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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Wow, what a difference, great effort Colin.
  2. I think you will find there are plenty of them. I have never seen so many disabled parking spaces in Hereford, so are we to believe there are more disabled people now than there were 10 years ago, or just more scammers?
  3. Light bulbs in the subway at grey friars replaced within 10 days of Hereford Voice bringing this to the attention of the local authority and reporting it to Highways England. Well done Hereford Voice. See original topic
  4. This is excellent news, to be honest I never thought any of this bulbs would get fixed. Another one for the HV achievements list.
  5. I agree, this could be easily rectified in less than a few hours. New brighter bulbs is the first thing needed because it is way too dark and not many would feel safe walking under there after the hours of darkness. I like Colin's idea of mirrors angled so that you can see around the corner.
  6. Helloooo I am not surprised at all and I agree this will not help genuine refugees. David Cameron has stated that the UK will only take people from registered camps and this makes complete sense.
  7. Do we have any updates re the Velodrome?
  8. I have only just seen this one, video speaks volumes.
  9. I have been a member here for a long time and I think it only right that we give credit where credit is due. As a collective HV and the members here have achieved many good things over the years and I think we should start to list them in recognition of all the hard work put it. Please forgive me because I can only think of a few that stand out, notably the hot food campaign and the cctv on the gww. Then there was the grass cutting petition and the working boys home and off course the keep clear road making on the Belmont roundabout. Let's all start listing these results. Successfully campaigned to reverse reduced grass cutting with this petition New metal fencing on the Belmont Iron bridge (preventing kids climbing) New duck signs installed following request along Haywood Lane near to Belmont Pools. Open space at bottom of Glastonbury Close cleared and tree's cut back and 2 reduced to stumps preventing kids climbing over metal fencing near McDonalds. Litter pick around the Oval Shops and various other locations Successfully campaigned for CCTV along the GWW. Campaigned successfully to reverse previous decisions to prevent late night food curfew - many food outlets are now open until 3am and even later on bank holidays, thanks to this long campaign Working Boys Home Colin James cleaned all of the road signs from the Iron bridge on A465 Belmont to the Clehonger junction and also along the whole length of Haywood Lane and other signs around the Parish. Successfully campaigned and managed to have 'Keep Clear' road markings painted A465 Tesco roundabout exits. Highlighted, contacted HH and managed to have the garages at Redhill repaired (GWW) Cleaned the GWW with many other residents, Cllrs and Police. Successfully campaigned to have Salt Bins placed for Sydwall Road and Glastonbury Close with thanks to the Parish Council. Campaigned here for New lightbulbs and repairs to the lighting within the Greyfriars Subway. Colin James managed to persuade Balfour Beattie to cut down dangerous trees and bushes on blind corner in Glastonbury Close Hereford. Clean up of Hereford Duck Pond with many volunteers and managed to obtain 3 new information signs kindly sponsored by Vets4Pets. Repainted fence with funds from Hereford City Council and secured up £5000 for aeration pumps/fountain.
  10. I think you should start a topic listing HV achievements, seriously I do.
  11. This is long overdue but good news all the same. Thanks Colin for keeping up the momentum over the past 3 years.
  12. Colin has been pretty fair and upfront imo i do not think he will give out specifics.
  13. I try to recycle as much as possible and it is surprising how little general waste I now have. I always remove small bottle tops and never put fold in the recycle bin, that I save seperately and take to the foil collection bin at Asda.
  14. They should of kept it as the Hop Pole which was a proper established pub. They could of still refurbished the place but keeping it's identity. I agree with Roger BBQ and Brews had no real identity as such, I am not sure what they were trying to be and I saw very little advertising either.
  15. I vaguely recall the name blevs02@yahoo.co.uk, oh well I'm sure there is good reason even though sometimes were better off not knowing.
  16. Thank you for this information Amanda, I will do my best to attend.
  17. What an utter joke, no ATM.
  18. I notice they have painted the Broadleys, a cream colour which is loads better than that dark red.
  19. Their absence is becoming obvious. Glad I met Colin at the Victory last year and had a pint together and exchanged numbers.
  20. Well done this is excellent local news
  21. Not sure why your posted sign should make any difference, empty houses when we don't have enough houses available for local people now is diabolical.
  22. This house could be used to home a family, I cannot understand for the life of me why nothing has been done about it.
  23. yes that will be the next money making scheme to add to the parking meters
  24. Maybe the Freedom Church have bought it lol
  25. Yes. And for good measure, maybe they could wear some sort of special clothing to disguise the fact they are women? A black veil or a something...
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