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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. As I write this the HA have closed the near side lane of the new bridge northbound going into town. This maybe planned, but I have a feeling it is due to the high winds and the high structure currently being built!? The path is also taped off by asda. Inevitably either way this will cause chaos in the morning. Driving home this evening there was a lot debris over the roads and all mobile road signs and fencing on the floor. Please be careful
  2. Now I really want to buy next door and start a free "gentlemans & ladies club" just like Amsterdam. The reaction would be priceless and the music wars would be immense!!! Please mr Camelot please..........
  3. Any further news on this? It'd be shellfish not to share it!
  4. Who knows? Hopefully Rotherwas but sherborne is closer!!
  5. Just round the corner is getting as bad, Kilpeck Avenue Garages, rear of 135 Brampton Rd. Carpet been there for weeks, trolley a week atleast, although a few "stickered" bags have been relocated. Once again on Mr Edwards patch. Might just pop it all in the trolley and wheel it down to him!
  6. West Mercia Police are desperately appealing to the public for help identifying a man who was found wandering in the Credenhill area of Hereford on Saturday evening, 7th November. The man, who has given his name as Roger Curry, was found by two members of the public and taken to Hereford County Hospital. He is displaying signs that he may have dementia and has not been able to give any more information about who he is. He is saying very little but he speaks with either an American or Canadian accent. He is white, tall and of slim build. He has grey hair, blue eyes and grey stubble. He squints slighty and so may normally wear glasses. When he was found he was wearing a black hooded top, black jogging trousers, grey and black socks and lace up trainers. West Mercia Police haven't received any missing person reports a man matching his description or going by the name Roger Curry, but enquiries are ongoing to establish if he has been reported missing by family or friends nationally or internationally. Officers are eager to hear from anyone who can identify him from his photo. If you have information about his identity please contact West Mercia Police on 101 quoting incident number 309s of November 8. https://www.westmercia.police.uk/article/14360/Appeal-to-public-to-help-identify-man
  7. My point indeed. So why the VRM? Nicely put! ;)
  8. As I have Daytime Running Lights, quite often I have a mismatched or no VRM on my ticket. What I can't understand is the fact that you have to put THAT entry ticket into the machine to pay then into the exit machine? Where's the problem if VRM is wrong, you've paid for that ticket. Correct me if I'm wrong but that system is flawless on terms of paid parking, no matter how it may be abused. On another note I have also received a PCN or four from Londontown for congestion charges. I've never driven into Albert Square! Proved it via CCTV and they weren't even bothered. Said it happens all the time.
  9. This house won't be dark inside! Lovely view oh and a lamppost in the middle of the front drive too. Compensation for those that are dark I guess!
  10. Keepmoat & Contractors will be digging up the highways around the Oval (shop circle) over the next few days/weeks. This is to install new services to cooperate with the existing ones. This will cause obvious disruptions around that area. Certain areas will be closed off completely during scheduled works. Restricted access in places. Please use alternative routes as necessary. The main disruptions will be the school run as Goodrich grove recieves more thoroughfare, could I ask Drivers using the A465 to be a little more considerate and allow a vehicle or two to exit in front at Goodrich grove? I also know that traffic volume on westholme rd will also increase. Please do keep the Tesco roundabout clear. Thanks. This may also be the time to recampaign to switch off the traffic lights, to elevate the volume.
  11. Some road signs would be nice! No one knows where I live, only the postie coz I told him!
  12. same applies to racecourse too I believe Roj. You can walk round that too any day! It is a private function in a public area. Google it.
  13. Cracking night out! Thanks FOCG! Cheap cider, cheep food and cheap decent fireworks- thanks to Julian. A few people I spoke to were racecourse veterans and said how much nicer CG was. No complaints from me. At my estimated guess I recon 2-3000 folks attended. It was full but not crowded. My only concern was the chap flying the phantom drone over the crowd and above the fireworks. Both illegal and he is not qualified to do so anyhow. (I know who he is and which shop he works in!)
  14. Neither does he, so it seems.
  15. http://www.herefordvoice.co.uk/topic/1873-moat-house-three-counties-hotel/?view=getnewpost Old news it's already been quashed!! #insideinfo
  16. Who's Phil Edwards?
  17. Totally agree. As an experienced bycyclist I nearly went a cropper the other day. I had my little un in the back seat too!! Luckily there wasn't too many people about and I managed to regain composure, if more folks were about we'd both have been eating leaves, and the littleun scared of going on the bycycle again, as it was she found the "wobbly bit quite funny" I didn't!! Can the man in his "scarab minor" return to the GWW please BALFOUR BEATIE? Preferably before I or someone else sends in a compo claim. Thanks
  18. Social services, with each resident having a weekly personal allowance of £23. This is for clothes, holidays, entertainment, presents personal travel etc. It's nothing realistically.
  19. I work in a registered residential care home. 17 residents to 5 staff! That is all the funding can provide! Most have profound learning difficulties and present challenging behaviour 90% of the day. They have received "books" to fill in, to assess whether the residents are fit to work! Most can't even make toast! Each one of these forms will take over an hour to complete, I phone up DWP and explain the implications involved and to send someone round to assess the place in one go, as we don't have the time to fill them in. They don't respond. The residents have been placed there by authorities in the first place as it is a safe environment for them! Only now are we in the process of being allocated 1-1 time with each of the residents, many of whom have been there 10+ years. Absolutely absurd, they should be chasing those that are milking the system. And to top it off we are dealing with 4 or 5 local authorities none of whom communicate with each other.
  20. Sometimes, time stands still. W H DAVIS 1911 What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. Life must've been fast paced, for him to pen that classic. He'd be turning in his grave now!
  21. Could be worse - we could live in Ross Vegas
  22. Beat me to it ragweed Quote bbchw NEWS: Police in Hereford investigate rape of teenager. West Mercia officers were called to an area by Newton Brook at around 8 o'clock on Monday evening after the rape of a 16-year-old girl. An 18-year-old local man has been arrested on suspicion of rape. A large area between Waterfield and Kingfisher Road remains cordoned off next to the Belmont Pools Det Sgt Andrew Bennett said: "We would like to reassure the community this is an isolated incident. "Enquiries are still ongoing and if anyone has any more information about the incident they should call us on 101."
  23. Anyone shed any light on this? Early evening last night.
  24. It is funny to see tho! Guilty on both counts!
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