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Everything posted by DILLIGAF

  1. NINETEEN FLATS......... In that space; who will habit them - the borrowers?! I'm sure building regs state that hight is restricted, so no higher than surroundings which is 3 storey- two if you exclude shopfronts. Don't you just love the optimism.
  2. It is now also one way. COUNTERCLOCKWISE Really should have installed oneway spikes in the road to stop the idiots! When school resumes it could prove interesting! No doubt folk will still obscure the entrance, but now it is one way no one should be que jumping in the first place.
  3. Was out on the town last night. First in a while. The new Hogwarts pub is well presented and maintained. A group of lads were getting a little over excited and had their ear bent by security, allowing them to continue their enjoyment but toned down. Well tackled. I digress...... Walking from one establishment to the next I encountered a 'bare' High Town - and what an eyesore! The place was covered in litter from the day traders, it consisted of pop bottles coffee cups wrappers of sorts fast food tubs etc etc. Does it not get cleaned after hours? It really was a shocking sight. Disgusting. Why do I pay my council tax again?
  4. This is happening again today peeps. Ignore the date! Times and events correct though.
  5. If the council want more cyclists then they better plan more useful routes, not like the haphazard and frankly dangerous Holme Lacy Road. As the Belmont Road is being churned up again this week, no doubt more bycyclists will be taking to GWW. This has in places been reduced to single file and dangerous due to overhanging BRAMBLES, hedgerow and trees; especially between Hunderton & Old bridge. Just recently it has also become an oblivious wanderers paradise due to some new phone game!! Needless to say I've nearly skittled a few teenagers who randomly change direction with their head stuck in a phone! It won't take a tractor 5mins to trim it back. Is this too much to ask? Oh and please clear up the thorns afterwards. Wouldn't want a claim put in from some dog owner with a pooch with a saw paw or angry bycyclist with with a double flat!!
  6. Firstly my apologies to Nick for not updating sooner. ;/ I have spoken to the good man who explained the situation in clarity. I'm now happy!! I did get a response from WMP as below. I just wanted to update regarding your query over a stop of your vehicle by police officers on Belmont Road. I apologise for the length of time that has elapsed since being stopped and yourself being updated. As your local policing team we contacted the Sgt's who supervise the roads policing officers who were the most likely unit given your description. They in turn have asked their officers. Sgt Hargreaves team were on duty that evening, they don't specifically recall the stop. He replied as follows ; It appears to have been a routine stop check, the officer probably had no concerns, made his excuses and let him on his way without needing to do further checks. I have done this myself many times. I don't know if you can pass this on to DILLIGAF to re assure him. Hopefully this clears things up. Many Thanks
  7. Hottest place in the UK today tops of 33C! Today in "the office" it was 29C and I had the joys of wearing Lead aprons! The NHS is truly a 366 day service.
  8. The original Screwfix! Remember going down there with my Grandpops for a few screws or bike chain links or cables and the like. If he didn't have it it wasn't worth stocking. Shopfront wise nothing much changed in the last 30+ years! IIRC 1984 he closed.
  9. Helmets save lives! I came off, off road admittedly, bounced off a tree, slid 20yds on my side and a large rock stopped me in my tracks. I got up dusted myself down and kissed my helmet! Immediately went home and spent £30 on another helmet, no questions!! Should be made compulsory like in many countries. Save the NHS money too!

    Euro Exit

    Good old Britain; start the ball rolling. Belgium have followed suit...... Exiting the EUro
  11. GWW Opposite rowing club is dangerously overgrown. Overhanging/fallen trees. And the loop by the tennis courts is like polished glass in the wet. To be fair the GWW is the safest & best "road" surface to cycle on in the county. And the new holmelacy rd is a joke. Cyclists still have to dodge in and out. Where is the cycle lane? A farce in its entirety. HC and BB haven't a clue.
  12. If he'd have stayed and it all goes wrong or such; DC would have been made a scapegoat. Damned if he does, Damned if he don't!
  13. Once complete, there will be improved parking facilities and a one way system around the oval and cycling provisions. At the moment it's a nightmare with shopper parking negligently and driver fighting to get through, neither considerate to the other.
  14. Tonight it appears that that some tenants have moved in. I say some more like 1 or 2 out of 33!! This is a week ahead of the proposed (again!) schedule. Old flats on kilvert road imminent of being demolished too.
  15. Fair enough. Heard diddly squat about it tho. Hardly worth all the effort putting it all up for a day or two! These events are usually heavily flyer'd. Ah well misery solved. Thanks.
  16. http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-1352-1/dissemination/pdf/Herefordshire/GL29018.pdf"]http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archiveDS/archiveDownload?t=arch-1352-1/dissemination/pdf/Herefordshire/GL29018.pdf[/url] http://showmeengland.co.uk/hereford/tourism/the-hereford-light-infantry-museum-herefordshire-england/ Not much here but interesting nonetheless built in 1938/1939 if it helps! If I recall what I have been informed previously. I believe you are not far wrong. It was later changed to commemorate Sir David.
  17. I see another shop has succumbed to Hereford city council extortion racket. NTFO cycle shop (old crystal rooms) is closing down. To be fair this is a very good pro cycling team with pro cycling prices, with a shop in Hereford! Beats me! "Champagne lifestyle Lemonade Budget" springs to mind. I can only assume that shop sales weren't two grand! and rates were even higher. Hopefully they'll resurface WHEN Jim gets this velodrome project under way. (No pressure Jim!) All the best to team NTFO
  18. Yes it's gone as quick as it came!! Clearly something illegitimate!
  19. A lad I went to school with has never worked but has everything free from you and me! Boasting he gets £200+ a week handouts & can't work because hes had a bad back since 1995! What you might call a player of the system!! "Why do I need to get a job, when I get paid to be in the pub everyday?" Four kids by four mothers too, none of which live with him! I'm proud that mines all bought and paid for by hard graft since 95! SOCIETY!
  20. I notice some encampment on the Hinton side of the meadows. Can someone enlighten me? Not seen or heard anything anywhere!
  21. Cycle to & from the hospital every day via GWW as far as possible; by far the best "road" surface in the county although I have noticed that the shrubbery is encroaching very fast! Also the lack of awareness from pedestrians is astonishing! This morning I came across a woman with 6+ dogs splayed across the path/grass on retractable leads, casually chatting to another lady! Seen me coming and made no effort to move! Weaved round a few dogs & leads and nearly ran over another that was on the grass, and she had the audacity to shout at me!! Then you have riders weaving all over the place making it nigh on impossible to manoeuvre around them without collision. For recreation purpose I frequent Forest Of Dean trails. They have it nailed over there, £3.50 to park all day ploughing all the money back into the facilities. MARKED Bike ride routes & bike hire (family, mtb & extreme DH, child friendly etc) MARKED woodland walks, play areas, toilets, cafe/shop MARKED BBQ areas OH and wild boar!! This time of year it's hard to get a parking space it's so full! And what have we got? The meadows full of dog poo and not much else and overzealous parking violation operatives!! 20minutes away if anyone wants to go.
  22. Judging by the recent on site activity and the number of "drive-bys" it is imminent that the flats are nearing occupancy status. I have also heard that Mr Edwards will be making an appearance and engaging with his newest constituents. It will also be a phased move in as 33 occupancies moving in all at once will be utter carnage!
  24. Can we have an update Mr Edwards?
  25. Can we have an update Tracy?
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