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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. Yep went Saturday morning blew a fortune for what? Bands artists were not the best, even then being drowned out by the clashes of Danters 90s tunes!! Heard "oasis" and I think Liam had just woken up from an autopsy! Tried a few ciders, I'll stick with Westons thanks. I'm sure the festival was ment to be in Hertfordshire..........
  2. Steve, just for clarity and not turning this into a personal attack against me, I submit this..... "A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof". If I am wrong I will be the first to admit it, however no apologies will be given. After all it is my prerogative for an opinion.
  3. The above mentioned, has finally been taken over by a family and will continue its path as a going concern. It is not making huge profits but nor is it losing money. It is not being changed into a care home which was the major concern, neither will it turn into an Indian sit down restaurant. Maybe it will get a overhaul of the rather drab interior though? Best wishes to the new owners and no doubt I'll see you soon.
  4. GK yes they still haven't got the knife handle. The missing puzzle piece?
  5. Thanks for the replies. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it is a free country the last time I checked! Good to know that only one paragraph was quoted :-) I anticipated that well. Many agree although wouldn't dare say it. Oh and while you are slating me, for the record, I said exactly the same to Nick and Leighton last night. Neither were phased or surprised by my opinion, and we had a good conversation about the area, as its my stomping ground. They said they would even pop round for donuts. I've got nothing to hide. Like I said "Hereford is too small and too local for this not to have gotten around the many circles." Take previous serious crimes for instance, yes majority committed by locals and wrapped up within days if not weeks. My neighbours are Romanian, friendlier than many Hereford folk and are of the same opinion as me. What does that say to you I ask? The police are non the wiser 2 months on and relying on that vital "whisper". A very wise man once said to me, "If you're confronted with a gunman, stay and fight. If you're confronted with a knifeman, run! Chances are the gunman won't use it. The knifeman will and you can't outrun a bullet!" Despite all of the recent goings on I still feel safe in Hereford. But yes the lines needs a overhaul with help BY US and more lighting. Yes I still use it.
  6. As Nick semper said to me and Jess HT at the end, where do we place the resources? At the car crash, the IS threat, the three year olds house who's gone missing or shifting on the local drunks? We can't be everywhere. I think the meeting went off topic and turned into a "what are the council doing" meeting. That was not the point of the meeting imo. I came away happy with what I heard from WMP, not so the council! I agree with Jims proposal of "it's our lines - let's all cut it back" - count me in Jim. Let's face it, it on the councils to do list like everything else; lets lighten their load and save a few quid for another camera/lights maybe!? Even better get the local crims issued with CO's to do it, coincide that with Good old fashioned policing the lines in a panda! But no the council put a stop to that with a bylaw. First things first Hereford council need to abolish the law that the police were breaking by driving their car up and down it! Absurd. Then stop and searches. The only people who disagree with it have something to hide! Too many keyboard warriors out there. At the risk of being slated, I personally believe that this act of murder was committed by someone that had moved to the city from abroad. Hereford is too small and too local for this not to have gotten around the many circles within! I have been assured by Nick Semper & Leighton Harding that police presence will increase both South side and North side estates and along the lines. Both also asked that they need people of Hereford to give the police information however small or insignificant it may seem to them. WMP will be issuing a CRIMEWATCH appeal shortly. Hopefully this will provide the break they need and bring closure to Christians family and return reassurance to the funny ol' folk of Hereford.
  7. I once attended a church (work commitments) when it was mentioned that "A silent offering shall be presented tonight" Indeed - no coins allowed! Is this not begging? I'm pretty certain that this Is true elsewhere too. Oh and yes when I passed the plate there was at least £200 in it. Twenties mostly. Not bad for a few hours singing and reading.


    Dyslexia is a growing concern nowadays. I blame the Xbox and short message service. ;p
  9. 16 days to fix it! Not heard a peep from anyone! I may just get a contractor to do it and invoice HHA, if this is not done by 31st July. Yes I'll send a letter to Paula Kennedy to inform her of my decision. No wait she is no longer there perhaps my jobfile dissapeared along with her?
  10. What with all the crime and violence in the news lately I'd just like to add that prison does infact work. Nelson Mandela - 27 years in prison and hasn't reoffended since!!
  11. Right so I'm in, still a list of to dos but all is good. Site manager pops by daily and making us aware of progress on site etc. Still no BT for another month! A few phone calls later and I have a wifi dongle that BT will pay for until I'm up and running. Very kind of them. Pays to grumble. Those flats on the corner opp McDs are now just about at full height. I must say that it is very quiet round here and the road noise is minimal with those dwellings buffering the noise out. My place is not dark at all, I have the sun in/on the garden all day. So much so that the TV HAS to be mounted on the wall to avoid glare! Oh the hardship!! No need for one in the bedroom tho, I watch the HHAs opposite; it fills their room, but when you stay at home all day with four kids, I suppose you do need a big TV from watch all the sky movies on! They must work from home I guess? I have had wind that a certain Paula Kennedy is no longer at HHL. So I guess that that letter is ......? I'll await your reply Mr Edwards. Still looking for further numbers to support Glenda with the Residents Association- any takers? Thanks for all the new home cards peeps. Very kind.
  12. Hope church is round the corner. Any relation? Oh and 161 was getting a lick of paint by a lonely woman this morning! Commercial road is quickly becoming a 'Fire & Brimstone' preachers paradise.
  13. I notice they are up for sale now!?
  14. Can we not get you lot working on the council? Peace, harmony, common sense and forward thinking = job well done!! ;)
  15. About time, I always use the lines to clear my head and save £20 on BFH, after a night out. Always been wary and never had my hands in pockets! I'm now getting ear ache from the boss, quite rightly so, as Camelot always keep saying "it could be you". I have someone else who depends on me now..... I would like to add my condolences, but also that this is probably a case of known attacker or argument gone horribly wrong, as in the case of the late Mr loader. CCTV will not prevent incidents but it will make people feel safer and provide evidence for swift justice.
  16. What's that? Is it a library or something??
  17. I saw two policeman chasing some bloke today, so as he went past me I stuck my leg out. Big mistake. The car broke my tibia in four place…
  18. WELCOME to 2015: • Our Phones – Wireless • Cooking – Fireless • Cars – Keyless • Food – Fatless • Tires –Tubeless • Dress – Sleeveless • Youth – Jobless • Leaders – Shameless • Relationships – Meaningless • Attitudes – Careless • Babies – Fatherless • Feelings – Heartless • Education – Valueless • Children – Mannerless • Country – Godless We are SPEECHLESS, Government is CLUELESS, And our MPs WORTHLESS ! I'm scared – S*@tless …and This is "Priceless".
  19. According to Tetley, the best way to make a cuppa is to agitate the bag. So every morning I slap her on the 4r5e and say "Two sugars fatty"!!
  20. Do any of HHL tenants have this letter or similar?
  21. Been over there most of the afternoon, good atmosphere good burgers and good strawbs. Plenty to keep kids occupied, without breaking the bank, as quite often these events do like to hike up prices cause the can. But for just a quid my 3yo bounced away a few hours! Good community spirit. Then tucked away in the corner, our friend Fil. I overheard him say to one of the Hufc lads, "well done lad, your quite good, and keeping the kids entertained. Councellor phil Edwards Newton farm I ....." The lad walked off before he could finish. I did try to have a few words with him, but I didn't get chance to, to busy making himself known to others, especially the ethnic majority! I quote "if you need help (signs a house & writing) come to me, I will help you". Why doesn't Fil organise something like this on his patch instead of stealing someone else's thunder? Still not even the few showers dampened spirits. A good afternoon out. Well done Belmont.
  22. Yes Colin, as I understand it EVERY new build HH & Private are expected to pay this sum. As for the HH flat block, is that not going to rendered? My real concern would be the oval. HH are in charge of renovating this! Or will it be a clause that is put into Mr Cheungs contract, when he flushes the toilets!!???? Oops may have just given them the idea.....
  23. Part of the clause I'm afraid HTB provide the solicitors for whole site!
  24. "The Hub" is moving to site office/cabins at the end of project, "the oval shop/flats" are having a makeover by HHL - tbc, not keepmoat! Jubilee ct is the next area to go...... I'm boycotting paying it as are almost all others, as far as I can understand its is for "shared areas not adopted by Hereford council". It is termed "deed of covenant" which I will be "asked" to enter into.
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