in particular at 1am and 2am changed when the licensing laws became more relaxed so this needs changing now to allow hot food establishments to close when they see fit and NOT because it's suits the local police.
  8. Change A Little, Save A Lot Campaign This is rich coming from Herefordshire Council who are about to put a huge increase on our community charge!
  9. Hello Stacey and welcome to HV. I have read your story and I would like to offer my sincere condolences for your loss. I think what you are doing will be an inspiration to other parents and I wish you all the luck in the World. SCBU is an under funded department in many hospitals not just Hereford and your kind idea I am sure can only help! I don't have a lot of money but I would like to make a small donation, it will all add up. I will have a read through your links when I get back from visiting my elderly mum later this evening. Once again welcome to HV.
  10. Mr Lively eh, Hmmm... I am saying nothing but let's hope they can something with Left Bank it is such a waste.
  11. I agree with you Colin but unfortunately they were not that clever to come up with a simple idea like this. I do like the idea of removing the lights and having some shared space and I was in the Netherlands last year and Amanda is spot on, they have it sussed over there for sure and it could easily be the same here with very little effort.
  12. Thanks for the lesson very useful, to be fair there are a lot of features
  13. I prefer Colin's suggestion that Martin has posted above - No Lights Equal Rights.
  14. This is a brilliant idea, Martin clearly knows his stuff when it comes to traffic lights, I was only reading an article recently, so great to have Martin onboard with you all Colin, lets hope you can at some stage get a trial at the very least.
  15. The traffic over the past few weeks northbound through the city has been perfect and today again a complete nightmare! WHY WHY WHY will they not give Colin James's suggestion of turning off the traffic lights at both the Asda junction and Edgar Street junction for a 3 month trial period at the very least!??? I know why, because it will work that's why!
  16. Excellent, keep up the good work.
  17. Yes you are dead right.
  18. All of these sites Colin would be fine in my opinion especially the Roman Road idea.
  19. Although I like their stance on transparency, we are in desperate need of new houses and I am totally in favour of the new shopping centre on the old cattle market site which their policy clearly points out that they against and for that reason I cannot give them my vote.
  20. That is unreal
  21. I have been working on this for a long time folks and well today is the day to reveal my fantastic idea, it is so good that I am sure that Hereford Council will won't to buy it immediately because they are that STUPID! anyway this is my solution to the traffic in Hereford and in particular the junction at Asda, I am positive that Colin James will help me to promote it so what do you think? Just in time for Christmas too
  22. Residents can now recycle aluminium foil at special bins in supermarkets and waste sites in the county, helping to fulfil a promise to a local organisation working with people with learning difficulties. The joint initiative between Herefordshire Council, the county’s ‘green’ organisation EnviroAbility and aluminium recycling company Alupro, will tackle the problem of dealing with the material which can’t be recycled through the existing household waste system. The first of the new distinctive yellow and black bins has been sited at Sainsbury’s in Hereford and nine more bins will be located at other supermarkets and household waste sites in the county. You can read the full article here Phil.
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