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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. All I can say is that I’m shocked! Big expectations but No thought has gone into this whatsoever. To me all day means at least 8am to 6pm,10hrs! 7 acts and I can’t see them doing more than an hour each! Cheeky girls 15min max - 2 “songs†that leaves 3+ hrs to fill. But they’re not going to start at 8 more like noon or 2pm, so not really all day. So much local talent and some great international talent that has come from the Shire, not one listed, I doubt even contacted. Dried up has beens who probably contacted them. I’d rather spend my £35 at a festival for 3 days seeing real talent, (midge excluded)! And I have. Disappointed to say the least. Someone please can we have a proper festival/party in the park type event like other towns and cities annually do. Or are we all too scared because of the Cider & Sausage fiasco a few years ago. So much local talent going for us.
  2. I’ve been told that once the WHOLE development has been completed, only then will any resurfacing work take place. Keepmoat in Liverpool are having a right pasting by the media, most buyer have had their leasehold cut or sold off without knowledge!
  3. I can confirm that this place has been taken over by Mr Stephen Ray Director of White Spider Climbing company based in Surrey. Trading under the new name of Green Spider Climbing, they aim to reopen the centre within the next few weeks, with improved features. Mr Ray has also said that Green Spider will honour all existing vouchers and membership previously bought from The Send, once they open. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=108223226655385&id=107596333384741&locale2=en_GB&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R
  4. That one then has been authorised.......
  5. I might be getting my wires crossed here but, the route has already been decided and given the go ahead. Work to commence by the end of the year. Linking Rotherwas to A465 at Clehonger.

    Road Safety

    I’ve got a multitude of items I keep in my boot. Courtesy virgin blanket, courtesy Hilton towel, courtesy YFC wellies, courtesy various builders hiviz, courtesy BA shovel, courtesy hotel biscuits & sweets. Jump leads, torch and tools that I bought, and a flask of hot coffee!! Always prepared
  7. Jason Nellist, 40 and of Nicholson Court, Hereford, has been charged with her murder. He has been remanded in custody to appear before Hereford Magistrates Court on Monday (15 January).

    GWW closed

    A man has died after falling from the bridge at 620 this morning.

    GWW closed

    Police sealed off bridge at Hunderton. No entry. No further information. Let’s hope the camera was of use.
  10. ROAD NOW OPEN: Sadly one person has lost their life. Condolences to all involved.
  11. https://councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk/documents/s50053657/Appendix%202%20for%20HTP%20Options%20Consultation%20Phase%202.pdf
  12. It appears that BB and company read these pages, and act accordingly. Tonight I didn’t spot one fallen tree or even any overhanging branches! It appears that BB (credit where credit is due) have been along the GWW southside and pruned it back severely with the heavy artillery, judging by the tracks! Now they just need to send the sweeper down there to remove the mud clumps and left over debris!! Much better and brighter now thanks BB. ðŸ‘ðŸ»
  13. And that is the problem with our social society.
  14. According to plans NCP are actually placing a ticket barrier at the end of Stonebow Road. 10minutes Free entry, Pay on exit. This will help elevate the current issues of patients being unexpectedly delayed and receiving tickets. The 8-10 residents will get a free pass, and a staff ID passes. I can only imagine that this will only cause extra delay on Commercial Road. Money Talks.
  15. Ts & Cs Proof of Herefordshire residency, ie a utility bill with proof of address Undertaken a minimum of 6 driving lessons Current provisional driving licence Herefordshire Council will then Reimburse applicants on completion of the 4-hour 2WheelsAware course and on proof of driving test payment or on presentation of receipt of test (pass or fail) Maximum reimbursement of £62.00 (standard cost of weekday test) One application only.
  16. I have been reliably informed today that the other bypass sorry, 🤪 link road between Rotherwas and Clehonger A465 has been given the go ahead and work will commence by the end of the year.
  17. Colin, Denise, Having worked for numerous care companies over the years I have seen it’s demise, and all through greed! I was being paid £7p/h my client was being charged £19p/h! I was then let’s say with one client till 1230 then my next client would be booked 1245 on with a traveling time of 25mins between the two. No lunch break as we’re supposed to eat in between calls. This is the problem. Also care/residential homes are now taking on more needy clients as they require more care with more income with no more staff!!! A local independent company I worked for has recently been sold to a large multinational company, who can commit the funds for care. The workforce has also had a 45% turnover! Workload increases but pay remains the same. If you want to see real care in the community visit Switzerland. A basic health care assistant is on £25 per hour compared to our £7, and what our HCAs do, in Switzerland would be covered by a nurse. Most requiring care have only one or two, to help them stay independent or friends as they’re known. Medication is not given by HCAs.
  18. Nobody wants to pay for care anymore, but families expect someone else to deal with it! I was made aware just recently of an elderly person in desperate need of respite care. The children were advised by lawyers to sell the property and pocket the proceeds as according to parents wishes. This in turn then left the parents with no assets to fund private placements and the LA would deal with it! Sounds all too familiar. My great aunt HAD to sell her property to fund residential care in the end, the authorities already helped her also as she was a spinster. As soon a my mother applied for power of attorney (as my aunt (96) was now bombarded with LA letters and the like and confused) the authorities were all over Mum. Every single penny of my mums and my aunts scrutinised. The LA even wanted a copy of the funeral expenses and demanded over £400 for some bursaries or something that they hadn’t accounted for!! All done and dusted Mum then received a tax bill for the little remaining money!! In my opinion, if you have a property to sell to fund your care then so be it, why would you need it anymore surely your health outweighs financial benefits? Yes I own my house. I was never fortunate to inherit one. I have insurance to cover all eventualities. Knowing that my hard earned money will not cost my family or LA a penny is probably one of the wisest decisions I’ve made. I also know that by the time I require assistance the cost would be inflated considerably by today’s values, but isn’t that what paying insurance is about? My house is my child’s. We work for everything receive nothing and expect our children to follow suit.
  19. That’s just the weekly regulars Adrian!!! ðŸ‘ðŸ»
  20. I have noticed an increased amount of vehicular traffic using GWW southside. This will inevitably be BB on the bin rounds, however during their haste they are failing to notice that they are churning up the grass and leaving a muddy hole trailing it all into the path itself as they dodge the fallen trees - instead of removing them too. Do they not have a smaller vehicle they can use? Can they keep off the grass? Can the road sweeper not make a journey down there once a week to keep the surface cleared of debris? Also it is still awaiting a survey to repair the surface in places. This is a vital artery for the non-motoring community and it should be maintained efficiently, which it is not - unless it is a community led action. Now they are raising council tax.....
  21. 3/4 of the Council Cabinet are The Ageing Population! New blood is what is required, but they can’t get in....... Then you have the ‘out of town retirees’ ditching the big smog to see out their days in out beautiful county. Fair enough they’ve done their deeds and paid their dues, but Herefordshire is a lot cheaper to retire into than London Oxford and the like, does it not make sense to? Those apartments on the new bridge, you wouldn’t get a garage for that price in London, nice retirement apartment though- cheap if you sold your London pad! A friend has recently bought a modest 4bed house large garden etc, off Aylestone Hill for less than a quarter of what they paid for their London 2bed flat with no garden. They couldn’t believe how cheap the properties are here! And here is the problem. Hereford is an ideal property hotspot for wealthy retiree southerners. Two/three properties for the sale of my tiny London pad........ let me think..... Shame we don’t have the same wages as other larger cities.
  22. That’s Facebookist!
  23. The Warehouse Climbing Centre at Gloucester Docks has offered some assistance to those who are genuinely out of pocket by the closure of The Send Hereford. Please contact the General Manager directly via email gm@the-warehouse.co.uk , with your case details. They will then advise you further. Hope this helps out a few.
  24. I have heard today that the place was stripped out inside as much as possible, late Christmas Eve by the owners. No chance of it being reopened then!
  25. Yes CPP. Both wifee and I work there, but we can only have one permit -albeit for both cars. However we cannot park both cars together! We had to apply for a permit jumping through hoops to ascertain valid reasons for issue. As wifee does school run and 9-4 and I work nights and out of hours we applied for an on-site permit. Declined. We were then told that we would need to reapply for offsite parking instead; instead of cpp just issuing offsite anyway. However all parking spaces are on first come first served basis. I believe the ratio to be 25/1 on permit/space. So cpp coining it in from permits alone. From experience if you’re not parked by 7am you’re very unlikely to get a space until after 6pm! My next gripe will be more secure bike parking as the cages again fill early am and as so many get pinched from outside but nothing is being done. Cpp are onto this too.....
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