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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Happy New Year one and all all the best from Alex
  2. I will not fall out with you Bobby, everyones view will differ, but on the subject of EU migrants in Hereford, these people portray themselves as Polish, Czech, which does not help but is an obvious front for illegal activities, but anyone with half a brain only has to look at these people to realise that they are obviously not from Poland or an East European country, so this has nothing to do with the media does it? It has been proved that they are migrants that came here from Iraq (mostly) or Albania and they are flouting the law but many people are too frightened that the law will jump on them if they say that these dodgy people are 'muslim', it is easier to blame a fellow European. As soon as a mosque is attacked or someone says something about a muslim the police are all over them like a rash, freedom of speech is non existent in many of these cases. I have a Satellite dish on a motor, so I pick up news feeds from around the globe and also some uncensored feeds, I am fully aware of any propaganda but I have to say, most of these attacks do appear to be from Muslim people whether we like it or not, anyway I would like to wish you and your family and safe and Merry Christmas
  3. I am not saying pull up the drawbridge, it is obviously to late for that option, but they should have done checks before ANYONE was allowed to enter! This is basic security measures. I have just flown back into the UK from a recent trip to Spain, I am a EU citizen and guess what? I was checked several times before I left the UK and even though I had only got onto a plane, I was checked again when I landed in Spain, then I was checked yet again when I left Spain and again when I landed back in the UK, I reckon I wouldn't of got anywhere near airside without my passport or documentation proving who I was and yes you now going to say many lost their ID in the rush to escape all this persecution in Africa, oops I mean Pakistan, sorry, I meant to say Albania, or was it Afghanistan or Morocco nope maybe it was Tunisia oh no, that was it, Syria!
  4. Bobby, I do not buy into the notion that Angela Merkel opened her doors she acted as a humanitarian, fuelled I think by two noble causes. To help the troubled Middle East region and to set an example to the rest of Europe that this is the way to behave in the modern world, and that Germany, with its dark past, has learned its historical lessons and intends to learn from them, she did this because Germany needed cheap labour to help their dwindling economy and there is nothing humanitarian about that! That is my opinion and I share this view with many other people. I agree many thousands of these people are genuine refugees but equally many thousands will not be genuine refugees! There are obviously terrorists disguised as refugees too, over a million people, yes a million! All lets into Europe without any checks, Angela Merkel has blood on her hands and there is a lot more still to come, but next year I will be surprised if she does not loose power, German people are fed up with her and what then? Yes she will just slide into the history books for someone else to clear up her mess, which is probably an impossible task now.
  5. Sounds a good idea but I feel it is flawed, unfair on any future legit business person, based on this then half of Eign Gate would be empty. Personally, I understand there is no real easy option but Police and Trading Standards, Customs etc, should have powers to close a business down immediately! They would not get away with this in some other European countries, they are taking the pi*% and everyone knows it.
  6. In some cases they may have citizenship for a country but usually their origin is from outside Europe. Nice attacks: Berlin knife Attacke Sept 2105 Würzburg train attack 2016 Ansback bomber You want me to continue?
  7. But what if they sell up and someone else moves into those premises, they will not be able to trade?
  8. They should ban the business from EVER having another licence again.
  9. Murderer is still at large and could even be out of Germany by now and ANYWHERE within Europe.
  10. Does anyone know when this hotel closed? This could be an ideal solution for the school.
  11. Oh yes please!!! 24 hours access is available in many cities nowadays and would be just perfect for me and my work colleagues who work shifts. I hope this opens, no contracts either!
  12. This list is getting longer and longer, well done. Colin, is is possible to have this list displayed in a boxes on the side of the forums?
  13. Upper floors yes but this application is for change of use from retail to residential to include the ground floor
  14. Unfortunately we see this happening more and more, I sincerely hope that the planners object to this change of use.
  15. Very clever
  16. That is you! But I would pay these prices and often I do especially if it is a particular brand like Stone Island. You only get what you pay for, it is not for everyone I understand but I think you would be surprised at how many people will buy branded products regardless of price. I look forward to this new shop coming to Hereford.
  17. Thank you for the info Cllr. The community centre offers a much used meeting place for many local people as well as the library facility, I do hope that you manage to obtain the additional grants required to keep the centre providing these for the next 3 years.
  18. 40,000 visitors it is a no brainer. The Council should pay for room hire the same as anyone else.
  19. What does the law say DILLIGAF? Drone too close to traffic I suspect? (wicked photograph's though)
  20. Yes it is about time we started seeing some nice modern homes instead of the dark B&W & drab victorian ones, why do people want to keep some of the older more run down buildings? This is half the reason why there are so many empty shops in Hereford! Most are either old & damp & in need of a lot of money spending on them or they are listed, new is much more attractive for businesses & I know if I was opening a business which I would go for! Another reason that fire damaged mess in high town is still there, how many years have passed now? They should of demolished the lot in the first place & built new shops with apartments above which I believe is now on the cards.
  21. So what happens when all this rubbish is blown across onto the road? Unbelievable to think so called adults can behave like this, they should be ashamed of themselves.
  22. Hello Tracey, I noticed that the trees coming down Abbots Mead Road are all overgrown and stopping the light from the LED street lights getting through, especially near the bus shelter.
  23. Happy days, in fairness it is probably due a refurb now but it is good to see money is being re-invested, looking forward to the new look.
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