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Victor Wright

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Everything posted by Victor Wright

  1. Such tragic news, thinking of her family's and friends at this really difficult time for them all. 🧑
  2. This says it is about the Yazor Brook, no mention of the Duck Pond? Unless I missed something
  3. So out of all the letters sent less than 6% support this ill thought out planning application. There was also a petition objecting with over a 1000 signatures as well.
  4. Hey Bobby!! Where have you been hiding? We have missed you my boy.
  5. That was a massive fire by the look of it. Glad that nobody was hurt.
  6. You are 100% right here, anyone living in south wye should object to this ludicrous application. The traffic on Belmont Rd and around McDonalds together with all the anti social behaviour at night is a complete and utter nightmare for people and planners should refuse planning for this supermarket idea.
  7. Merry Xmas
  8. This is such sad news, just goes to show the power of Mother Nature
  9. Thanks for the info
  10. I have been watching this webcam since I woke up this morning. Surprising how many people walk past, never realised that it was such a busy location. It is really good to see people walking into work and the city centre.πŸ˜€
  11. This is good news. Pleased that the new owner is going to refurbish and keep it as a pub.
  12. Incredible achievement, it is really remarkable.
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