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P. Rowe

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Everything posted by P. Rowe

  1. So you can buy cold food but not hot? So how does that stop any potential trouble from clubbers? What a load of rubbish! never heard so much rubbish, this is about the police trying to save money by not deploying additional weekend officers and nothing more! It makes no difference whether people can buy hot or cold food how ridiculous is that?
  2. You clearly did not read Colin's post here did you?
  3. Yes I have noticed too. Come on dude it's not all doom and gloom
  4. Good letter Colin, lets hope that the ht prints it next week.
  5. It's NOT a fine, it NEVER will be a fine, and it has NO LEGAL grounds to be passed off as a fine, and there's nothing ILLEGAL about the parking as PPC's have no right to make traffic laws up as they go along, something which many of them seem to think that they can. IT'S AN INVOICE, AND AN UNREASONABLE ONE AT THAT. The most they would ever be able to reclaim in court is actual PROVABLE losses . . . i.e. the price of a P&D ticket. But they would first have to prove who the driver was, IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE, the advice given to Councillor Powell is typical of what most people do, they get frightened by the official looking document and stupidly pay it. READ ALL ABOUT IT FIRST and you will see that its a scam. This is a good place to start
  6. This looks handy
  7. Just heard it again now while sat in my kitchen. Good interview and very Herefordian sounding lol
  8. Nothing that Amey do suprises me anymore
  9. Turn all of these traffic lights at this junction OFF! And leave them OFF!
  10. As Colin has said on a number of occasions, these traffic lights should be turned off and this should be turned back into a roundabout.
  11. Having another garage in the city can ONLY benefit the motorist and help drive fuel prices down or at the very least stop the current cartel! Competition just has to be good, regardless of the above post that megilleland has added.
  12. Browsing the new site :)

  13. I was inquisitive about this, So I asked one of our refuse collectors this question today and he informed me that it would be more than his job is worth to look inside anyone's bin! he said that this is a load of baloney, simply because it would be considered an invasion of privacy, it is also against the law and they are VERY HOT on this sort of thing and it results in instant dismissal. The fact that I am a bin man does not give me the right to look into or through anyone's bin. I had a feeling this would be illegal.
  14. This is the post. So when I said codswallop I meant your comment about the bin men looking thru your bin not being illegal, when it obviously is!
  15. Oh ok ok I am not going to argue over words! telephoned, contacted you, stopped you in the street then, whatever! I am not disputing that they found unclean food containers in a bin. But I was actually referring to your comment about the bin men looking in YOUR bin! (read my whole reply) and the fact that it is illegal!! Even though you seem to think it is not with your examples.
  16. Councillor you really do talk some codswallop! "Someone has always telephoned you" eh... of course it is illegal! if that was the case I could just go through anyones bin and get all their personal information and have an identidy creative time! It is called DATA PROTECTION may I suggest you read up on it! also try contacting the police and see what they tell you, it is totally illegal!! illegal!! illegal!! I just read this article Here you may find it interesting.
  17. I was inquisitive about this, So I asked one of our refuse collectors this question today and he informed me that it would be more than his job is worth to look inside anyone's bin! he said that this is a load of baloney, simply because it would be considered an invasion of privacy, it is also against the law and they are VERY HOT on this sort of thing and it results in instant dismissal. The fact that I am a bin man does not give me the right to look into or through anyone's bin. I had a feeling his would be illegal.
  18. My wheelie bin is very full the time and there is no silver foil in their, so it must be full of McDonalds and pizza empty boxes this time around
  19. I have to agree.
  20. Now I am really confused as Cllr Edwards refers to this brook (Glastonbury Close) as Newton Brook like Colin I got this statement from HERE Rightmove also refer to this as the Newton Brook HERE So can we have some clarification please
  21. Yeah you said all this once Cllr? Bin men need a talking too then as there are clearly taking the wrong items, have you answered any of the above?
  22. Obviously no thought put into this whatsoever. Why have they removed all of the logs, how annoying
  23. Over a year on, so have they come back to you yet Glenda?
  24. We know that Glenda because Colin had already told us!
  25. Congratulations to Colin, Belmont Voice has today gone over 100,000 website hits, now that is incredible in less than 2 years! fantastic.
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