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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Yes some weeks I do, its not about going out to get a bit of food, maybe I want to do some DIY and If I run out of paint after 4pm, right now, I would have to wait until the next day (Monday) but if the local DIY was permitted to stay open until 8pm I would not have that problem and before anyone says anything, this is just an example. I am with Frank on this one, its about choice, if you choose not to shop after 4pm then fine but if you want to shop then thats fine too. Not everybody wants a Sunday to be like it is now, some people work Sunday's and have a day off in the week but on the flip side of that some people work Monday - Saturday and Sunday maybe the only day they have as a family and relaxing these out of date laws would allow them more time without the restrictions in place that cause everyone to rush and keep checking on the time, which I often find myself doing on a Sunday.
  2. I work 12 hour shifts including weekends at times, so extended opening hours on a Sunday would be good for me.
  3. I would like to wish Mr Ali a happy retirement its a real shame hi family could not keep the restaurant open but I am sure they have already explored that option.
  4. Members will come and members will go, funny, a lot of the old HT posters moaned because a lot of their posts were removed and or they were banned, none of that happens here with exception to one or two members, no pleasing some, if people choose not to post because another has left that is their choice. HV has been around for quite a number of years and I for one enjoy the discussions here and I will continue to contribute where I can, I may go quite for a few weeks from time to time but sometimes you need to have a breather, in general I think the forum is well run and most members are valued. Keep up the good work.
  5. I'm still alive
  6. dippy you have a valid point and you also have an admirer in me. WiiralPC has done himself no favours slamming and abusing Colin for, as many would agree, an overdue polite warning, he has also taken to twitter about it and also recruited Phil Smart, What is that all about? I think HV has been fair to allow his topics even though some were not Hereford related, I also see that Colin has allowed him to express himself but drawn the line today and immediately WiiralPC goes from friend to foe with regard to HV.
  7. No problem. If I am totally honest here, I thought a lot of what he said had substance (although sometimes nothing to do with Hereford) but his abusive attacks on other members, is unecessary I feel these verbal attacks are also a form of bullying, which is ironic as that was one of the issues he had highlighted. Just my two pence worth.
  8. Yes this needs highlighting, how would one go about involving the current administration?
  9. Good afternoon dippy, I was referring to WirralPC and Phil Smart, sorry I thought that was obvious but I can see now it needed clarifying. I am assuming that WirralPC does not work because he is always online ranting, and if I am wrong about that I apologise now.
  10. Funny how they can insinuate that people and celebs apparently are not paying taxes, yet these people are usually the people who claim all the benefits themselves, people in glass houses. No real loss here I feel.
  11. Your a bundle of joy aren't you! Its a good job everyone does not have the same views or Hereford would be truly buggered. You mention there are not many mens clothes shops, there is hardly any in the city centre either, yet you have not been to even have a look. Sorry but people like you really annoy me, You buy your clothes online, well that's your choice of course, but online shopping is killing the high st, you will be the first to complain if it all closed down, its here now, the least we can all do is support it.
  12. An an ideal world yes but we are far from an ideal world my friend. We need to put this into perspective sometimes and yes I really do like tree's and I would like to preserve them too where possible but this demonstrating was you have to admit way ott, well, that was my view. They will come down in the end, mark my words. We will have to agree to disagree, like you said no harm in having different views.
  13. Good evening dippy, I remember how it was done too, I agree that it could of been done better, I do not think anyone disagree's with that, but I think sometimes you have to sacrifice in order to achieve something or progress. I just thought the whole scarf and tree hugging prayers were a little pathetic and it made me cringe to be honest. The 3 tree's that they have kept at the top end would of been fine for me, this council DO NOT look after the tree's and grass now like Steve Major has pointed out. I think I am just fed up with hearing about these bloody tree's and clinging onto this tree debate, 'get over it' The OLM could of been built a lot better too and I sincerely believe they have missed opportunities but its here now and I really like it, we cannot change the past but I would push for a roof between the shops, giving the shoppers a better experience especially in the winter. Car park should be free too.
  14. You really need to get over the felling of the Edgar St tree's Amanda. I think it looks worse now than ever because of the scarf wrapping tree huggers campaign! It's like a dogs back leg, with one odd tree at the bottom. In my opinion, they should of cut them down totally in order to make progress on the essential road works needed, leaving the 3 tree's as they have near the top of the road by the roundabout. These tree's will end up coming down in the long term in my opinion anyway.
  15. Thank you for all of this information, they don't make it easy though do they, the emfasis appears to be weighted towards being refused, Hereford is stuck in the middle ages with miserable old buggers running the show unfortunately.
  16. Bloke is a tosser, can't stand him, my vote will be for CVP.
  17. I was caught short yesterday, I was at the old market and needed some cash, guess what, there is no cash point anywhere on site! I could not believe that. I understand that I can ask for cashback but you have to spend money first in order to get it. I saw a friend of mine and owed him a tenner, had to walk into town before I could get any cash, how stupid is that? A shopping centre with no ATM.
  18. Two things here, Julian complains that the dog has been left without ventilation or water yet when an office goes to let ventilation in the vehicle for the dog you complain about that too? You cannot have it both ways. I notice that you have stereo typed everyone who was out this Easter weekend as being drunk, anti-social and out of control, geez, I missed all of that. Julian had, since his arrival, been remonstrating with officers about the abandonment of our dog and he continued to do so after he had been put back into the cell. He pointed out that leaving a dog in a locked unventilated car was itself an offence and at some point, an officer went to Berrington St to open a window, making him vulnerable to theft from passers by, many of whom were drunk, anti-social and out of control. There is no excuse for this police bullying and unfortunately it is usually their word against yours, so be prepared to loose in court too. Welcome to the real world, sad i know, young officers with power sounds familiar, I would shout and ball and write to the papers and not just the local ones. Good luck
  19. I only just noticed this shop had closed when I walked past this afternoon, such a shame to see so many empty units. City centre is is desperate need of investment and I am not just talking replacing the pavement which was only laid in the last 5 years! Invest in the Butter Market and in Maylord Orchards, whole place needs tidying up.
  20. You can actually see around that bend now Colin. Well done to all on a job well done.
  21. 100 hours community service, are they taking the p i s s ? How is this a deterrent?? Photo's Source
  22. So have they got extended hours then?
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