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Irena Sulecka

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Everything posted by Irena Sulecka

  1. I would not walk along any of these areas after dark. I appreciate that people and women in general should be able to walk around anywhere after dark but I personally would not walk along here, stick to the main roads where there are people and traffic.
  2. It's the way forward and also good to see more new homes locally.
  3. Neither did I to be honest. These pictures really show how much rust is on the railings. I hope that this is still safe.
  4. Some people are just vile. I hope that they catch them and that the courts put them in prison
  5. What a lovely location to place this camera.
  6. Excellent and well done to these ladies and to you Colin for the good work you have done in publicising this event
  7. Beautiful photographs. We have not been to see the statue but plan on visiting over the coming weekend
  8. I wish they would listen to Colin who has long campaigned to turn off the traffic lights, I notice other local groups are now highlighting this too which will keep the momentum going. Congratulations to Anne-Marie Probert on her win and well done to all of the other candidates who stood.
  9. This is tragic, thoughts and prayers go to this lovely man's family.
  10. Now I have a better understanding of why the measures were put in place, it makes sense after listening to this explanation. Thank you
  11. I just read this on FB, happy that the Wallaby is safe and well. Nice story
  12. Another tragedy and someone taken so young in life RIP
  13. Loving the positive vibes
  14. It's a business Rob so I would imagine that they did have insurance, it is probably a requirement of the lease too. And welcome to Hereford Voice forums hope to see you as one of our regulars 👍
  15. This is such a shame, the business has just got going and apparently really busy too. We ordered from here a few times and the food was lovely. Hope that they manage to survive and reopen soon.
  16. A lot of this does not make sense to me. Local retailers will loose out here and making the old bridge one way if just ridiculous
  17. Don't complain when the prices or community charges go up to cover this free period
  18. I get so frustrated with some people in the supermarket who completely ignore the arrows and try to get within a metre, I always ask them to back away.
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