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Everything posted by DILLIGAF



    Hello all, A few colleagues and I are organising a private outdoor weekend event at the end of June (hopefully) for our hospital department staff to let off some steam and relax after the terrible year we've all experienced. We are looking for unsigned and upcoming musicians, singers and bands that would be able to perform on stage and showcase their talent, close-up magicians would be a bonus too; either Friday 7pm-11pm or Saturday noon-night to accommodate. We are looking for around 15 different acts. If you would like to be involved please could you send me some details, or even a promo and enter into discussion with us. On behalf of the team, Thankyou.
  2. It is believed to have been started by an unattended campfire! Hopefully it can recover.
  3. Apparently it is a extremely hard lake to fish so I'm told, but the prize is large! Well stocked and good sizes and plentiful food supply -probably why they don't bite. Have fun.
  4. Originally penned by Mr James himself. However it has also been noted that many of Hereford Voice inceptions have been hijacked by HC and recently be re-aired. Not a bad thing but credit where it's due please.
  5. Body found in search for missing Hereford man Officers searching for missing Hereford man John Jenkins have found a body. The body was discovered in Burghill earlier this morning (Sunday). Formal identification has not yet taken place but it is believed to be that of John Jenkins, who was reported missing yesterday (Saturday). His next of kin has been informed and have requested that their privacy be respected. The death is not being treated as suspicious at this time. We would like to thank the public and the media for their help in sharing an earlier appeal. Issued: 12pm, Sunday 4 August, Laura Maltby, Corporate Communications
  6. Please share and help find Lyndon. Big into RC community. Also a friend. Thanks https://www.westmercia.police.uk/article/62770/Appeal-to-help-find-missing-man---Hereford
  7. How do we go about getting this off the ground to happen on our side of the river? JimmyK has been heavily involved with picnic in the park on his patch on the quarry with great success. Any suggestions welcome.
  8. It appears now that you need to go public and direct with these issues; ie social media with hash tags so that everyone can see them. I find Twitter is very useful. Except when they reply with a DM and you reply publicly so everyone can see too On a side note I have contacted Bblp with regards to unsafe play equipment. They said it's HC issue!! That was a week ago - it's still unsafe and in use!!


    Too many people nowadays living a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget. Then plead poverty when caught!


    Yesterday on my travels I noticed not one not two but three vehicles clamped and stamped by the DVLA for tax evasion - this was South Side only. One chappy looked rather miffed that his 16 plate was clamped right outside the school. Well done DVLA. This should become a weekly occurrence. I'd be more p******ed at the sticker they slap on the windscreen - damn it makes a mess!!!
  11. Hereford Times would enjoy this story. Independent Veterans eh Glen!!
  12. Nothing to shout about. I'm sure the likes of Mr Bramer and Mr Price etc. will all now be inter-elected to some brand new appointed position. Folk like them don't go quietly!
  13. Be interested to see what the farm holds!!
  14. Maybe we could get Ade Goodchild onboard. I'm sure he could spare £2m (he's made that in interest already!) To kick start it off. At least it would be Fully funded and named in his honour, as a little contribution to his adopted city. Just convincing the council first and gaining application. Hypothetically, should Mr Goodchild agree, under no circumstances would we the consortium, let slip to the council that cash is available!! I think you may be surprised how many people would actually use it. For the record Mr Chapell, it wouldn't be a money maker, it has never intended to be; merely self sufficient, efficient and affordable for the people, not to line our pockets like yourselves. With the new technology of EV it would be even more viable now than previously. Mr Chapell, would you care to enlighten us on the current stats for automotive travel within the city limits now? I am led to believe that a bus from NF RTN is £4+ and most I see are empty - I can see why! I can dream.........
  15. Is there no Cons, LD or IOC standing for southside? We need some young blood in our area, not those that are retired from retirement! We need action now not words of what has been done! That's great but that was then, this is now. Someone who is not afraid to tread on toes and upset the applecart. See the community for what it is, what is required and actually live in the community but also gets around it. (Like me - but with two kids, wife, dog, full-time job, university and clubs etc I've no time to give - family comes first). Personally I believe that the majority of Herefordshire problems stem not from central government but internally at Herefordshire Council itself, the corruption, backhanders, the cloak and dagger secret meetings and failure to listen to the public. It's all about cutting spends for public useage buildings etc. and lining their own pockets instead; then when the sh@t his the fan they just walk away, no questions asked and no accountability.
  16. I'd go as far as to say Tudorian!! Hence the reason the hospital cannot be extended or built upon upwards; hence all the new plywood buildings! (Inside info)
  17. As long as your bike has 4x4 capability! You might also need search and rescue stored on the mobile, when you disappear down a pothole! No cycling provision at all. The GWW is Southside cycle provision!
  18. It does seem this way. As far as I'm aware there is no longer any intention of building a hub or anything else infact, nor is there the funds! The proposed area will become a carpark area one the council have finished with it. I do still intend to badger my new councillor until the works are completed and satisfactory; or until I receive a restraining order!! I've been extremely patient and waited long enough now the developer has cleared off and wiped their hands of us!
  19. As far as I can read it, there is no definitive answer on provision of a "community hub" on the old site office. Maybe someone could clarify. There is also no secure cycle parking anywhere! Something about a biomass boiler also??!!
  20. No but he is now VC of council coffers!! Vested interests. Where can I find full approved plans TWG?
  21. I believe both Phil Edwards and Jessie Norman are both fully aware of the ongoing situation and incomplete planned works. I haven't actually seen the full approved plans but would like to, so I can stamp my feet!!
  22. Don't get me started! There will be no 'urban gym' no community hub and no further upgrades! HH and BBLP are taking over the Keepmoat compound for materials storage for the rejuvenation of the oval block. As far as I have been informed the oval is only going to be "Faced up" to incorporate it's surroundings. No further redevelopment of lorry loading area at the rear etc. as previously outlined. I have been told that EVENTUALLY the compound area will be additional parking places. Hopefully this will also entail double yellow lines around the back of the oval also and a no left turn at the front near the chipshop. Too many times have I nearly been taken out by reckless drivers, whilst I try to exit opposite the chipshop. I very much doubt it! Too much opposition from businesses; god forbid that their customers have to walk 50yds to the shop or bookies! The window vanman and astra estate man also need some advice on parking, do they get taxis to the curb? TIMESCALE = 2025+ probably, going by previous track records.
  23. I recently placed an old metal tri- spotlight fitting in my green bin. No different from a tin can! All bulbs and wire removed just leaving the metal carcass. Subsequently it was removed and slung on my drive!
  24. Any idea on who the contractors will be?
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