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Adrian Pitt

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Adrian Pitt last won the day on March 18 2023

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About Adrian Pitt

  • Birthday 04/01/1970

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    Web Design & Wedding Photography

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  1. Get licensed and use them properly and they are good fun.
  2. This clearly just proves that Hereford Voice is their Go-To place, as they constantly lift your articles, very unprofessional.
  3. Good to see our new King visiting the city.
  4. Brilliant, this was constantly on my timeline over the last month, so well done to all of those people connected to this event.
  5. People should be encouraging people and businesses to Hereford not constantly complaining about it.
  6. Probably inevitable, would would they change their commitments..hopefully next year will still go ahead.
  7. This has to be good news for the city. It will be good to see this place brought back to life once again
  8. Glad we got through this stage, was starting to think it would never happen
  9. Turn the main traffic lights off! (obviously not pedestrian lights)
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