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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I am in favour of a new pub too, this would make a real change to having pubs closing down. Funny though, as soon as a pub closure is announced 90% of people will say "oh no this is such a shame" yet now plans have been submitted for a new build pub we are not hearing those same cries.
  2. Because they think it is theirs! What is the point of having a precept if you are not going to spend it? Can we lodge a complaint to the HC about this? I mean is this being monitored by anyone independent of the BRPC? There are many things this money could be used for, cutting the grass around Belmont for a start and sorting out the overgrown trees, bushes and weeds. Belmont is far bigger than just the Jubilee fields! I was reading through the various meeting minutes, I understand that the BRPC are going to buy a sit on mower, well I have to ask, how long does this take for goodness sakes? This was proposed earlier in the year, we are now coming to the end of the summer and almost into Autumn. Surely they just need obtain a few quotes and make a decision yes?
  3. When I walked home this afternoon I could only see one chap and he was sat in the van smoking.
  4. No this is what happens when idiots like Angela Merkel let into Europe over a million apparent refugees/economic migrants with hardly or no checks and applauding them at the train station. I don't see this happening in Czech, Hungary, Poland and all the other countries who refused to take them, do you?
  5. I remember the German people clapping their hands when these refugees/migrants arrived at the train station, I bet they were not clapping at this train station last night. I fear more events in Germany are inevitable. The countries that said no and the countries that put up fences appear to be the safest in Europe, good on them for protecting and putting their citizens safety first.
  6. Good to see where all my deducted tax is being spent! Justice system has let them off in my opinion, they should be made to pay this money back.
  7. These Countries are quite within their rights and just because they refuse to bow to the left wing policies that 'Mother Merkel' is trying to force upon them your condemning these nations? We will be sorry in the end wait and see, I agree with Paul Jones and K Butt 100% and Cameron is spineless backing down.
  8. What does this have to do with this topic and award? Congratulations to the centre well deserved, keep up the good work that you all do.
  9. I am disgusted at this and so are the people who have left comments and rightly so
  10. Within a few weeks the same owners of these shops have a applied for a booze licence next door in Kubus, only one of the others owners has actually completed the application, this is all a front. I thought Kubus was already selling alcohol? See here: https://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/media/8060557/kubus_polski_sklep_consultation_ends_040516.pdf
  11. No common sense in the city.
  12. You have to be pretty sad to go to the lengths of a court case, oh well it takes all sorts
  13. Excessive to me, especially when others get away with a lot less for bigger crimes.
  14. I agree 100%, call me old fashioned Xenophobic I couldn't give a toss.
  15. What utter rubbish! It is merely a tiny chip placed just under the skin. I agree with the fines and yes there are still dog wardens and also private dog wardens too like the RSPCA, what planet are you on?
  16. I assume these Kurdish owners must now hold British passports or be British citizen is order to open a business? They are taking the p i s s.
  17. LMAO
  18. Deport them!
  19. ha ha this is brilliant http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/19/frankie-boyle-jeremy-corbyn-elected-destroyed-murdoch Who doesn't want to see Jeremy Corbyn elected? It would be a glorious six-day reign Frankie Boyle
  20. Wow great photo, if they are quick they may save it. Where are the tree huggers now when you need them lmao
  21. All signed and shared
  22. That is an odd thing to say. I am sure you would not be saying that if you had friends and relatives employed by Tesco.
  23. The PM is 100% with this policy. Corbyn has no proper strategy other than everyone in Calais can all come to Britain, frankly I find him to be a loose cannon who has not thought this through at all.
  24. Yes I had a look at some RGB multicoloured floodlights only yesterday, pretty cool and they use minimal power.
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