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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. Chris I was not being rude or antagonistic. I am merely stating the obvious. A roundabout will suffice. I have common sense. If you want me to be rude I can be? I can also be sarcastic! Why do both councils ask for public opinion then, not listen to the people they've asked for input? They may consider views, but inevitably do what they Initially planned anyway!? Take the road to nowhere2 - or should I just call it a bypass. Please explain its purpose? C'mon even Ledbury has a proper bypass and Ledbury is a third of the size of Hereford!
  2. Today I have received notification on good authority, that Beefy Boys will be planning opening for ticket tasters between Christmas and New Year's Eve eve. Opening for general public pleasure on New Year's Eve. As I understand the general public can apply for tickets.
  3. Starting work on the new kids park now. I'm popping round kilvert rd with me barrow too. Have you seen the piles of woodchip!! That'll sort my (garden!) out and save them a few bob on disposal fees. Que the TREE HUGGERS - get a proper job! ;) Yes they are planting more don't worry.
  4. Switching the Leominster lights on tomorrow. I see hoodies have arrived! Future Friday freebies? I'm still waiting for my car sticker!!! A pen wouldn't go a miss either.
  5. John Deere - Green & Yellow is more appropriate for our 'rural hamlet'!
  6. First things first Chris, (and the rest of the cllrs) GET THEM BLOODY LIGHTS TURNED OFF. It has been proven several times that traffic flows effortlessly when the lights are out of action for one reason or another. COMMON SENSE PREVAILS MOST. I bet 98% of people would agree too. As for the Filling Station, I agree with majority. I can't see folk travelling across town just to use it. I ask you this, tesco is 1 mile up the road, Locks is a further 3 miles but with better quality fuel at the same price; do you keep going or stop and shop too? Then the other way, baynhams another mile and another 1 for commercial rd. In all honesty how many folk generally go out of their way to fill up? They don't! They incorporate it into their travel plans. Let's use common sense please. I know it's hard to find but surly you and your compadres can muster some between you?
  7. Ghastly!!! SOCKS AND SANDLES???
  8. Making room for more......
  9. I bought a coffee machine today. Quite frankly it tastes good. Better than most. So if you want a decent cuppa, hot choc too. Then I'll sell you a cup for 2 quid. Cheap at twice the price.
  10. Has this been resolved yet Colin?
  11. Another great DJ joining the crew. Not long now.
  12. No I don't think they'll be bothered. They just sell a burger no bulls@@t, and no alterior motive.
  13. Almost all nurseries will cater for early mornings and late afternoons, it's part of the working rules directive, also employers have to be flexible around employees childcare requirements. I HAVE TO use this facility almost every week. Yes I have to pay extra but it does mean I can work full time with hours to suit. Averaging 57hrs over 7 days but I then get 3/4 days off. After all healthcare is a 24hr profession! I agree with you on HHL approach to remedial works, (see my other post on garage repairs!) I finally refused to pay rent, hey presto job is booked within hours, funny that. Perhaps HT should conduct a survey of happy HHL customers. Shouldn't take long and it would be a good read too...... May even change HHL work ethics?
  14. Could I remind lovely folk of Newton Farm that (formally) Broxash Drive is CLOSED access is for the 7 residential properties only! There is no entry/exit at the oval end. It's like chuffing Paddington station round here all the tooing and frowing. NO THROUGH ROAD. NO YOU CANT EVEN WALK TO THE CHIPPY. Get the point. The signs have not been put up for fun.
  15. Loads of full time vacancies in the health care sector, not greatly paid but neither is the workload. It's an easy job.
  16. Exactly. I have to work 2 full days to pay for 3 days nursery!! £48.50 for 8-5 at Nusery. I'm in the wrong job.....
  17. What I forgot to add in my previous post was upon talking to the contractors, I asked when HHL had contacted them? Their reply was just now, as an urgent request!! I do feel sorry for HHL tenants requiring remedial works, HHL just don't seemed bothered?! Yes Bill, that was the issue I faced initially. I was told in no uncertain terms that a HA garage was strictly for vehicular use not for storage. So I politely accepted and asked them to fit my vehicle in the garage, they declined. Maybe 40 years ago when they were built you could fit a vehicle in there but not today's modern vehicles. Anyway is a trailer not a non motorised vehicle?
  18. Contractors called back immediately. Being fixed Tuesday morning. Result. Just in time for next months rent then. Phew! Note to Ms Jackson, withold rent until problem resolved - it works clearly.
  19. Two fatalities in as many months. Almost in identical spots. I knew Smiler........ Rip my friend.
  20. We need to embrace what Gloucester, Cardiff and others offer. Ice rink reasonably priced. Grotto for kids again reasonably priced and festivities for all ages, nothing overpriced and plenty of folk using them. What do we have? Lights that look like surplus, donated from nearby shopping malls that use them all year round!! I must say Christmas in Cardiff is magical! Christmas in Hereford is like a 3day old hangover.
  21. Still waiting so called again. Refused to pay rent till it is fit for purpose. Appointment is to be made with contractor and myself within 10 day. If they haven't contacted me to call HHL back. 5months to get an asbestos report, even when I told them initially! Or was it just being delayed as long as possible hoping I would forget? Now I refuse rent payment, we are progressing.
  22. I'm sure she has Glenda. But I bet she hasn't had a £90 pcm water bill amongst other "major" outstanding issues though? I am still waiting for remedial works to be done 6months down the line. I keep on though to the relevant sources, till the work is done which admittedly is a little slow as mostly it is the supplier not keepmoat, and the suppliers blaming keepmoat! After all I'm not paying for it after I have paid £???950.00 for my brand new home. As for building too quickly, could I ask everyone complaining, would they like this project to go on for 5 years or 10? How long are you willing to wait for your new home? This is not a quick build site, go ask someone living in Kingsway Gloucester (old raf base) I worked on that and that was going up at a rate of 1-2 houses a day!! Oh and the flats due to be habitable by Christmas, won't be. Again more complaints from HHL tenants. Can't win. On another note, I'm still waiting for HHL to repair my garage roof.... I keep getting the were looking into it excuse, yeah and I'm looking out of it!!!
  23. A friend has bought one of these, so I will photograph inside in due course. Watch this space.
  24. I too have a new home on the Radford Gardens Development. Having prior knowledge, I expected a few snags that would need resolving. It's a brand new build on a brown plot. Settling in was explained thoroughly and any issues could be directed to "customer relations" and will be resolved. I have had my fair share, more than most. Which keepmoat agreed with!! My neighbours have had very little. This puts things in perspective. All of the issues have been resolved efficiently and having direct contact with Rich (site manager) I can't complain. These houses are built to a higher standard than most if not all developments in the county, trust me I know. Those at the furlongs are shocking!! In response to ms Jackons complaints, she has to go through HH to get the issues resolved, whereas I contact site. I too have had substandard grounds - this work was initially done by HH in the first place!! It was rectified by keepmoat. I can also confirm that Keepmoat have relieved certain contractors due to substandard work and several consumer complaints. I'm not sure what ms Jackson was implying but she has a brand new home courtesy of HH, more than most tenants. There will ALWAYS be issues with a brand new home. So I don't know what she was expecting? Have all the problems not been resolved? If not then she needs to contact HH not HT! Rant over.
  25. Keep an eye out for bromford burgers Hereford Ltd! Applying/applied for premise on OLM!
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