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Victor Wright

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Everything posted by Victor Wright

  1. Yes work going on there I notice, so am I to believe that until Colin actually reported it nobody from the council had done anything about it?
  2. Probably because it have never been updated and it was empty way before the new shopping centre opened! Only place to have moved was TK Maxx the restaurant and Lamberts have been closed for years. Toilets are usually always out of order too!
  3. I completely agree
  4. This is good to see, something positive for Hereford, not sure if I actually prefer to call it The Old House or The Black and White House, either or works.
  5. Happy new year to everyone on HV hope next year is a better year than 2016 was :)
  6. All young lads I see instead of setting homeless people on fire maybe they should be back in Syria fighting for their country like our grandparents did in WWI and WWII
  7. I know ha ha, Merry Christmas!
  8. It is also a list of when they are closed, I meant just a list of days showing when open rather than a bigger list showing when they are closed, it was typed tongue in cheek
  9. Good, but I am sure they will still continue selling alcohol regardless, the law needs changing and much heavier sentences need to be imposed. Annoys me, these people have been welcomed into this country from Iraq and this is how they behave, not surprised that some people make the comments that they do.
  10. Hotel could be fantastic for the city with the right investment
  11. Be easier to provide a list of when they are open ha ha
  12. Good luck with your retirement, time to relax for a while
  13. Some really nice photographs from a bird's eye view, unbelievable how clear these pictures are
  14. RIP, nobody expects to be killed while doing their job.
  15. It would be good to have a really nice pub with a garden, perfect for somewhere to take the kids especially with the common next door.
  16. Cycling on a footpath is illegal yes? The stupid tree boulevard along belmont road os a Cllr. Phil Edwards notion by all accounts, why use this space for tree's when it could be used for traffic and help reduce the constant congestion. I also prefer the bus lane idea over the bizarre tree idea
  17. I might attend because I do like the idea of a tram system and it will be interesting to see what is said.
  18. I have to agree with you Bill, how is the Northolme Centre a charity anyway? Good to see the Hereford food bank and Parkinson's Hereford receiving a donations.
  19. This really needed cutting it was an eyesore, it is a shame they never removed the grass, I know generally they don't but in this case because it was so long they should of removed it. On a positive note well done to those of you that managed (with some pressure) to get this grass cut.
  20. That has to be better than parking for shops ONLY signs
  21. Most decent cities have a Lido or outside pool, I cannot believe that they filled ours in and knocked down th shop and changing rooms, now there is only a play area for the kids.
  22. lol Hereford is in desperate need of additional housing both in the social housing and private sector. What they do need to get in order in the infrastructure for these new houses first! The garage is well underway groundworks and moving at a good pace I see this morning on my travels.
  23. Thank you Tracey for your detailed response. We could do with more councillors like you up front and straight with people, I like that. Keep up all the good work that you do, this has not gone unnoticed.
  24. The garage will be a 24 hour operation according to the report.
  25. Personally I believe a garage will be good and at least that road to nowhere may now finally be used.
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