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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. I have noticed that St Francis church has been closed for sometime, what is actually happening there does anyone know?
  2. Adrian, these tyres are at the poolside, I have not been up there for a long while, but plan on taking a walk around maybe on Sunday. I hope that the council can get this cleaned up quickly as it looks beautiful from some of the pictures on here.
  3. Certainly not a swan, yes looks like a Heron to me. I may take a walk to the pools over the weekend myself.
  4. Nice picture
  5. Sorry Roger I don't agree, she was merely suggesting to contact Cllr Edwards as he was only there the day before, & why not!! he is the chairman, apparently... and also at this present time is she not a parish councillor? thought that position was vacant as I saw on another posting. Election is today is it not? so it should be passed to an active councillor, yes? Cllr Edwards is also there to represent the constituents of the belmont ward, as are other councillors, so where are they and why are they not on here answering our questions, especially now that the other site, is all but closed.
  6. Well hopefully when the new park is complete, maybe they will install bins and possible a little bit of lighting.
  7. Thank you Cllr Powell, can't belive the only cut these verges twice a year, that's unreal.
  8. Here here!! starting to become personal now, so I am pleased that the admin has stepped in, these comments have also ruined the original topic which was a beautiful picture.
  9. Thank you Glenda :Smile_32:
  10. What is the latest about regeneration for the oval, any updates or news?
  11. I prefer this site to others as its virtually live, you post a message and instantly its online, better than waiting for days.
  12. Well that in my opinion, is an unfair question, nobody could give that guarantee and your choice of words makes it sound like she deliberately missed going! that said, I am confident that Cllr Powell if re-elected will attend as many meeting possible as she has done over the years. I think this whole attack on her is totally un-called for as it was only during a 6 month period of which, most of that time she was ill hence why she was unable to attend all the meetings, but to be fair to Cllr Powell that never stopped her doing her duty. Glenysp, have you ever actually attended any parish meetings yourself? just out of curiosity, as I have on a few occasions.
  13. ha ha i worked it out thanks
  14. How do i add an avatar or picture?
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