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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. Working in the industry for 10+ yrs, all I can say is good luck! Companies cannot retain staff due to the workload, unsociable hours, 7 day working weeks minimum pay and endless paperwork. You are expected to work 8-12hrs a day with clients then complete all relevant paperwork, which in the last 3yrs has increased 10fold to no real effect! Then if a colleague is sick you are expected to assist in cover. Inevitably mistakes are made, and when this does happen you are hauled over the coals (rightly so) most (not all) mistake are due to fatigue; this is never properly addressed, as agency cover is extremely costly and you will alway get a member of staff going the extra mile when really they shouldn't. Companies should be employing more staff, but because of of the low wage they know staff will require more hours to live on, therefor benefit the company as they don't need to train up more staff. I certainly don't do it for the money, just the satisfaction of helping someone less fortunate than most, do simple tasks by themselves that we take for granted everyday. I have to be really careful here..... A client has recently been reported to ASC as I felt that "we" we're not providing adequate care for them, as we were not supporting them due to alcohol dependence. We were unable to check if medical supplies were administered for several weeks, however as we were making visual contact most days. ASC don't want to know! It falls into the MCA and ASC say this client is deemed to have capacity! Yet at the same time "we" are failing to provide adequate care for this client! But nobody wants to do anything further. Previously a section order was refused under the MCA, yet they spent 3 weeks in hospital 1 in ICU! Go figure. It's all about money and the council palming off vulnerable adults to private and charitable companies. It is cheaper P/A to have a client in private social care than in state social care. Yet it is all funded centrally, yet identical clients from Gloucester receive more funding than one from hereford and less than Somerset; Go figure? When something happens like "Winterbourne" the authorities and folk on the outside automatically assume it's happening everywhere when it's not. I won't go on anymore. As you can see I'm very passionate about the guys I work for, I get paid by a corporation but work for the individual, Horlicks to the company, they just sit behind desks coin counting! I'm frontline doing what needs to be done for the best. Yet I have managerial qualifications. In Switzerland a basic support worker is paid £17ph; if you work with individuals with alcohol and drug issues or need to administer medicine it's upwards of £26ph.. Food for thought.
  2. WARNING TO WEST MERCIA CONSTABULARY I'm going to post on here (as it has more clout) if I do not get an answer to my email from Southside Cops. Needless to say my 'stop' left me feeling very uneasy, and I was guilt free! I will await a response from Southsides finest before I take this any further.
  3. They really didn't think it through. Never mind! Still no excuses for these barbaric acts. Just some lighthearted reading that we can laugh at in light of recent events. http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/03/20/ted-nugent-just-pissed-off-every-islamic-terrorist-in-the-world-by-pointing-out-one-huge-fact/
  4. You heard it here first; as per usual. I was aware a day or so before but unable to post. HT slow on the uptake, HC in denial as is the norm "The child was not 3" maybe not but clearly not old enough to be home alone! "Not left alone for two days as speculated" ok 47hrs then! Is there going to a press release with hard facts naming and shaming? Would WMP like to comment further? I feel guilty leaving mini me in the car whilst I pay for fuel!
  5. The Belmont brook runs a great deal farther south than the landfill site, past the golf course & Clehonger if I remember. The Newton brook source is the two Belmont pools yes, but there are (were) three+ other pools/lakes that fed the Belmont pools farther upstream. What good will be achieved by contacting mr Edwards if this is possible?
  6. If you're an immigrant- you're welcome. If you're illegal - f@@@@@@@@f
  7. Bobblestock! For obvious reasons no further information is needed! The situation has been reported!
  8. I have been informed that a three year has recently been reported to have been left home alone for atleast two days. A delivery driver made two attempted deliveries to unknown address with the same response both times. "Mummy's in Poland, Daddy's at work!" After second attempt he then questioned a neighbour for further information regarding the child. Neighbours reported matter to children's welfare. No further information. Source reliable.
  9. Today it has been brought to my attention that the entire length of Newton Brook needs a clear out, along with a haircut! Items listed are the usual suspects, trolleys, tyres, garden waste etc etc. This brook was the border boundary between Belmont and Newton Farm; however for whatever reason these boundaries have now moved. Running from Belmont Lakes along waterfield rd along side three counties hotel & Glastonbury close villa st into the Wye. Clearing this area will obviously help the natural course of the water flow and encourage wildlife to return. I remember catching alsorts in that brook many moons ago. Got many a soaking in it too, trying to jump it! Now I just see detritus and sometimes water. Who's department does this fall into? Would Cllr Edwards care to organise a community clean as its in his back yard? Or is it BB jurisdiction? I notice that the Belmont brook is well kept!
  10. Why on earth did they not collect them on the day? Wouldn't have taken an hour and a nice little OT earner for BB. Madness! Did 'our' man turn up?
  11. I've got two left feet and the only game I ever played in, I scored was in the wrong hole - I blame the keeper, so As you guess I'm no lover of the game!! Credit where credit is due. For a Sunday league team they're doing well. Where's the profiteering crew Tommy & co now eh?! Well done United in the Ford of the Shire of Hereford FC
  12. Ross Vegas or even Royal Leominster Spa!
  13. Won't cost you anything on Monday slim!
  14. Don't forget though that the misfortunes of the budget is due to Top Gear's filming stunt! I quote Osborne "it was so noisy I couldn't concentrate on doing the budget"
  15. Has Cllr Edwards (Rt) borrowed that hiviz from Crown Prosecution Service? Don't believe a word he says Dillon, he's on par with Freedom Church! I bet that was a logistical nightmare for him, he had to walk atleast 50yds to get there!! NEWTON FARM stretches a lot farther than your doorstep Phil! I'm sure Mark Eden Dykes informed you of my request whilst you were there? Perhaps that prompted you for the photo opportunity?
  16. No more of a burnt out, boarded up shell! ;) it would then fit right in!
  17. Which 'Wally' came up with that name? As far as I'm concerned and no doubt hundreds of others (yes I am that confident) GWW has and will always be known as 'The Lines'! Sorry to reign! on your parade, but what was wrong with calling it 'The Lines Walk'? You're not convincing anyone calling The Lines, Wally. Will Cllr Edwards (Rt) be joining in and be available for a long chat, after all it is a long walk?
  18. Having been to Switzerland a few times. The first thing I learnt was, watch out for the trams; they have right of way over everything! All the lights work in sequence too and having been there as non tram educated, I learnt within the hour! They don't go sucking you in like trains either. Bikes and buggies cross their paths frequently. But then again Switzerland is a country that is years ahead of the game with sensible ideas, listens to its citizens and thrives with tourism. Wonder why? I missed 4 trams and 6 trains; I only arrived a minute late!! I also agree, a tram along GWW etc does not necessarily have to uses rails, why not use a 'seaside train/tram'? Self sufficient, eco friendly, quiet, safe, revenue generator WMP could even use it as a patrol vehicle and I'm sure councillors could put in some travel expenses too, even if they don't use it!! Win win. Or am I just talking sense?
  19. Have you been in contact with Cllr Edwards (Rt) then?
  20. What happened Sunday morning? Belmont road 930am and it was stacked packed and stationary! I don't think they were all off visiting 'mums' either!!
  21. Only joking. I just didn't want NF to feel left out!! No such events with Mr Edwards at the helm. I'm over to Jims patch. NFCA shop could not give me any more information regarding the whereabouts of Mr Edwards than we already know.
  22. Very good Roger! I don't have the inclination or time for FB. I heard word by physically talking to people, so I'd like to share this family event with others, who run their lives by what is happening on FB.
  23. I have been made aware that the infamous and elusive Cllr Edwards is busy organising a party for HRH on his doorstep by Belmont Poolside! As far as I am aware no one in the community has been contacted, either to assist or input in this "community party". I have not been able to obtain any further information or provisional dates. I again attempted to contact Cllr Edwards the other week whilst at the park nearby with mini me. In regards to this and other issues that have been raised throughout the ward. Even though he was in he refused to answer the door!
  24. Another event in Jims neighbourhood!! Nothing of such Southside! Perhaps someone can post the FB link? I shall be visiting the Quarry with mini me for this. It's at Easter!
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