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Everything posted by DanGuerche

  1. Thought I would give you guys a little update on my Sainsburys ticket. Got a few threatening letters about court/bailiffs - ignored them all and nothing now for about 2 months. I have not contacted them and they appear to have gone away. I do however still shop in Sainsburys.
  2. Guys I can confirm a couple of points for you. From a Night Time Economy view - the street pastors have been good news. From an NHS point of view - they have saved the smaller issues ending up in A&E and saved "us" money - sped up time in the A&E department and probably given better care to Night Time Economy people. From a BID point of view - we are doing a small trial with the street pastors to see if they can help with certain issues in the day time economy - this really is in its very early stages. I know a lot of the team and they do not "preach" their values - they just simply help people. I can also confirm that Vennture is not part of or anything to do with the Freedom Church and its a shame that this thread has taken this turn. Not only is this a good thing on the surface its a good thing when you understand it a bit better as well. Vennture put all of the Street Pastor team through rigorous training before they are out with the public
  3. I dont know them by name and perhaps thats bad of me. Mostly they are pleasant and appear happy people who have obviously been dealt a bad hand. I got speaking to one old boy and he is ex military, I was too embarrassed to ask how he ended up in this situation, but there are around 6-8 that are in the doorways along Commercial Road of a night time. Sorry Paul for the thread jack - not intentional, but its just another thing that needs sorting in our beautiful city.
  4. I think the Police have done a lot of work on dealing with the Baptist Church street drinkers, and also the Grave Yard street drinkers - possibly the same group - I dont know, but I do know I dont see these groups around as much as I once did. With regards to the homeless people, I work in town, late into the night and sadly they are there and appear to be increasing in numbers.
  5. Personally Im more of a fan of the new Champagne Signature - great Indian restaurant. With regards to the homeless there does appear to be an increase in the amount of homeless that are pitching up in Commercial Road - sad times indeed.
  6. The remit of the new guys from the BID is to do the bits that BBLP are not meant to do. It would be lovely if all shop managers/owners just spent 2 mins every day looking at their own shop fronts but as we know by other threads we are not all as charitable as some would like.
  7. I live in an area where BBLP has been re doing the path ways after re doing our road - great you say - and so do I. However - they have done the road, which needed doing. The path - well its been dug up and left half finished. A neighbor tells me that BBLP have literally run out of money for the job - as such we have half done pavements and cones all around our road. These are strange times we are in - thats for sure.
  8. ............................
  9. Now into June and the first threatening letter has arrived from a debt collection agency. £105 owed now. "Seriously legal proceedings will follow and apply for a county court judgement against you if you do not pay. " The questions is - at what point do I get scared and pay up? at what point do I contact Sainsburys and tell them to look up my nectar account and see how much I spend with them? Or - do I ignor this one as well? Everyone on these threads is so confident that "nothing happens" - I wonder if YOU would put your money where your mouth is? My understanding is that the first notice was an invitation to pay - I have ignored that. We are now at threatening legal action? What are your thoughts?
  10. There we go : https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Hereford_Customer_Survey_2015
  11. Now - I am a Jesse fan - not the Tory party - but Jesse - but I have no idea WHY ON EARTH - Chile are giving him money? Anyone KNOW? Anyone have any Theories?
  12. I dont often post on this board - but as a nightclub manager - Ian is one of the best DJ's ive worked with in 20 years of nightclub management! You can see him every Thursday at Play
  13. Welcome Ben - your first post on HV! I know you have been here for a while and your first post is about a "horny guy".
  14. Lets hope so - Len Tawn has a dunk tank! Raising money to soak the Mayor !!! Should be fun!
  15. I did say I would update you guys on a ticket I got at Sainsburys around a couple of months ago now - I cant find the thread. I have not paid it. They have not sent any letters to me. So - there we are then!
  16. Hi all, As the manager of the venue in question I can confirm that I am having discussions with the Police Licensing Officer, the local town center Inspector and the Council Licensing officer who have so far all been very helpful in the application process. As Bilbobobby has stated above - The Venue have changed their licence, as have Yates so its time for Play to extend as well. The actual effect here is an additional 30 minutes of Liquor time and a further 30 minutes open to the public taking Play till 4am as opposed to 3.30. Its nice to see Bilbobobby mentioning about supporting local business - I too am very keen on this. Currently I am in partnership with John Jones from the Hereford BID, and in fact I am one of the two directors of the BID at the moment. Im very keen to help Hereford day time and night time trade improve further for residents and visitors.
  17. It was nice to meet Glenda, Colin and some of the gang. Tonight was interesting - I personally still dont know which way Im going to vote, however I must admit - UKIP in person are much better than they seem in the press. Roger - the date of this event was set back in September LAST YEAR - I did feel a bit trumped by Ch 4 tonight, but I think Murph did a great job as host, although Glenda thought that he wasnt giving enough time to the Indi's. Either way - it was an interesting event.
  18. Ill be there! To be honest it will be nice to meet some of the board members from here!
  19. There is that argument but I guess Sainsburys have made a corporate decision to rent out the car park to Euro Car Parks, take a fixed income and let them manage people who park there all day. In this case I was in their shop honestly doing my shopping. Im sure many people will try it on, however Sainsburys can measure how much money they make from Euro Car Parks in the rental income every week, what they cant measure is how much it pi$$es people off! I will write a letter to them as well. I collect the nectar points for Easyjet flights, so unfortunately Tescos is not an option for me.
  20. Well, after doing a bit of research, im going to ignore it. I guess I will update this thread with each letter that comes my way, but I wont be paying their invoice for parking and spending money in the shops car park.
  21. Anyone had any experience with Sainsburys Euro car parking? I have a ticket today. I spent £140 in the shop but the parking attendant doesn't care about that, the car park is operated by Euro Car Parks. Apparently I was parked over the line - and as such a nice notice on my car. So my question is, is this an enforceable notice? Do I HAVE to pay or only an option to pay?
  22. Hi Dippy - its open to ALL over 18 - Jesse is confirmed plus all the others listed above. The aim is to make any prospective MP work for the youth vote and more importantly get younger people thinking about politics. I hope some of this board can make the event, I would love to meet Bobby - sounds like a blast!
  23. I hope this is Ok to post Colin. Thursday 26th March - doors open at 8pm Play is hosting a "Rock the Vote" The idea is simple - all the major parties have been invited, Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, UKIP, Its our County - all have replied and confirmed attendance. This is an "open Question Time" style of discussion from 9pm in the club. So - if you are interested in Politics, care about who should be the next MP for our great City but unsure who to vote for, this could be the place to help you decide! Candidates take to the stage at 9pm. IF you have a question you wish to ask - please feel free to post here, and Ill add it to the mix and report back the answers if you cant make the event.
  24. WOW, what a thread. Mamma Jammers, Paul Neads and me! We have the great and good of Hereford's nightlife right here. Roger I would be more than happy to have a pint with you any evening we are open at the club. By the way, its true that the camera puts weight on you.
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