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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. Stirling effort from Jim K not only did he participate in the spinathon with his IOC team but also topped the table for close house in town today. Not bad for an old man! ;) No such public displays from a certain councillor in anyway shape or form!
  2. The "other" Kettle is at the aptly named COPPER KETTLE. bottom of aylestone hill.
  3. Another reason to highlight the daily struggles of mental health problems.
  4. That's the alfresco lift in view! Also notice the 'suicide' doors on the far right? No balconies on them? There are 11 apartments on each floor. Move in date scheduled March. Do look nice though.


    Instead of giving them the top floor also which is almost always empty and retaining valuable revenue for HC. Yet another wise move by the council.
  6. Halo have their eyes on it!! :(
  7. And a cycle track is in talks too.
  8. That good roger. They can also be used by Other blues for deploying lifesaving equipment to areas that may take hours to reach on foot reassuring casualties that help is at hand. IIRC one of the mountain rescue teams use it to send radios rations and ropes etc to the fallen. GPS is wonderful.
  9. It was! I know I asked Michelle. It was of concern to me.
  10. It'll never take off!! Pardon the pun! Those poor eagle will loose a talon or two! HOT KNIFE BUTTER???? My largest is 1.5kg has four 10" carbon fibre blades spinning at 55,000rpm avg. - you could lose a limb. My smallest is 200g smaller than my hand and often leaves me with rather nasty papercuts!! On a serious note, say the eagle misses and only takes out a prop or two. That drone is going to drop like a stone, should it injure someone, who is to blame the pilot who WAS in control or the falconer for causing an incident? I say incident as accidents can be avoided.
  11. Please do take the time to fill this in. I was unaware of this until today, whereas only 0.02% of the 56000 people in Hereford have filled it in. It's our county and what needs to be done. Don't complain if you don't fill it in. It even mentions a bypass!! https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=144620162827 Please tell everyone you know to complete it.
  12. Just convinced my old dear to ditch the DIY and buy a squeeze and go! Less to think about, now that concentration is gradually being replaced with daydreaming!! Saying that, she maybe a limit lover, avoid Mway, curse if she's overtaken and be the only person to turn a 3point turn into a turn in the road ("oh did I just drive over the pavement, you should've told me")! But she is damn safer than many of the younger drivers on the road. That said I'd still give her a few more years before I become the taxi! A wise man once said to me, don't drive any faster than your guardian angel can fly. I too have take a AIM course and a Defensive driving course in a LWB transit mid winter! - that has almost prepared me for any situation to arise on the roads. I leave my hooning about on the track!
  13. X-Files was cracking. Really makes you think!!
  14. Been there too. Leave it to the insurance company. Write a polite non mitigating letter to the third party stating that all correspondence must now be sent to your insurance company. Record and send any correspondence to your insurance company if it comes to you. Mine was resolved in 18 month! They still denied responsibility even though their insurance company admitted liability due to circumstance. My premium was not affected. You could always walk the area and look for private CCTV it may help?
  15. Anyone care to request a FOI for his current works? What has he done for Newton Farm since being elected, apart from taking credit for the Belmont fun day?
  16. Can they not use the Ethelstan Crescent entrance to GWW? Yes it may be a 10 minute extra walk but what’s ten minutes for a piece of mind? The Redhill folk don’t have to succumb to the construction traffic at all. They can continue over the the bridge and cross at the Oval crossing! Admittedly yes the Belmont estate was different, as it was built on green fields 'out of town' whereas Radford Gardens is an Urban Redevelopment; However the last phase near to the old Almshouse wasn’t.
  17. So are you running this May Glenda? Clearly Phil Edwards will not get a single vote judging by correspondence or should I say lack of! Credit where credit is due Glenda
  18. For the record, I have no "pals" or "friends" working on the building site, merely a site manager, assistant site manager and a Keepmoat Customer Relations Manager whom I liaise with to resolve any issues that may occur, just like your good selves. When I see a "suit & tie" in a hi-viz wandering around, I make the effort to engage with them whoever they may be; after all I am living in the middle of a construction site and like to know what is going on, and anything that may be of a concern to me. This is how I found out about the road closures and scaffolding! Sorry to say Denise, but it wasn’t "so bad" after all, merely a few kick boards missing and use of inadequate planks, until this was rectified the scaffolding could not be used - nothing serious, just off site H&S going overboard. I’ve seen and worked on much much worse. Remember when building sites were not fenced off? Practically all of Belmont was always open when it was being built. Clearly you have not been around any construction sites before if that is your opinion on the cleanliness of this site. This site has been short-listed for numerous awards. I’m sure Julie in the Sales office can fill you in on that one. Glenda, it is imperative that H&S is not ignored and followed to the book on all construction sites otherwise the developers will be fined and/or dismissed. Like I said earlier "Safety rules vary widely and circumstances sometimes call for different actions. Never the less, many things are universal." What do you suggest? Close the site down and disappoint all those waiting patently for their affordable property? Will that make everyone happy?! I have no faith in contacting HHL, it took them six months to fix my lock-up roof, only when I refused to pay rent was it immediately fixed - funny that! Glenda can I ask you to suggest back to those parents who continually complain to you to maybe use another route? These parents are obviously unhappy yet continue to use the route that make them unhappy -it doesn’t make sense! Try using The Lines, Audley Close, Goodrich Grove, Belmont Road? It is no secret that contacting Mr Edwards is impossible so why not take the matter further up the chain, and make an official complaint and don’t vote him in next time! No matter what H&S procedures are in place accidents can happen, when this happens it then becomes an Incident and HSE are informed and will investigate. Remember -- nothing can take the place of common sense. Is there anything else I can help you with?
  19. Lets clear a few things up. H&S are on constant watch over the site - no complaints were received, but late last year the scaffold around the new flats was condemned. This was addressed immediately. Bumps, Shunts and Claims, are of no concern to anyone other than those Parties involved - it then becomes a legal matter. Fork Drivers will only manoeuvre wide loads above head hight to avoid access restricting objects or to off load, when travelling they should be as low as possible without restricting peripheral vision. Public drivers need to slow down around the site, the roads are wet, muddy and uneven; with constant Construction Machinery with unpredictable movements. Parents need to be extra vigilant and keep their children within arms reach, not letting them run down the path which is often the case. Children are unpredictable! ALL WARNING SIGNS NEED TO BE ADHERED TO. Take a different route if you really are that concerned about your own safety and those around you. You are walking around a LIVE construction site; Safety rules vary widely and circumstances sometimes call for different actions. Never the less, many things are universal. Feel free to address any concerns or grievances you may have to: Richard Watts (Site Manager) Neil Parton (Assistant Site Manager) Call into the Site Office Please don’t expect them to reply immediately as they have more pressing and important matters to deal with. Hereford Housing Tenants can contact MARK BUTLER You can also contact your local councillor PHIL EDWARDS to get your issue resolved quickly. For all other issues regarding Health and Safety at Radford Gardens Construction Site please contact KEVIN GUEST, who will deal with your complaint in due course. Remember -- nothing can take the place of common sense and good manners. Radford Gardens Construction Site is active for another two years.
  20. I notice that the elusive cllr Edwards has written a blog. Perhaps this is why he does not have time to respond to his Newton Farmers letters?
  21. I read today somewhere that you would need need to smoke 320 joints (presumably in a day) to obtain a death certificate! However if you were still able to read said death certificate, cause of death would read "Carbon Monoxide Poisoning" not cannabis overindulgence! Who'd of thunk it!!

    The BBC

    I stand corrected, I'm so out of touch with this nowadays. It's only really David Attenbrough stuff that I watch. But... A contradiction in terms. "The licence fee is not a payment for BBC services (or any other television service), although licence fee revenue is used to fund the BBC." And it's not covered by consumer law.
  23. See here https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/3921502/car_park_notice_of_variation_of_charges_feb_2016.pdf

    The BBC

    We all pay our licences right? For what, the 100s of channels we have; the five or 6 BBC channels? No just two. That's right I did say 2. BBC1 & BBC2, that's it. The others content are available on the Internet, which does not require a licence. Agreed that some content from 1 or 2 is available but after the programme has aired the show. Some are not available at all. Now the Beeb want to cut the service without listening to Joe Public who pay for it and a few heavyweight MPs are wading in too. Please have a read and sign. Can you also share this petition with your friends. Thankyou. Have a look at this: https://speakout.38degrees.org.uk/campaigns/bbc-people-power?utm_medium=email&utm_source=member&utm_campaign=thankyou_email_campaign_link The BBC might not be perfect - but it belongs to the British people, not the government. So it should be up to us to decide on its future. The government asked the public for their views on the BBC - but now it’s trying to ignore them. It looks like the government doesn’t like what it heard from the public. Can you call on your MP to make sure our views on the BBC are heard? If every MP feels the pressure of hundreds of their local constituents, it’ll be impossible for them to stay silent. Check out the petition here: https://speakout.38degrees.org.uk/campaigns/bbc-people-power?utm_medium=email&utm_source=member&utm_campaign=thankyou_email_campaign_link Thanks, Dilligaf
  25. Has this been resolved yet by all concerned?
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