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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I have been watching and listening to Corbyn's comments on this video http://news.sky.com/story/1628526/let-3000-calais-migrants-come-to-uk-corbyn Question: What is wrong with living in France? Why do they all want to come to the UK? (France is a safe country, nobody asked them to build these camps nobody is forcing them to live there)
  2. Why would you want to use 60 and 100 watt light bulbs when an LED will do the same thing using less than 9 watts? Why am I not surprised that you do not recycle? I also have LED bulbs throughout my home and for reading I use cool white rather than the usual warm white you often see in supermarkets, if anything, they are too bright.
  3. They should deport these perverts once they are convicted, immediately! It is only going to get worse, they clearly do not know how to behave or do they? This would not happen to their women would it. That's the thanks Germany gets for taking them in and applauding them as they arrived.
  4. I cannot believe this guy has landed on his feet again. I wonder how much he will earn out of this position when he leaves?
  5. Yes, appreciate you doing this exercise again. It must take a while for you to put this little lot together. The numbers are more or less the same like in past years. The council should come up with some incentives, like free rates for a few years etc instating of wasting millions of pounds on new paving again.
  6. You may end up eating your words dippy, someone is already using a name similar to yours http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/14205583.Two_men_who_continued_to_attack_man_at_Hereford_flat_despite_him_being_unconscious_avoid_prison/?action=success#comment_15219497
  7. It has been a sad day, Brummie Stokes and David Bowie both legends in their own right passing away, may they both rest in peace.
  8. They are taking the micky!
  9. Hard to believe that 9 months have passed already but no big shock here, I expect it to still look like this in another 6 months time. Great eh, they will NOT have a trial to turn the traffic lights off as apparently, it would be dangerous but not repairing/replacing signals and lights is okay..
  10. Sad to hear
  11. Alex

    See santa

    Exciting stuff :)
  12. It looks like a different number on the plate to me, they must also be on an emergency eh..
  13. Welcome to HV. Air strikes against Isis targets are working http://news.sky.com/story/1605245/exclusive-large-numbers-of-is-fighters-killed
  14. I had not heard about any allegation of a sexual offence by the landlord either? I thought it closed because of the fire.
  15. I have just been reading about this, nice World we live in eh? They should make an example of this idiot.
  16. I used to drink here every weekend, so looking forward to a pub opening rather than closing for a change.
  17. Core your a happy soul eh, you are not happy with anything, surprised you don't just stain home.
  18. I see the HT are somewhat behind with their reporting. Cosy Club was announced on Hereford Voice in September lol http://www.herefordtimes.com/news/14123866.Restaurant_in_former_Farmers_Club_will_open_next_year/
  19. Drybridge Walk brings people out in St Martins Street, I have always felt that this pedestrian lights are quite dangerous they are not in the best place.
  20. Alex


    This is what the muslims want to do! They want to get rid of Christians & Jews & are the modern day Nazis
  21. This is brilliant, thanks for all the updates.
  22. So called refugees are now coming from Bangladesh too, Angela Merkel has opened Pandoras Box. http://news.sky.com/gallery/1592786/refugees-macedonia-border-protest
  23. Cough cough
  24. Fingers crossed for them and good luck with the new business.
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