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Jon stannard

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Everything posted by Jon stannard

  1. Jon stannard


    50% of Nhs staff in Hereford to lose there parking permits as they are running out of space,all day parking in Hereford has gone from £3 to a massive £5
  2. Hopefully there will be a law by then to assess weather I am fit to drive rather than deciding that for myself
  3. I think the point I'm trying to get across is when will the OAP decide to give up,I know two elderly ladies near me one is 92 and the other 86 both still drive but should not be on the road as they are a hazard,they obviously think there fine,so when is the right time,I think a mandatory test for OAP's and every couple of years after that.there needs to be a law for this.ragwert you being 74yrs Young might be a better driver than someone much younger,so I think it is time the law changed.i think the only reason a lot of OAP drivers don't have accidents is due to more experienced drivers avoiding them and predicting there intentions.
  4. I've notice the amount of OAP drivers on our roads who are not fit to drive in my opinion,when should they hang there keys up??? I have a medical review at 45 yrs then every 5 yrs after that to keep my HGV license. should this rule apply to all drivers???
  5. i know danny has had it on the market for a while ,the last i heard was somebody has put in an offer and this was excepted and they are now trying to raise the funds,thats all i know.
  6. the old shunting line runs alongside sun valley and burcott rd towards dunelm and the other big outlets
  7. great idea.looking on google earth the tram system could carry on through sainburys and pick up the old shunting line in bulmers wich used to run to painter brothers and also to the current railway staion.
  8. Come on Hereford,its election time.theirs only one way to vote this year. YOU LIVE LOCAL SO VOTE LOCAL VOTE ITS OUR COUNTY
  9. Here's the new livery going on my van Tuesday, Any candidates want me to fly the flag in thier ward, let me know.
  10. jon stannard. IOC sutton walls
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