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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. Perhaps nobody could afford the 743% apr repayment? Still that's cheap compared to some legal loan sharks. Room for retired donkey rescue shop now!
  2. Probably during the week and most likely on the weekends.
  3. Not another FC place is it?
  4. Autism is fascinating. A guy I know has savants, but you can't have a conversation with him. Good a quizzes tho. All the best Denise, some charities deserve funding. Roger I work for a charity. How do you think they pay me the pittance I get, for the demanding work I do? I'm assuming you don't watch anything but BBC on tv as the rest are full of adverts?
  5. Yeah I fall into that bracket! In my heart anyway, Im Peter Pan. My DAB is set to BFBS. Good mix on there. No I'm not in the forces, does this mean I cannot listen? You can't please everyone unless its tailored individually for them, then they still won't be happy for one reason or another. Still waiting for my car sticker!
  6. I know that some of @southsidecops peruse this forum, so could we possibly get an updated update in regards to the crime watch appeal? Those that watched it are aware of the shows impact, and leads to follow up; those that didn't see the program - HT copy-typed it. There has been no information since. Are those "leads" expired? A little information goes a long way. Thanks.
  7. I'd like Jim and HV to take credit for GWW clearing. I wish Jim was our councillor!! We'd get things done, have someone to speak to and respond to our communications. I'm not sure who ours is. Im assuming it's PH11 EDW but no one knows who they are??!
  8. I only waited 4months for BT to install my circuit! Then they wired me to some other poor b@@@rs house!! I've got a direct contact if you experience issues, uncle m!
  9. You are never more than 6ft away from a rat nowadays, whether it's a rodent or the other half, I'll let you decide! Living by tescos, near a brook, neighbors with chickens, neighbors+2 with rubbish in the garden and me with a decked back yard this was the perfect haven for them. It was always wet and protected underneath the deck, clay soil, a free run to the brook with a good food source nearby. I was always seeing them about in the car park. The drain covers had been chewed & replaced a few times! These rodents have incredibly sharp teeth and can chew through metal! I only saw a couple above deck in the garden, but they ran scared and lead me to their hole that I promptly filled. I could hear and see them under the deck most days but what could I do? Buy a flute or move. So I did. Bytheway rats are great long and high jumpers! I didn't move because of the rats tho. Apparently they are a delicacy in South Asia. Catch some and contact the local takeaway!!!
  10. Forgive me if its been mentioned previously but, I drove past Holme Lacy today and noticed a big sign on the school opposite Hortec, stating its now Robert Owens. I thought it was only Haywood that had two schools!!
  11. HHL have now purchased the derelict oval toilets. The oval shops are going to be clad in the same style as the front facing 3 storey town houses and the block of flats currently under construction, or so the artist impression goes! The garages to the rear of the shops are to be demolished to enable more access and communal areas. This work is scheduled to start August 2017. Meanwhile: Invitation to our drop in session! Monday 12th October 2015, between 3pm and 7pm at Jubilee Court Come and join us at Jubilee Court Community Facility to find out more about The Oval Regeneration project and what will be happening in your community soon. Colleague's from across the organisation will be available to answer any questions you may have or discuss any of your concerns. No appointment necessary, just come and see us when its convenient for you between 3pm and 7pm. The drop in session will be held at: Jubilee Court Community Facility, Kilvert Road, Newton Farm, Hereford, HR2 7FE We look forward to seeing you there!
  12. Not yet, mine only weighs in at just over 1KG of glass-fibre and solid metal spinning the props at a modest 11000RPM! Why would I not want insurance at £20PA - Just incase?? Oh and they are powered by LIPO batteries which require special care. A Phantom is slightly lighter in weight but heavier on pocket. A quick calculation reveals that it could drop like a stone at a rate of +5m per second, average reaction time 3 seconds. Should any property or persons be damaged without BMFA/FPVUK insurance and flouting the regs; then the CAA can/will prosecute. These are not forgiving and highly unpredictable. https://youtu.be/P9rnTk6FBzs
  13. BREAKING NEWS........................... Today the Brickies were called off the new development flats opposite 'Old MacDonalds Farm'. After an impromptu visit from the HSE around the whole site, it was only the scaffolding that was deemed unsafe. The only complaints that were made were by the tradesmen themselves who have lost 1/2 a days graft. These flats are due to be occupied by HHL by Christmas.
  14. As a keen novice SPORT pilot, can I please point ALL of you to these regulations. Many folk in and around Hereford are in breech of these regulations. The police could also be in breech. I myself have been spied upon whist flying safely, by an Automated unmanned Phantom (these are the most popular as they can fly by GPS coordinates if set correctly; however they are also the most lost UAVs as people think they fly out of the box! THEY DONT(they are the APPLE of the multicopter world!)) This is breaking the law and governance set out by the CAA. Without waffling on too much and boring you all, please be aware of these regulations. If in doubt please PM me if you have any concerns, please do not post on social media. I will then pass the information to the appropriate sources. I dont want my sport banned. YES YOU NEED INSURANCE. A fully qualified pilot would expect to shell out circa £3000 to enable financial gain and work permits. Yes I have also lost a multicopter £200! I lost radio signal during flight, but this was pre-catered for by setting failsafe. - it is now probably in the back of a combine harvester or stuck in a tree! I saw it decend slowly & safely but still couldnt find it. My others now have trackers fitted
  15. I got an email today, asking me to put forward my suggestions that my local tesco can donate their 5ps to for local causes. Suggestions please. Every little helps.
  16. Enough already, you'll make me blush! Like the Boss said, I'm here to help where I can. Slim - shhh, Nigeeeeel........... ;) Thanks all.
  17. Great idea that needs to come to fruition, and put Hereford on the map. We have award winning local ale, cider and produce/food makers distributing worldwide. Why not celebrate this? Once the "round" has been completed and your card has stamped at each venue, Trade this in for an invaluable "I completed Hereford Voice Live" t-shirt!! Only you can make this happen people of Hereford.
  18. I am looking forward to them opening
  19. Retailers can choose who the money goes too
  20. Great news. Long gone are my days of visiting "Hash Browns" cafe in Plymouth at 0430hrs for a greasy fry up to sober up! Just what Hereford needs. Let's just hope that Tony is not jeopardised by some clowns scrapping on the meadows at 5am with chips in hand! That'll be enough evidence to ensure his license is revoked, never mind the fact that they came to blows over their respective boyfriends anyway! Thank you Tony for feeding us all, when nobody else will. (Many many years ago it was only cllr Rone and his shed who done us proud at 3am!) :)
  21. If it's not broke don't fix it. If things need to be said to each other without the world and I knowing then PM the individual!
  22. Clearing things up. Piloting in Glasgow on fm dab and www. October 12. Available worldwide via www. Then it'll come to the shire once approved by ofcom. Tune in to www on the 12th.
  23. Herefordshire area Private rented, 1bed, circa £480, 2bed circa £590pcm, 3bed circa £630 PCM depending on location. My old private rented place was filled within 48hrs of me giving notice and I was asked if I could vacate sooner, such is the demand. Both of us worked 25hrs a day for 3years to save for a deposit. The graft was worth it as my mortgage is now just over half the cost of what my rent was. If I could afford it I would buy another property and get a tenant to pay both mortgages with the cost of renting one!! I have no idea of council house rent, but I'm assured it's not as cheap as folks think.
  24. Two weeks
  25. Politics or religion..... Best way to start an argument. As you were
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