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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. Thank you
  2. Do you a link to the planning application?
  3. There are contractors working in there already
  4. Thank you for listing these various activities and trips from over the years, it is good to see the benefits for twinning, some good research Colin.
  5. What the hell does have have to do with twinning? This has absolutely NOTHING to do with immigration this is about creating stronger links.
  6. It is like it has just been ignored and it looks a bloody eyesore!
  7. This is a nice idea and would make our bond with Poland even better. This is a win win all around
  8. As above, lessons need to be learned and people need to be sent back because some cultures will not mix no matter how hard the governments try. This is another apparent refugee (Pakistan) that arrived through Angela Merkel's open door last December, maybe he was applauded when he arrived at the train station too.
  9. This is a really good well written article and highlights many issues of unwelcome divide within the community and the unfair labelling that our Polish friends have had to put up with because of this illegal activity by others.
  10. This community centre needs all of this support to keep these vital services available for the next 3-5 years for the people that used this centre regularly.
  11. I think we need to get away from the old drab looking red bricks, personally, I believe adding some nice colour will brighten the area up, why do you want to keep things looking the same? Nothing wrong with modernising and adding a 21st touch.
  12. I approve of the new modern look it will brighten up the area
  13. I will not buy a single Xmas product or present until after the 1st week of December, it is ridiculous.
  14. Independently as far as I am aware. Personally, I love the idea and it will create more activity along the old lines, especially if there was an evening service. People still feel vulnerable along here adding a service like this may go some way to making people feel a little safer too.
  15. How much!!! This is unbelievable, WHY are the sitting on all this money? Yet Colin puts in a legitamte request for salt bins and it gets deferred, what is going on here?
  16. An application has been submitted to turn the former records office in Bath St into a boarding house for the Cathedral School. Details about the planning can be found here
  17. Do you have a link to updated plans because I cannot find them
  18. You are correct, they have no real right to put this sign up.
  19. How many wards are there within the city limits? Colin has listed 16 wards but I cannot see Aylestone Hill. I also notice that Mostyn St and Plough Lane do not come under Whitecross, this is very confusing.
  20. A lot of this makes sense and trials need to be put in place. Traffic lights in Hereford are a nightmare and unnecessary, especially at night.
  21. To be honest, I do not think this is the best route but which ever route selected would of received opposition, it's is time to just get on with it or we maybe we will end up with nothing at all.
  22. That is unbelievable, 20 years, I would never I thought that.
  23. Well they are hardly going to do that are they but if your read Colin initial post there was plastic on the mattress where the police may obtain finger prints, white often you will see bags of rubbish with letters etc inside. Do they study CCTV in the surrounding area's? I just think rather than collecting this tipped rubbish more should be done to catch the culprits, nothing to do with BB this is a crime and should be treated as such.
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