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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. Here here Colin well said.
  2. Seen a great post in the media. 23% of UKIP members voted IN!!! Beats me!! Cretins!
  3. Yes I have read the print. Where was I wrong Paul??
  4. Word on the street - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation was being used on an infant. The land Ambo was used to convey patient on Blues & Twos to county hospital. No further information yet. HMed06, HMed09 & sometimes HMed03 are usually used to transfer critical cases to better equipped trauma hospitals like Birmingham children's and Bristol Royal.
  5. If you haven't been watching "Nev" SWSWSWN! on TV, I have an associate that works for him in Swansea. He has been fined in excess of £1M over cold calling in the last few years. As a matter of course for his business he has scaled down his uk operations to concentrate on opening an Indian call centre. Technically he has exposed a loophole in the uk law, but in reality India has no cold calling laws, therefore free to call us relentlessly. He merely uses India to generate income through cold calling then passing the obtained client details onto his UK centre to follow up and make money, selling his wares! Very clever. The TPS cannot bar these types of calls from India unfortunately, as they use unused routing systems on available lines; clever wizardry!. Still if he can afford a £1M fine and still run a succesful business he's doing something right! I just block the numbers as they come, if it's important they'll leave a message! Meanwhile, a tried and tested method for Postal junk/spam/loan/cards etc with your correct details on (a personal favourite of mine), open said mail and return the contents, including original envelope using the kindly provided free post envelope included! It costs them to receive this with no financial gain to themselves. You're name will soon be blacklisted in the spam world. RESULT. Sometimes I do fill in the forms using ACME TRADING COMPANY or the likes, maybe even a polite or not so polite "please don't contact me again" dependant on my mood! Hope this helps folks. Little things please little minds
  6. Well it is the Westons end!! ;)
  7. A grand a month rental. Easy pickings.
  8. Word on the street is Hereford alone sold 20K tickets!! Good luck Bulls. It's live on BT Sport if you are not aware. Shame they're proceeding with the Monday tour though. Some of us work.
  9. Not a football man, but today I felt dissapointed for the fans. UHFC are touring our city on Monday in open top bus to say thanks to the fans support this year, as most players will return to normal jobs on Tuesday. Despite the outcome at Wembley?! Real shame that many of the fans will also be at work on Monday and miss the parade. Why can they not do it on a Saturday/Sunday instead? Be a real shame for the fans. Throw a party on the meadows to finish up! Just saying!
  10. Glenda, they're pulling your leg! Believe me. Yes they may have offered up the information willingly but definitely not £500 a day each!! Could you point me in the direction of the interested press coverage please? I'm sure they would relish an "evacuation" scoop exclusive.
  11. The defendant is Autistic and was estranged from his father. He has been remanded to a secure unit and the father is in critical care in Birmingham. Thoughts are with his mother/carer who cannot be with her son at this time of need. The strains of bearing a mental illness.
  12. It is probably costing £500+ a day for the roofing contractor not individuals! Despite what they may claim! Every tradesman would become a roofer if that's the pay!!! £500 a week maybe..... Then you factor in the costs of new materials, scaffold, decorators, internal remedial works, cleaners etc etc etc. Top it all off with a good dose of compo.....
  13. Yes my mistake. Wishing the week away! Not used to having weekends off!! Bank Holiday weekend so bring a brolly & wellies!!
  14. This Saturday. Castle green, meadows, villa st and THE RIVER WYE!! No charge that I noticed. Family fun all round. Duck race around 3pm. (No animals will be harmed during this race) BAR face painting food.
  15. I have since heard nothing. I shall be making an official complaint. Not even an attempt of an explanation or apology. Shocking.
  16. Arty but Illiterate. It's spelt THIEVES. No education!
  17. I hear you brother. I can make Belmont to train station in 7 minutes via 95% GWW on bike and that's not pushing it! 20+ on a good day in car!!! (10 of that sat at needless traffic lights!) Could you tell me where I could do this via cycle lanes main roads and adhering to Highway Code?? Do Southside even have any cycle lanes apart from the unusable Holme lacy road one? I have noticed that the GWW has been ear marked for a few "dab & run" repairs. It's been atleast 15years since it was last "repaired"! (Maybe we could also incorporate this into the annual GWW cleanup with BB help?) Luckily my work hours don't let me encounter the carnage of school run on GWW. CLUELESS or IGNORNANT 98% of them. I'd rather use the road.
  18. Being a Southsider - and proud, I'm without prejudice. When I was a young delinquent!!!!! Me and my buddies only ever caused mischief and annoyance, to amuse our evenings; never mindless vandalism. If we did go beyond a joke and past the boundaries (how our parents always found out still baffles me today - how could they possibly known?!) then we'd get a clout from the parents and a visit from the local Bobby whom ALL Parents knew, we all respected that authority. Then there was the threat of being grounded and no pocket money. This was often true in my case! There is no respect being handed down from many parents today to their children. So they know no better. Which is where the problem lies. There will always be the North/South divide. It's part of our HEREtige!! I still give my northside colleagues stick! But please everybody remember THE GRASS MAY BE GREENER BUT YOU GET THE SAME S@*T IN EVERY FIELD. SOUTHSIDE RULE
  19. The Asian community do well out of me, along with the Indian and American community! Looks nice grub, no idea what it is! Then again I don't know what half the food is at my locals..... Tastes good though so I order and eat it. Sometimes I even cook my own; - Like tonight I had no37.......... sweet chilli chicken with rice noodles and mixed vegetables all cooked and eaten by me! Delicious.
  20. Hmmm not sure if that is what I saw this morning? Although I have seen it previously. This was a "private" jet being flanked by a mod heli. I say private jet but thinking a very small commercial jetliner! That was at 830 this morning. Flying fairly low and close! Royalties maybe? I know smallish planes can still land at sterling, not sure about pontrilas though. going the wrong way for shobden!
  21. So a show of hands for this years effort please. It won't be so hard this year either as it was all done last year.
  22. That is correct Denise, you are well informed. However no bonfires are allowed either, it might cook a hedgehog. I believe the last prune of GWW was late last summer to factor in this cause of concern you raise. I participated and no wildlife were evicted from their homes, you'll be glad to hear; but we did manage to provide more cover for hedgehogs.
  23. And there was a bigger turnout!! Count me in Colin! I'll borrow a chainsaw this time!!
  24. Half attempt at a reply, and NO my name isn't Simon! (Clue is in the email address!) I shall wait a week before further action is taken, which is a reasonable amount of time. •••••••• Hi Simon, Thanks for your email. The email has been passed to PC Phillips who will forward the email to the supervisors of the roads policing teams in Hereford so that they can action as they see fit. Kind Regards.
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