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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. I had the same thoughts...
  2. I never thought of a tram line, not sure if that would relieve the traffic that much as it would act almost like a bus service, we need to reduce the traffic. I like the idea of making it into a relief road while we wait for the never ending bypass debate to conclude.
  3. Yes i think I would agree with the above comments. This is a very useful site and i hope now others will join us in making our community a better one. :Thumbs-Up:
  4. I am pleased that you have informed us who owns the website, but I feel that you may have had no choice in the matter due to constant moans and misinformed information being posted. The BR website was very biased and messages and emails were usually always altered as someone has already pointed out. What i like about this site is 'what you see is what you get' so to speak.. Belmont, now there is a username, NOT! people who hide behind fake names always have plenty to say, after all, nobody knows who they are, or at leasts that's what they believe to be the case. Cllr Powell has been a great help to many members here and she does her best to keep all informed, which i might add is 100% more than the other 'so called councillors' so its beyond me why certain members choose to support them, even though they are not supporting us in return, strange... Anyway, just wanted to offer my support to a great site here, keep up the good work folks, I for one will continue to be as active as possible.
  5. Well, I think that it is a disgrace that other councillors are not here to represent their constituents, most are well aware of this website. I think a few were big fans of the BR website and this is their little protest (just my opinion)which is pathetic in all honesty. The BR website was very limited, this site gives a more immediate and direct communication, which in my opinion is a must. We are now in the 21st century and email, ipods, laptops and alike are here and should be used to there full potential. I like the fact that we have live forums for immediate replys. The other councillors are failing in their duty to us by remaining absent, but they will soon want our votes no doubt.
  6. I know where your coming from with this Colin, they seem to take forever to do what is just a straight forward task, scary eh lol
  7. This picture of Broad Street Hereford was taken in the 1930's.
  8. This is good, thank you for the update.
  9. We are now almost into August, any updates on the roundabout?
  10. Glenda could you please clarify point 1 and 2.
  11. Good to hear, keep up the good work Cllr :Thumbs-Up:
  12. That is disgusting and really needs removing as it say in the email it is clearly a health hazard, unreal this is 2010 and still we live in Victorian times.
  13. Welcome to the site Liz
  14. Read the post above yours, looks like it's all been done. well done to all for the swift action against this person
  15. I'd be very suprised if Cllr Phil Edwards registered here at all, he would not want to be criticised, some people only want the glory, Chairman is his title yes? just my opinion. :Angry_32:
  16. I was along this path today and although this was reported as far back as June 21st nothing has been done about it. We are now 5th July.
  17. Yes they should be prosecuted, that's disgusting.
  18. Don't seem to see as many Bee's these days, but this is nice to hear.
  19. I have been for a nice stroll this morning and this area could be so beautiful, but the rubbish and tyres are still there, think Amey needs another phone call.
  20. Well done Glenda that was very swift action. This whole area needs to be sorted out.
  21. Super pictures Colin. Keep them coming
  22. Thank you Glenda for the update, I will look forward to the details
  23. This is a brilliant idea, used this centre only the other day and was seen by a doctor within 10mins of arriving, excllent!
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