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Victor Wright

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Everything posted by Victor Wright

  1. This is good to see. Well done HH.
  2. Hang on a minute, didn't you write this? If someone blew themselves up wouldn't you expect to see some damage on that passport possibly some bloodstains too?
  3. Sadly, you were pretty accurate with your prediction Bill, I wish you were not but I believe this is just the start of things now they have more cells in place within the EU.
  4. Anything could of happened, if it was in one of their jacket pockets then any blood would be on that jacket and would act to protect the passport inside, or it could of been in inside a bag as I read it was found near one of the bodies but maybe the authorities just wiped it clean, who knows.
  5. These "goat shaggers" have threatened that there will be more attacks from WITHIN EUROPE in London and the Vatican.
  6. This is beautiful, lets hope the council don't ask him to take this mural down like the previous Jolly Roger.
  7. Which farmland are they thinking of selling in particular I wonder?
  8. Rent & Rates are ridiculous. Good luck to the new company.
  9. Yes bring it back please.
  10. They need to address the lower curbs too, the amount of people who trip is beyond a joke.
  11. Well done. It will be good if they can fix the broken lights fairly quickly too.
  12. Where is the sign actually located?
  13. Some impressive numbers. Keep up the good work
  14. Yes and also in this topic http://www.herefordvoice.co.uk/topic/856-great-western-way-do-you-feel-safe-along-here/
  15. Thank you for the info, we will hopefully attend for half hour. Good cause
  16. Only in Hereford! A new shopping centre and no cash points, pathetic, it really is.
  17. Good news, welcome back Maverick hope you are not too bruised
  18. I am in agreement Roger. I came to HV because I was sick and tired of having my replies edited or deleted on other local sites at least here the moderators take a more sensible approach and not very often are topics edited, occasionally they are removed but usually that is the only option left. Good luck with your investigation.
  19. Adrian why on earth in this day and age are you not doing your bit by recycling? Really it takes a few extra's seconds when throwing your rubbish out. Now, I hardly have any normal household waste, less than a bag every two weeks.
  20. 2 days later the HT catch up http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/13714790.Hereford_nightclub_under_new_ownership/?ref=mr&lp=5
  21. I have read this article today on the ht website about the petition these guys had at Tesco http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/13714627.Campaign_to_keep_No_1_Ledbury_Road_open_hits_Tesco/?ref=mr&lp=10#comments
  22. This is a good point Maggie and it makes total sense to me too. This school is right opposite the new shopping centre and more or less where they are about to start building the new link road.
  23. I heard today that a Chinese consortium have purchased the hotel.
  24. Going to have a look around shortly.
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