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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I will laugh my head off is someone pissed up gives her a good slapping, stupid cow, what does she want? I have read the police statement and there seems to be no pleasing this nutcase. I agree with some other members that she is making a right mess with all sorts of crap building up, it won't be long before something happens to either her or a motorist, motorcyclist, lorry driver or bus, mark my words.
  2. Wow, how clean are they! I like the fact that they have cctv, this is what we should adopt here in the UK.
  3. I have read both topics and have to agree, less or no benefits and you appear to have less disabled people, strange that.
  4. I agree with H Wilson, the authorities need to move her on, dangerous location to say the least.
  5. But the majority are! I have been visiting the festival for more than 10 years and have attended 4 times. Glastonbury is famous for it's attraction of these people but now strangely, I see more and more festival goers trying to distance themselves from this article, funny that.
  6. I like this idea, do we have anymore updates or is it still early days?
  7. Very good
  8. The Communities and Local Government Department says 14 high-rise buildings in nine local authorities have failed cladding tests. All Labour run authorities, all cladding fitted in 2005/06 under a Labour Government. Pre economic crash, pre Cameron, pre austerity. Oh, and one authority is Islington. Their MP for 34 years has been Jeremy Corbyn. Awkward.
  9. They are all as bad as one another all trying to gain one over the other.
  10. I am very British and very patriotic, I love the Royal family (immediate members) and all that they stand for and I am more than happy to sing the national anthem. I have no problem if they up date the anthem to something else but no bothered either way.
  11. I agree, time to change tactics. Time to arm all police and if they don't like it then they should look for a different career, the world has changed and we as a nation need to change with it
  12. These explain a few things https://www.confused.com/on-the-road/driving-law/new-speeding-laws-fines-come-into-force or http://metro.co.uk/2017/04/23/new-speeding-fine-laws-come-in-tomorrow-heres-what-you-need-to-know-6592386/ or http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/advice/the-truth-about-speeding-fines/
  13. Still no ATM machines! I had to walk across to Tesco yesterday because the car park machine wouldn't accept my card (warn out chip). I know there was a planning application sometime ago which was refused for some reason, so that's it? No ATM's ??
  14. For not shopping in them I guess but that said, I get fed up of going into shops not finding my size clothes and being told by staff 'oh you can order online', they keep saying **** like that and they too will have no jobs!
  15. Jim will be getting my vote, so who do you suggest then?
  16. Charles has joined the independents this is new to me? Good luck to Graham in his move to Shropshire
  17. At least they have the sense to do the works at night.
  18. I don't think they should have the choice, you cannot join the police in the majority of Europe and say 'oh by the way I don't want to carry a gun' if thats ok. It is part of their uniform, the same as soldiers. I wonder what the result of the he same survey for soldiers would reveal?
  19. I agree Colin. Question, when they escorted Theresa May from parliament today why did her security team have firearms in hand? Apparently we don't need the police to carry firearms in the UK. Police should be armed, period!
  20. So how does not being popular with the royal family make him dangerous?
  21. I love him, he has done what many would love to do but don't have the balls to do it!
  22. When I see massively over the top, I actually mean people use the race card all too often, hence massively over the top. Of course racist remarks are totally unacceptable 100% but my point is when is something not acceptable? So you can swear and throw abuse at players and the ref as long as you don't bring colour into it? Surely hurling abuse that you are all for is in a very grey area, so in your book you can shout 'You F'ing cheating Bastard' and that is all okay? I do not agree, they amount to the same in my book, only thing you have done is not used the word Black or something else that would be considered racist or hate.
  23. You cannot have it both ways, it is either acceptable to hurl abuse or it is not, where do you draw the line? John Barnes suffered loads of racial abuse, now that is a big no no (anything to do with race has a massively over the top reaction in my view) but you appear to be condoning shouting 'You dirty fouling cheating F'ing Bastard' but put the word BLACK in front of the word F'ing and you are in deep trouble. Swearing and shouting vile abuse these days at any public event is not acceptable to me.
  24. The same as above, I have not fallen out with you bob, have a good one
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