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Frank Smith

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Everything posted by Frank Smith

  1. They should seek to prosecute these offenders or do they merely collect the rubbish? How far do they go to find out who is responsible for the tipping?
  2. What is wrong with people? Scum!
  3. I agree it is totally fixed so tonights result will be interesting indeed
  4. I concur with Colin besides countries should be proud of their identity and culture and should protect it, just because Poland is part of the EU they should not be forced to take anyone, it should be by invitation. Poland have taken their fair share of migrants from the Ukraine already and these people share the same beliefs and culture, which is the best way forward. Some groups of people do not want to integrate into Western culture and are far better off living in the countries that share their beliefs and religions instead of going into Western countries and trying to force their ways upon that country. GB has lost her identity in my view at least when you are in Hungary or Poland you know you are in those countries, go to Bradford, Birmingham and London and you could be in Pakistan, Iraq, India... I read an article yesterday advising people in German not to cook pork on bbq's in some public area's so as not to offend local Muslims, what's that all about! Another article here and here
  5. They make a wicked pizza so a big welcome to the city from me.
  6. Good luck
  7. I wonder how many will be refused.. I guess this is open to anyone to apply, Colin apply for two salt bins lol
  8. A little flutter on The Druids Nephew for me.
  9. Good luck at Wembley
  10. Nothing surprises me about the parish council to be honest. A legit request for a low cost bin to make the roads just that bit safer is basically rejected. I will have a troll through the minutes too and see where they spend their our money if not on sensible requests like this. Why was this no given the go ahead can one of the local Councillors please throw some light own this please?
  11. Maybe the driver never realised that the Market had moved... lol hope nobody was hurt.
  12. Well done good effort by all involved
  13. I agree Jon. There should be a mandatory test at a set age for all drivers, airline pilots are tested regular, I appreciate they are responsible for many many passengers but ultimately someone driving dangerously at the wheel of a vehicle could could potentially cause a major accident too. People could be tested at 60 then every 3-5 years.
  14. I noticed this comment on the HV Facebook Page
  15. I cannot find where you said what dippy has claimed you said either Adrian.
  16. I agree, surprised that they are complaining about wristbands, they will be refusing to be served by western woman next, the majority already have no respect for western woman.
  17. Personally i cannot stand katie hopkins but I think she has a valid point here. Just my two pence worth
  18. Good evening dippy, it breaks my heart too. Germany have taken over 1 million refugees and over 69% are single male adults! 18% are children and 13% female adults, surely the priority should of been these children?
  19. No, they have reached Calais! Which means they have gone through many other countries, well it does in my atlas.
  20. All these unaccompanied children have walked hundreds of miles through many other EU countries (And have gone un-noticed by these other Countries) all heading to the UK? Why? When they could of stopped walking a long time back.
  21. There are some strange people around dippy. If they are picking on you and HV they are leaving others alone. I am sure there are lots of different users over at the HT.
  22. Changed your view yet? I agree with Bill, it is not what it used to be. No moderators in place almost a free for all. They just delete posts that are reported.
  23. This is very sad news. I have just read the HT tribute.
  24. No need for the apology dippy but thank you.
  25. I do not recall tarring all with the same brush, I believe the headline said at least 18 were asylum seekers.
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